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Character Kauri Kryze

  • Thread starter Kauri Tu-Matauenga
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Kauri Tu-Matauenga

Character Profile

NAME: Kauri Tu-Matauenga.
HOMEWORLD: Savareen.
  • Pirate.
  • Mercenary.
  • Mandalorian.
SUB-SPECIES: Savarian.
AGE: Thirty Eight.
SEX: Male.
HEIGHT: 5'9.
WEIGHT: 80 Kilos.
EYES: Green.
HAIR: Brown/Graying.
SKIN: Brown.
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Kauri Tu-Matauenga


Kauri Tu-Matauenga is a middle-aged Human male of the Savarian Race. The Savarian's are native to the humid world of Savareen, a landscape of deserts with vast oceans. They are a dark skinned people, of a very spiritual nature. Due to their villages and homesteads being scattered across the world, they were also fairly nomadic and following in these traits, Kauri is little different; Able-bodied with a collection of small paraphernalia woven and mixed in his clothing and general appearance.

He is easily recognized by his hairstyle, brown long dreadlocks that fall to the small of his back, and thanks to his age, slowly fading with gray hair most prominent within his beard. Kauri has rather deep green eyes and dark bushy brows. His general demeanor is laid back and unkempt, emphasizing a certain lack of consideration for what others might think of him.


Kauri Tu-Matauenga is a man of leisure and many vices; His personality can be perceived in many ways though all of which underline the fact that he has learned to rely and get by of his own means. Most especially, Kauri can be proud and arrogant, over-confident in himself and doesn't take well to being patronized or talked down to. While he isn't quick to fire up, he also doesn't run from a fight and is no stranger to getting up close and personal with his hands.

Family Connections:

Blood Ties:
  • Mother:
    • Airangi Tama (Deceased).
  • Father:
    • Tamati Tu-Matauenga (Deceased).
Mandalorian Clan:
Kauri Tu-Matauenga was adopted into the Mandalorian Culture by a warrior named Nikau Kryze, of whom had adopted the Clan name as his own and began to teach Kauri in the Resol'nare, the Mandalorian Creed and way of life encouraging values such as Honor, Strength and Family.

Nikau Kryze was killed defending Mandalore during the invasion of The Sith Empire, in which his sacrifice aided in Kauri's surviving the fierce battle.

Personal Relationships:
  • Friendships:
    • N/A.
  • Mentor:
    • Nikau Kryze (Deceased).
  • Romantic Partners:
    • N/A.
Faction Affiliations:
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Kauri Tu-Matauenga

  • Brawler: A man confident and able up close and personal, he can dish out as good as he's given.
  • Optimistic: Despite Kauri's tendency to consort with the "bad crowd" so to speak, he maintains a rather optimistic outlook on both himself and life in general.
  • Cocky: Kauri Tu-Matauenga is confident as hell in himself and often-times can come off as rude or obnoxious. While it isn't always his intention to get himself into trouble, it is more often self inflicted than otherwise.
  • Criminal Record: Kauri has a Criminal Record and is fairly easy to track for those law enforcers of the Galaxy. While his whereabouts may still be unknown, his past affiliations, contacts and locales are all on file.
  • Languages:
    • Galactic Basic.
    • Savarian.
    • Mando'a.
    • Binary.
    • Huttese.
  • Stealth/Espionage:
    • Pick-pocketing.
    • Lock-picking.
    • Slicing.
  • Mechanics:
    • Starship Engineering.
    • Ground Vehicle Mechanics.
    • Maintenance, Repair & Salvage.
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Kauri Tu-Matauenga


This is a Man who isn't afraid to go after the things he desires, nor hesitant to take risks in doing so. Kauri has a very loose moral code in which only the more vile of crimes are against his nature (The killing of unarmed women or younglings for example). Any man with the ability and intent to defend themselves however are fair play, and if they're not strong enough to keep hold of their valuables, they might just loose them.

No stranger to the law, Kauri has been taken into custody many times over the years for mostly misdemeanors; Although he has resorted to larger criminal offenses for the sake of easy credits, he has yet to be convicted and incarcerated for anything worse than theft. His past offenses, have however built up something of a criminal record and reputation among authoritarian agents across many Government sectors, each able to access his criminal history via the holonet.

While Kauri was born upon the World of Savareen, he no longer clings to any one place but moves between worlds taking on whatever job or lucrative opportunities might come his way.


  • Drinking.
  • Smoking.
  • Gambling.
  • Hunting.
  • Salvaging.
  • Flying/Piloting.
  • Women.
  • Barkeep.
  • Mechanic.
  • Freight Pilot.
Criminal Convictions:
  • Disturbing the peace.
  • Indecent exposure.
  • Piloting under the influence.
  • Theft.
  • Assault.
Character Background & Biography:

Kauri was born of Airangi Tama (Mother) and Tamati Tu-Matauenga (Father), on the World of Savareen in the village of Kirikiriroa, he spent his first few years in poverty under his parents neglect and regular substance abuse. At the age of three standard years old, his Mother would wind up losing her life to an overdose and Kauri's Father Tamati later convicted and sentenced to prison. Years later, Kauri would learn that his Father lost his life in a prison fight, where he was shived by a gang affiliated inmate.

As for Kauri however, his life was placed in the hands of social service agents and he was soon placed in foster-care until someone would hopefully choose to adopt. This never happened and over the years growing up into his teens, he would often wind up getting into trouble with the law, and into fights with others. At the age of eighteen, he became legally responsible for his own health and well-being, released from foster-care and let go to the greater Galaxy.

Much like his parents, Kauri is no stranger to a good time and frequently parties in the local cantina's of whatever world he might be found upon at the time. He has never had any true positive role-models and so has learned to rely on himself to make his own way in life, much of this resorting to criminal or mercenary work to do so. It is noted upon his Criminal Record that Kauri is also affiliated with some Gang Members, however he himself is not a member of any as of today.
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Kauri Tu-Matauenga

  • N/A.
Personal Grievances:
  • N/A.
People Killed:
  • N/A.
Bounties Collected:
  • N/A.
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Kauri Tu-Matauenga

Public Threads:
  • N/A.
Private Threads:
  • N/A.
Player vs Player Threads:
  • N/A.
Character Development:
  • N/A.
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Kauri Tu-Matauenga

Updates: 07/10/2020
Biography placed under appropriate sub-account.
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