Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ka'thal Valone

Ka'thal Valone

NAME: Ka'thal Valone
FACTION: Sun Guard
RANK: Stellar Legionnaire
SPECIES: Homanan
AGE: 31
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6' 4"
WEIGHT: 245 lbs
EYES: Brown
HAIR: Black
SKIN: Light Brown


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
[+] Shapeshifting Abilities - normally takes the form of a powerful Barabel
[+] Incredible Stamina & Strength
[+] Proficient with all kinds of weaponry
[-] Hotheaded
[-] Cruel

Ka'thal is a towering and robust man of about 6 foot and 4 inches and 245 lbs. He's brown skinned wth light brown eyes and his body is covered in various tattoos. Normally, his hair is kept short in a buzzcut and sometimes has a goatee.

Ka'thal was born on a planet in the Unknown Regions of the galaxy to a very callous mother and father. Both were former military, now fugitives turned mercenaries. They trained him from a young age in various hand-to-hand fighting forms, melee weapon fighting forms, and weapon handling. His training was vigorous and relentless. It nearly killed him on many occasions, but he did not falter. His perseverance was remarkable and his progress moved faster than an hungry acklay.

Once of age, Ka'thal ventured off planet to seek work. He managed to find his first job on Coruscant in only a few months. He was to accompany a Barabel "diplomat" through the streets of Coruscant to meet with a special contact. Ka'thal hastily agreed and the contract was signed. Ka'thal followed the Barabel's every move, not wanting to fail his first contract. Once the meeting commenced, Ka'thal kept a sharp eye out for any traps or anything of the sort. THankfully, the meeting went as planned without any problems or interruptions. Ka'thal followed the Barabel back to his complimentary suite. It was there that a group of assassins ambushed the two in attempt to kill the diplomat. This was when Ka'thal's abilities clicked on. Before he knew it, his body was turning and shifting. His skin became hard scales and his teeth grew sharp. In a few minutes, he shifted into a large barabel. THe assassins were baffled but their target was their priority. They leaped for the diplomat but each one was ripped to shreads by Ka'thal, leaving little to no body part unmangled. THe diplomat thanked Ka'thal, pad him the agreed amount, and got the hell off planet.

A few weeks later, Ka'thal was contacted by his father who instructed Ka'thal to meet with him. Ka'thal rendezvoused with his father who then initiated him into the Sun Guard. Now a Stellar Legionnaire, Ka'thal seeks work throughout the galaxy as one of the famed and legendary Sun Guard.






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