Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Kayla Solo


NAME: Kayla Katrix Solo
AGE: 28

SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5' 8"
WEIGHT: 145 lbs
EYES: Brown
HAIR: Brown
SKIN: Light Brown


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
[+]Strong-will: Kayla is strong-will due to her determination to prove herself worthy.
[+] Independent: Kayla is very independent. She doesn't like asking for help unless things get out of hand.
[+] Reflexes: Kayla has quick reflexes that help her out in battle.
[+] Weapons: Kayla is handy with a blaster. In fact she prefers them over using a lightsaber.
[+] Skillful Pilot: Kayla is a very skillful pilot. She knows all the basics in piloting.

[-] Fiery: Saying things in anger without clearly thinking.
[-] Cockiness: Shooting off the mouth without properly thinking first.
[-]Anger: She can easily give into her emotions that can lead her to speaking her mind freely without so much as thinking of the consequences.
[-] Emotionally Attached: She fears getting attached to people because she doesn’t want to lose them.


Kayla is extremely cocky and speaks her mind freely and is not afraid to do so. She tells you exactly what is on her mind without even sometimes thinking of the consequences and if what she has to say will get her into trouble. That little tendency has gotten her into trouble numerous times and it still does even though now she does think through things now that she is older. She is the type of girl who expects something to be done right. She has the attitude that says it is my way or the highway. Never make her mad because she has temper and will tell you off in a heartbeat. She also has a nice side to her once she gets to know people.

She's loyal and will do just about anything to help anyone out that she can without expecting any rewards in return for it. She has a lot of respect for the Jedi because if it wouldn't be for her the Jedi who brought her to the temple she wouldn't be there. She enjoys having her space like everyone else. She also has a bad habit of being a smartass when she talks, but she is trying to break that habit.

Early Life
Kayla was born on Selonia to a Force sensitive named Keira Kolaris and a bounty hunter named Tristan Flax. Tristan was an unreliable man of questionable moral character, and so it came as little surprise when he left Keira after their child was born. Keira raised Kayla on her own until the child was four years old, at which time she found it necessary to become a bounty hunter herself to support herself and her growing child.

Life Changing Experience
Keira's bounty hunting eventually got her involved with some less than savory characters, among them being space pirates who made the majority of their credits through the illegal drug trade. During one of her encounters with these pirates, Keira found herself unable to eliminate a high profile target, which led to the pirates losing a substantial amount of business. Keira's failure on this level resulted in her not just loosing the money for her bounty, but also falling out of favor with the pirates themselves. As the tension escalated, eventually a bounty was put on Keira's head.

While in hiding from the bounty hunters and hired guns of the pirates, Keira was in close contact with a friend by the name of Rex. Rex informed Keira that Tristan was back on-world, and was interested in a reunion with his daughter, Kayla.

Keira was hesitant to meet with Tristan again, but she found her list of friends growing thin, and the danger she found herself in would inevitably mean danger to her daughter. Reluctantly she agreed to meet Tristan in one of the local cantinas. There she made one of the harder decisions of her life in asking Tristan to look after Kayla for her until the heat from the pirates was off. She hated the idea of giving her daughter to this man, but there was no one else she could trust to take care of her. At the very least, Tristan loved Kayla as his flesh and blood. Hopefully that would be enough.

Tristan brought Kayla back to Corellia where he would attempt to raise her as a father should. This was difficult, however, considering Tristan's line of work. Kayla would follow Tristan everywhere, including the Outer Rim to gather supplies and to conduct "business". Tristan also made a point of teaching his daughter how to handle a blaster, in case things got out of control. At least then she would be able to defend herself, and not be a burden. The blaster pistol was a weapon Kayla took to rather easily, and one she carried with her at all times.

