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Kayle Akanbar

Standard Profile Template

NAME: Kalye Akanbar

FACTION: one sith
RANK: Warrior
SPECIES: Human from naboo
AGE: 26
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 155cm
WEIGHT: 75kg
EYES: Orange
HAIR: black

SKIN: pale white skin


Loyal but expects loyalty in return
Determined to get his way
Very ambitious


Weak minded and passive
Often too aggressive
Doesn't think things through
Can become very selfish

He has curly back hair and orange eyes. He looks intimidating and has a Robotic left hand. He's usually seen wearing all black, loose fitting clothes. e.g. robes

BIOGRAPHY: Kayle Akanbar was the oldest of four, along with his twin sister Avery. When he was nineteen, he fell to the dark side after being put under its influence relentlessly. He attempted to turn his siblings to the dark side, succeeding with only Avery. Kayle and Avery had been looking after their younger siblings on Naboo since their parents died six years before. Once his younger brother Jhase made his intentions clear that he were to become a Jedi, Rhys set out to kill his ten year old brother before he could ever turn against him. Kayle killed his younger sister, Elora, knowing that she couldn't cope with the dark side and would most likely be killed anyway. However, Kayle didn't realise that his younger brother was watching and the murder had given him time to escape. After murdering his sister and attempting to murder his brother, Kayle and Avery abandoned their home and escaped on a ship.
After seeing a vision into the future, Kayle set out to find his younger brother and kill him before he could rise up and kill Kayle. The siblings, now forever torn, were hunting each other down.

SHIP: One sith one man ship




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