Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Kaz Zorbas

Kaz Zorbas

I hope for nothing, fear nothing. I am free

Kaz Zorbas

Species: Human/Kiffar
Gender: Male
Height: 1.82
Weight: 79.37
Force Sensitive: It's complicated. Yes


Tall and lanky, Kaz is lithe with corded muscles that speak of speed, strength, and stamina. Brown hair and fair skin, he has an infectious smile that belies the chaotic personality within. Blue eyes glow with an internal light that is one of his dominant features. Symbols and runes decorate his skin and some of his musculature appears slightly out of proportion to his build to reveal there is more here than meets the eye.
Often he is found wearing fine clothing but can easily change to fit his surrounding.


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Kaz has no memory of his childhood. Instead his “Benefactor” has uploaded memory of fighting techniques, weapon training, and other complimentary information a soldier, bodyguard, and assassin may require.
As such, Kaz lacks typical empathy and sympathy. Ingrained in him has been a code of conduct.

I hope for nothing.
I fear nothing.
I am free.

As such, Kaz serves the Benefactor and does his bidding with ferocious tenacity.
When he has free time, Kaz seeks to learn who he is, what he likes, what he hates.
There is no morality or sense of right and wrong within him. Instead, obedience and justice is his only identity.
Until he learns who he is.
Until that time comes, Kaz is chained with invisible shackles of servitude. A slave to his Benefactor known only by the moniker William the Bloody.


Peak physical fitness.
Indoctrinated as a warrior and killer


Kaz interprets the galaxy with a childlike simplicity often leading to situations with violent outcomes, unexpected scenarios, and an oft painful learning curve.
Kaz doesn't perceive reality in black, grey, or white. Instead right and wrong are often measured by his orders which place him on the wrong side of the law more often than not.
Violent tendencies make interactions difficult with explosive results.


Remember that time when you were a kid and you snuck a handful of cookies? Or being tucked into bed and a parent telling you a story? How about when you were climbing trees and fell out and broke an arm? A favorite childhood pet? Countless memories of hanging out with friends? What about growing up with siblings and cousins?

Kaz Zorbas has none of these memories.

He woke to consciousness from a bacta tank, feet kicking to the surface before he yanked the respirator from his face. He spoke basic and a half dozen other languages. His hands could field strip a rifle and he knew where to hit someone to make them piss blood or where to strike to incapacitate. And kill. But he couldn’t remember how he knew these things. What he remembered was being pulled to a cold metal grate with bacta dripping from his form into the reclamation bin beneath. Of looking into faces he didn’t recognize and feeling his first real emotion.

Not fear.
And then a hilarity at the faces of the medical team. Terror at the hoarse laugh that escaped his lips and the glowing blue eyes that spoke louder than the laugh.

He remembered the long shower. The steam cleansed his form of the remaining slick bacta. The face that peered from the mirror after he swiped a moist hand across the reflective surface. A face he didn’t know. But a face filled with features too familiar to be unknown. Gleaming teeth in a grin and glowing eyes that promised a familiarity he could not yet fathom. A heritage he knew nothing about.

The first time he met his Benefactor he sensed, rather than saw, a hesitant wariness of expectation. Like an untamed tuk’ata. Katz could be a faithful companion or a rabid hound to be put down. But over the course of months he learned he was someone tied to his Benefactor’s own past. But how, he never found out. His only job was to serve the whims of the Benefactor.

In the gym and training arenas he quickly learned his body had muscle memory, despite the lack of cognitive memory. And his body remembered how to fight. And Kaz enjoyed it. It was the only time he truly felt alive. Until he started to experience life outside the compound on his many missions.

That was where he found he was different from most people in the galaxy. He was free. At least as free as the tether that leased him to the Benefactor. And that collar immediately chafed. The more he succeeded in the increasingly difficult and dangerous jobs he was sent on the more his Benefactor grew distant and cold. It was as though every time Kaz was looked upon, the Benefactor saw something else. Someone else. And Kaz was becoming more and more like the ghostly mirage.

Who this was, Kaz did not know. What he did know was the leash was about to break and Kaz would be free of control. And that was something he learned he wanted more than anything else. Autonomy.

The last few missions from his Benefactor sealed the relationship. Active attempts to kill him. But Kaz was harder to kill than the Benefactor assumed. Partly due to the physical augmentations he had endured. Partly due to the core of who young Kaz was. A determined, unpredictable being forged to be a warrior.

But two things were hidden from the young man. His past. And his force sensitivity. The latter was slowly becoming known. The former had yet to be revealed.

Now Kaz Zorbas roams the galaxy with no hope for anything, no fear of anything. But he was free. And he swore he would never be someone else’s slave ever again. Time would tell if his solemn promise would be kept. And if he would ever know where he originated from.
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