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Character Kaz Cyl-Krayt

Kaz Cyl-Krayt


  • NAME: Kaz Cyl-Krayt
    FACTION: Independent | The Enclave
    RANK: Mercenary | Supercommando
    SPECIES: Zabrak
    AGE: 25
    SEX: Male
    HEIGHT: 5’11”
    WEIGHT: 93 kg.
    EYES: Green
    HAIR: Black
    SKIN: Tanned
    VOICE CLAIM: Chris Pratt
    ARTIST: Here and Gar Saxon from Clone Wars
    Credit: This template Created by Pluperfect

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    Kaz Cyl was born on Iridonia and grew up in a fairly typical Zabrak lifestyle. He received a decently formal education and grew up with traditional Iridonian martial arts as is typical for his kind. What wasn't typical was his adventurous streak. At a very young age he struggled to focus on his lessons and often wandered off in search of something only he would understand.

    At the age of 10, however, he was way over his head. He wandered off as always, but this time he got out of the town's borders and ran off into the harsh Iridonian wilderness. The wind and terrain he could handle even at that age. What he couldn't handle were the animals that soon started to stalk him. Eventually, he ran into an enormous predator that would have torn him to shreds...were it not for an unlikely saviour. A Mandalorian landed with his jetpack and went head to head with the beast, beating it with nothing but his pistols and a wrist blade. This amazing display of skill and power imprinted an image on the boy's mind that Mandalorians were some demigod super-soldiers, a ridiculous image to have, but one that inspired him nonetheless. The warrior helped him get home and soon he was welcomed with a tanned hide and warm embrace from his parents. He never got the Mandalorian's name, but the red and black armour would stay with him for the rest of his days.

    Since that day he focused to complete his studies and training to the best of his abilities, determined to one day join the ranks of those warriors. When he came of age he took part in his people's rite of passage and was awarded the tattoos of his people. From there he got onto a ship and decided to explore the galaxy. He learned to speak a plethora of languages, got into some rough crowds in places like Corellia, Coruscant, and Nar Shaddaa, and developed an array of skills over the years.

    At the age of 20, he finally found himself on Mandalore, searching for the warriors with black and red armour. He quickly learned of their name and made it his mission to be enrolled into House Solus. It took some persistence and a few beat-downs, but in the end they gave him a chance to prove himself. He was tasked with a couple of challenges that were grueling, but he succeeded thanks to his past experiences and skills. He was welcomed into clan Vizsla and quickly worked on learning about their culture. It was surprising to see how similar his kind was to the Mandalorian lifestyle, but the small differences were a bit tricky for him to accept.

    From there he set out again to explore the galaxy, only this time it was as a proud Mandalorian and powerful warrior. He kept working as a mercenary or bounty hunter and still got into some sketchy groups, but his loyalties were solidly anchored with his new family. That loyalty was challenged, however, with the Red Coronation and the fall of Mandalore. His clan went in a direction he couldn’t follow, so he broke off. He no longer saw how he could follow in their footsteps.​

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    • BB-3N/Y: “Benny”, his Astromech droid
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    A very easy-going and seemingly carefree person with a sarcastic streak a mile long. He's not afraid to laugh and he can tolerate a person quite well before getting properly angry. He is a rather energetic personality despite looking to be quite lazy at times. He is quite good at improvising and can think quick on his feet, qualities that fit a Mandalorian quite well. While not holding honour in as high regard, his loyalty and conviction is immensely strong. He is also an exploring and adventurous person, not able to stay in one spot for too long.

    His more-than-a-handful personality comes at a cost, though. He is not a patient person and his brave streak can sometimes get him in neck-deep trouble. His typical Zabrak air of confidence sometimes stray very close to arrogance and with his past, he isn't afraid to commit a few crimes and slit a few throats, especially when there is a shiny reward on the line or it goes against his views on things. He is also terrible at picking his fights which also gets him in way over his head. His Iridonian upbringing can also make him rather aggressive at times, especially in a fight where he can lose his cool quite easily if he's not careful. He is also prone to get carried away with things, a trait that sometimes gets dangerous when he is in charge of explosives...

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    • Zabrak: With his warrior heritage, his fighting capabilities are extremely adept. His pain threshold is also much higher than a normal person’s.
    • Handyman: Whether it be his weapons, ship, or gear, he knows how to fix stuff and maintain them
    • Mandalorian: On top of his Iridonian upbringing, his training as a Mandalorian has taught him more and improved his abilities with weapons.
    • Fast thinker: Whether it be chatting someone up, or getting himself out of trouble, he can think on his feet.
    • Adrenaline Junkie: Kaz likes doing stupid stuff simply for the thrill of it.

    • Brimming with confidence: Kaz’s confidence can easily be interpreted as arrogance at times
    • Bulky: He is built well, strong and impressive… but he is also slow in a fight.
    • Shady: Kaz has numerous experiences rolling with some shady gangs in his past, warping his moral code a bit.
    • Head first: He might be a quick thinker, but his nasty tendency to not think things through will get him into a difficult situation most of the time.
    • Muscles for brains: Kaz can sometimes be a bit of a slower bloke in the mental department...
    • Adrenaline Junkie: Kaz likes doing stupid stuff simply for the thrill of it.
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