During one of her father's trips to the Outer Rim, Tristan left his daughter on her own, as he often did, while he went about meeting his clients. Kayla was used to this, and was quick to make friends with the children of the many worlds she visited. Kayla usually had an advantage over others her age due to her quick reflexes. The children assumed that she was just an unusually gifted kid, but only one person on the scene seemed to appreciate just how gifted Kayla was. A Jedi named Roan Blades had felt a small disturbance in the Force, and upon investigating he stumbled on Kayla. The child’s extraordinary reflexes were surely proof of what Roan could already sense; this child had an affinity for the Force.

Roan approached the child, asking her questions about her unusual gifts. Kayla had no explanation for her reflexes, as well she shouldn't have. When Tristan returned he found Kayla with Roan. The Jedi Knight explained to Tristan that his daughter had a very unique gift, one that she could be taught to use if she were to be trained. Tristan didn't know how to feel about it, but he recognized that his daughter was special. Not fully understanding the ways of the Jedi, Tristan figured that his daughter would benefit from some training, and could be returned to him later as an asset. With this, he agreed to allow Kayla to be taken to Yavin IV.

Life as a Jedi and Training
Young Kayla was immediately thrown in with the other Younglings. During her first years on Yavin IV, she was taught the basics of how to be a Jedi; how to feel the Force, how to control her emotions, and how to alter the Force around her. She was also given basic instruction in the use of a lightsaber, being taught medium style lightsaber combat. Kayla still preferred her blaster pistol, to a lightsaber in a fight, but that didn't mean she was shy when came to using either weapon.

After a few years of training, Kayla was selected by a Jedi Master named Blaine Cross to become his Padawan learner at the age of twelve. Kayla was a very studious learner as a Youngling and as a Padawan, excelling at every challenge her masters placed before her. During their missions together, Blaine would even allow Kayla to pilot their starship, under his supervision of course, as he felt it was an essential skill.

Death of Blaine Cross
When Kayla was fifteen years old, the Council sent her and Blaine to Selonia to assist the local government in tracking down a wanted bounty hunter. That man just happened to be Tristan Flax, a fact that the Council was unaware of, or they certainly would not have sent Kayla.

After the Jedi had arrived, Tristan's associate, Rex, observed their intervention with the authorities on Selonia. After informing Tristan of the Jedi's intervention, the old bounty hunter, once again knowing little of the Jedi, suspected they may be there to kill him. Tristan, however, would not be caught flat footed, he would eliminate them first.

That night, Kayla drifted to sleep with a bad feeling in the back of her mind. She would later be awoken by the sounds of blaster fire inside their ship. Kayla rushed to her master's quarters, but arrived too late. She found Blaine dead in his bunk, evidently killed in his sleep.

Kayla knew deep down that her father was responsible for her master's death, and would be sending someone after her next. Without a master, Kayla did the wise thing and fled to Yavin IV with her master's body, where he could be given a proper Jedi funeral and before he was buried Kayla took his green lightsaber in remembrance of him.

Tides of Change
After the death of Blaine Cross, Kayla went through a rough time overcoming her Master's death. She kept mostly to herself for a few months because she just wanted to get away from everything and everybody. She started training by herself dueling droids and whatnot and it was on this day she met a boy name Anakin Solo who just so happened to have been in the training room the day she was in there. Anakin tried to help Kayla with the droid until she demolished the droid and they talked and somewhere along the way Kayla opened up about her Master's death. That made Kayla realize that keeping all her emotions bottled up wasn't good and she decided to get back to finding a new Master to train her.

A few weeks later, Kayla was having trouble fixing her X-Wing. A young girl around Kayla's age had just returned to the temple and she introduced herself as Jaina Solo. The two quickly became friends due to having an interest in working on ships. Also Kayla received news from the council about Corran Horn choosing her to be his apprentice.

As the weeks passed by, Kayla and Corran went on many missions together, bringing in a couple of wanted criminals to justice along the way. The council sent her and Master on another mission to capture Tristan Flax which resulted in Tristan ambushing them; however, Kayla was able to put aside her personal issues with her father aside. Kayla discovered that her father was working with Drakus Mortis by hacking into their communication system. Due to the ambush attack, Tristan got away, but Kayla had passed her final test she needed to become a Jedi Knight and now she studies at the Temple.






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