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Kasperli Shorn

NAME: Kasperli Shorn
FACTION: The Protectorate
RANK: High Lord of House Melantha
SPECIES: Garhoon-Human Hybrid
AGE: 57
SEX: Male
WEIGHT: 180lbs
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Black
SKIN: Pale


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+Strength: Due to Garhoon physiology, Kasperli's muscles are far stronger than any ordinary humans and he is quite capable of incredible feats of strength.
+Speed: With the agility of the vampiric race, Kasperli moves with near-blinding speed.
+Regeneration: Drinking blood and consuming flesh will extraordinarily quicken Kasperli's healing process, giving him the ability to recover from wounds that would otherwise have been fatal in hours and lesser wounds in minutes, if not less depending on when he last fed. Due to this regeneration he is, like other Garhoons, capable of living an extremely long time. Hundreds of years.
+Darkness: Where the sun's rays are an allergen to Shorn, the moon's light is a boon and causes his body to put out more chemicals beneficial to enhancing regeneration, speed, and strength. He is also capable of seeing in the dark.
-Sunlight: Like most Garhoons, Kasperli is allergic to sunlight and will die from overexposure.
-The Force: While he has power with the Force, it extends only to Telepathy.

Kasperli Shorn, High Lord of House Melantha and claimant to the bloodline of Shey Tapani is built with a lean stature, with muscles like whipcords that give him the appearance of a lounging predator, waiting to strike with a lightning quickness. He wears his dark hair cropped short in a military fashion considered stylish by the nobles of the Tapani Houses. His face is as one hewed from granite by a master sculptor. Harsh, but refined. These are the words others use to refer to Kasperli and harsh he is. Eyes like endless wells of dim-lit water stare out from beneath heavy brows, quick to frown. His lips are thin and drawn and tight. They are lips made for barking commands and passing judgement. A mouth that could not laugh and knows not how to smile.

Born to a Knight of House Melantha, Kasperli never knew that his father had married a Garhoon. His father seemed content with his station in life. Kasperli hated it. He grew up being looked down upon by other nobles for his low-ranking station, for a Knight was the least of nobility. Peasants reviled him and the other aristocracy thought him too low to consort with. Alienated by both parties, Kasperli began to formulate a way of climbing up the ranks. His mother helped him, for she too hungered for power.

Kasperli's father did not intend to be a bad man, but he was a drunkard. His lack of ambition stemmed more from his sense of hopelessness. Kasperli thought him weak and his father sensed those thoughts. They clashed many times, most often when he was intoxicated. Eventually, he grew so irate that he struck Kasperli across the face. Shorn impaled his father with his lightfoil.

The Garhoon mother spared no time. She had lived a long life and had had many husbands. She shed few tears for this one. Instead, she drained her dead husband's blood into a cup while it was still warm and offered the goblet to Kasperli, urging him to drink. Kasperli did so and was at once gripped with terrible pain. For a whole week his body was wracked with unending agony until at last he awoke from the haze of pain to find that his body had undergone changes. Consuming the blood had brought out the Garhoon in his DNA. He had undergone a metamorphosis and found himself far stronger than before, but with a constant craving for blood.

For many years after that his mother guided him, helping him rise to the ranks and arranging marriages and assassinations with him. He took in his nephew Tycho under his wing until the foolish youth turned on him out of some idiotic sense of honor, then he raised his sons Mikhail and Seth. They were the births of a marriage to a powerful family whose line was extremely proud of their heritage. His wife was very powerful in the Force, specifically with telekinesis. Too powerful. He had to have her killed, unfortunately. His sons lived on. Most of them. Each a disappointment in their own regard. Yet those his progeny were failures, he continued to rise in station.

He founded the Sanguine Court, a secret court of Garhoons who had long hidden themselves away in the Tapani nobility. It was never enough for Kasperli. He wanted not just House Melantha, but the whole of the Tapani system. Now, in the present day, Kasperli finds subservience to the Protectorate irking. He bears with it for now, until the accomplishment of his goals.

Tapani-class Carrier




Everyone has a weakness, [member="Countess of Báthory"], the trick is knowing how to overcome it... and when to exploit it.

[member="Darth Vornskr"]. Mayhap we shall ally in the future. I'm starting a certain minor faction others might find intriguing.

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