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Kaster Sane (Revamp)


Name : Kaster Sane

Faction : Mercenary/Pirate/Mandalorian/Cannibal

Rank : None

Species : Zabrak (Iridonian)

Gender : Male

Age : 25 standard galactic years

Height : 5' 9"

Weight : 216 lbs


Strengths : slightly higher rate of healing and exceptional pain tolerence

Weaknesses : partially deaf in his right ear due to droid explosion. Sane is also what some would call a manwhore and a masojinist though he considers himself a "Ladies Man".

Force sensitive Yes, Untrained, Unstable

Skills : Droid maintenance, Hyperdrive mechanics, Engeneering, Highly proficient with most blaster weapons, Armor crafting

Personality Calm for the most part but prone to violent fits of rage and sadistic brutality when angered, Mainly keeps to himself only talking to his droid and somtimes others but only when business is in progress.

Biography : Kaster was born on the
planet Tattooine, the son of a droid mechanic. An abusive alcoholic, His father blames
Kaster for the death of his wife in
childbirth , And beats him often for it inevitably building Kaster's pain tolerance greatly. kaster's father takes him into
the droid repair yards at a young age and forced him to repair droids and decrepit starship engines under the threat of brutal savagery from his drunken father.
With his latent affinity in the Force , Kaster subconsciously uses this
power to kill his father in his sleep.

After he kills a local Naval ensign during his attempt to escape, Sane steals a Corellian YT 2000 class frieghter for Mos Eisley space port and quickly makes his way to Nar Shadda. Once on the Smuggler's Moon he uses what little credits he has to change the registry codes on the stolen ship making it his, and also has it overhauled and refitted. Now with his own ship, Which he named the Blackheart , And no money to his name, Kaster began running spice and other contraband throughout the galaxy for the local Hutt crimelords.

During the next several years Sane smuggled spice and other contraband across the galaxy, Stopping here and there doing odd mercenary work for one rising faction or another as a way to make the extra credits to fund the refitting and advance of the Blackheart, though on more than one occasion being paid with armor and weapon shipments pirated from bases and transports across the galaxy. Some of which Kaster kept to slowly create his own customized weapons and armor which he modified himself onboard his ship.

Though exciting even as his life was, Kaster's real adventures didn't begin until the fateful day he was sent to Dxun to hunt and collect the hides of some of the local beasts, For while he hunted and dispatched the beasts with great skill and prowess little did he know he was being watched by a particularly skilled Mandalorian known as [member="Rawnie Tal'verda"] , Who upon finally meeting Sane would offer the young Zabrak a place in her clan and the family the young man had always searched for......


Kaster's Blasters



Name : Blackheart

Manufacturer : Corellian Engineering Corporation

Product line: YT series

Model : YT-2000

Class: Light freighter

Length: 29.4 meters

Width: 21.6 meters

Height/depth: 9.6 meters

Maximum speed (atmosphere): 1100 km/h

Hyperdrive rating: Class 0.75 (Backup Class 10)

Shielding: Correllian TX-420 deflector sheild arrays

Navigation system: Equipped

Armament: Twin Dymek K2 Dual lasers, 2 forward firing concussion torpedo tubes, 2 photon torpedo tubes.

Crew: 4

Minimum crew: 1 (biological or droid)

Passengers: 7

Cargo capacity: 115 metric tons

Consumables: 3 months

Description : Begining its life a a stock YT-2000 class freighter and stolen by Kaster Sane and recoded and now renamed the Blackheart, One of the first modifications Kaster made
was to replace the original engines with
three KonGar KGDefender military-grade
ion engines stolen from the advanced
engineering department of the Imperial
Academy on Corulag . The factory issue
hyperdrive was also replaced with a
modified SoroSuub Griffyn/Y2TG
hyperdrive, giving the Blackheart a Class
0.75 hyperdrive rating. The backup
hyperdrive engine had a Class 10
performance. Kaster also improved the
Blackheart' s sensors and added a
countermeasure/stealth package. Though
these last modifications were highly illegal,
they helped him to avoid unnecessary
conflicts. Having no need for passenger space Sane converted to passenger quarters into a holding area with four holding cells for live bounties. The Blackheart has also be reffitted with several hidden slide away panels form hiding all manner of contraband items as well as well as being able to hide Sane himself, Which he has made use of many times.

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