Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Name: Katrao
Species: Kaleesh
Age: 15
Sex: Male
Height: 1.65 meters
Weight: 170 lbs
Eyes: Red
Hair: None
Skin: Fleshy red
Force Sensitive: Yes

Strengths and Weaknesses:

Appearance: His face is completely covered by his evil looking mask, with clan markings smeared on in the blood of his enemies. His whole body, excluding his hands and feet, is covered in dark grey cloth wrappings. He has a small black cape with his clan markings on the back, and a black cloth bandana.

Biography: He was born in a small hut on Kalee. His father was a great warrior in the clan, and taught him everything he knew. Katrao quickly climbed the social and physical ladder, becoming a great warrior. He left Kalee at a very young age, heading out into the Galaxy to forge his own path. The reason he really left was because of the scar that his beloved father's death left behind. He died defending a temple from a horde of Huk warriors, fighting side by side with Katrao, refusing to fall back even a single step, covered in the blood of his enemies, he died too the swarms of Huks, and Katrao slaughtered the remaining enemies, then fled the planet in his grief.

Weapons/Belongings: He has a old bone spear, a force imbued bone tribal sword, a pack of 3 thermal detonators, and a old-fashioned blaster rifle. His only other possession is his pet Ollaback.

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