Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Art by Relja Popoviћ
Age32 GSY
Height1.42 Meters
Weight77 kg
Force SensitiveYes
VoiceBardin Goreksson


  • A set of modified Matukai adept robes, fashioned in a more blacksmith-esque style
  • His two-handed, sledgehammer-like wan-shen, which collapses into a more forging hammer-like form
  • Some durasteel magnetic tongs, hand-welder, and other small tools for blacksmithing.
  • An orange, dodecahedron-shaped holocron filled with Matukai teachings, proverbs, and meditations.



Kaweh Hujaan is a fiercely loyal and courageous Sullustan known for his pride in his heritage, practical and straightforward nature, and sense of humor. While he possesses a fierce temper and stubbornness, especially regarding the honor of his people, these traits are balanced by his dedication to his community and his technical ingenuity. Kaweh's bravery, combat prowess, and resourcefulness make him a formidable defender and a steadfast protector of his local warren on Sullust.


Matukai: Having been raised in the Matukai Order, Kaweh is masterful adept in his use of the Force. He blends its power with techniques of martial arts, including devastating usage of his wan-shen.

Forgemaster: Having been blessed with some of the Sullustan lust for industry, Kaweh has become a sort of "Matukai blacksmith". He is skilled in forging, making, and repairing items. He even knows how to imbue the Force into such things. In addition, his technical skills make him handy when it comes to starship and droid maintenance.


Short: Because of his species, Kaweh has a stouter and shorter build than a typical human. While the great Master Yoda once spoke of "size mattering not", being Sullustan does have distinct height disadvantages.

Stubborn: Perhaps due to spending many days in the forge, this Sullustan has developed something of cranky, stubborn attitude. That is not to say he is not jovial, but he can sometimes come across as ornery like a bantha.

Kaweh Hujaan, a supposed descendant of the famed Sullustan mechanic Bolabo Hujaan, was born on the volcanic planet of Sullust. His Force sensitivity became apparent early in life, marked by heightened instincts and an uncanny ability to understand and solve complex problems. Rather than sending him to the Jedi Order, his mother entrusted him to an Ovissian friend named Zar Voont, a member of the Matukai. Under Voont's guidance, Kaweh immersed himself in the Matukai tradition, focusing on physical conditioning and martial arts to channel his connection to the Force.

As he progressed in his training, Kaweh's natural industriousness and technical aptitude led him to become a Matukai artisan. He combined his Force abilities with his mechanical skills, crafting and repairing tools imbued with the Force. His talents made him an invaluable protector of his local warren on Sullust, where he developed innovative defenses to safeguard his community.

Recently, Sullust was thrust into turmoil by a Sith incursion. Kaweh rose to the occasion, using his skills to help evacuate refugees and guide them to safety within the Tingel Arm Coalition's territory. There, he hopes to forge a path to the future for his people.
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[COLOR=#ff6600]"Khazukan Kazakit-ha."[/COLOR]

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