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Approved NPC Katarina "Kat" Ortega

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  • Intent: To create an undercover operative for The Family within the Coruscant Security Force. NPC can be used via The Family for faction RP's and intel provider.
  • ​Image Credit:
  • Role: Undercover Operative, Dirty Cop, Multipurpose
  • Age: 24
  • Force Sensitivity: Non-Force User
  • Species: Human
  • Appearance: Dark Brown hair reaching to mid-back, chestnut brown eyes and a smoldering look to match. Ears pierced with sensible earrings can normally be found wearing a from-fitting leather jacket with faded, well-loved jeans and her favorite grungy boots. Keeps a modified blaster pistol on her right hip holster and a slug-thrower pistol along the backside of her waist. A little rough around the edges but overall a great cop. Likely to be an even better undercover operative.... ​

  • Name: Katarina Ortega "Kat" Lt. of specialized crimes division with Coruscant Security Force
  • Loyalties: The Family, Undercover as Lt. of specialized crimes division with Coruscant Security Force
  • Wealth: Blue-collar
Notable Possessions:
  • Coruscant Security Force access codes,
  • Modded Blaster (Flash Suppressor)
  • Modded slug-thrower pistol (extended magazine)
  • Generic scattergun

  • Skills: Specialized training in hand-to-hand combat and defensive techniques. Advanced firearms training.
  • Personality: Katarina "Kat" Ortega is a very guarded woman, she's seen a lot of things during her time as a CSF Officer... She has a habit of checking mirrors or reflective surfaces when entering a new location. Kat also has the habit of spinning a ring on her right middle finger when nervous. She can come off as cold but that's due to the nature of her work and recent events with joining The Family. She feels trust is to be earned not simply handed out like sweets.
  • Weapon of Choice: Wits, modded Blaster pistol, slug-thrower pistol or scattergun.
  • Combat Function: Undercover operative with law enforcement training. "Kat" is trainined in most modern police methods and as such can use those same tactics to outthink them. Hand-to-hand or with firearms "Kat" is a reliable combatant. Even with her training "Kat" has the tendency to get herself into situations that aren't ideal due to her hot-headed tendencies and she is but one woman. "Kat" has a track record of stepping over others at The CSF in order to move up the ranks and it has irritated others so her "methods" won't sit well with other cops who already think she's dirty. CSF officers are divided on whether to back her in the field or not. As a result backup may or may not come and is unreliable at best. In her role as undercover operative she can be used to interrogate whoever The Family may need information from and to do so under the guise of "legally obtained intel." In combat "Kat can both provide cover and for use as a combatant herself.
​Strengths +

  • Law enforcement training in weapons and tactics
  • Reliable combatant
​Weaknesses -
  • Hot-headed (Rushes in half-cocked)
  • Bad Reputation (Backup may or may not show)


Katarina "Kat" Ortega joined the Coruscant Security Force after graduating the academy at the age of twenty. Since then she rose through the ranks of the CSF eventually earning the rank of Lt. of the Specialized Crimes Division within the CSF. This division among other responsibilities was tasked with finding intel on member of criminal organizations. Currently the CSF has been focused on The Family. Overall "Kat" simply did her job, made her rent and otherwise lived a normal life as a law enforcement officer of The CSF. One night though she was coming from delivering a report to her commanding officer on suspected activity of The Family when she stumbled across one of their assassins The Talon. Having been rendered unconscious "Kat" later woke to find a credit chit worth her entire years' salary in her breast pocket along with a business card.....

Hey! Awesome sub, just one thing to clear before we can stamp it;

Al-Saher said:
Notable Possessions: Coruscant Security Force access codes, Modded Blaster (Flash Suppressor) and slug-thrower pistol (extended magazine) scattergun.
Hey there :) Just to make sure I understand this correctly - the modification of the blasters is the suppressor, and the modification on the pistol is the extended magazine? Is the scattergun generic?
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