Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Work In Progress KDF-80b Eminence Assault Frigate



  • Life Support
    • Military Grade Medbays
    • Military Grade Oxygen Supply System
    • Artificial Gravity
    • Additional Escape Pods
  • Defensive Systems
    • Emergency Backup Shield Generators
    • Duranium Armour
    • Titanium Reinforcement
    • Surge Protection (Protects Electronics against EMP attacks)
    • Point Defence Batteries
  • Mobility
    • Standard Military Grade Maneuvering Thruster Suite
    • 0.1 Hyperdrive Unit
    • Backup Hyperdrive unit
    • Standard Subspace Thruster Array
    • Capital Ion Engines - Quad
  • Computers & Electronics
    • Standard Damage Assessment and Control Mainframe
    • System Diagnostic Computer
    • Unified Computer System
    • Electronic Countermeasure Suite
    • Tractor Beam Projectors (4)
  • Power Management
    • Military Grade Reactor
    • Backup Reactor
  • Advanced Systems - This is a top of the line frigate outfitted with the best systems it could fit, and as such has a lot to offer in terms of combat
  • Emergency Hanger - This ship does contain an emergency hanger towards the front that can fit a small, probably snubfighter. Its useful if you need to abandon ship, but it can't fit much.
  • Manoeuvrability - Unfortunately, this frigate lacks the ability to move around in space, and as such isn't great for making escapes. Once your in the fight, your in.
  • Draining - Due to the amount of systems this ship contains, it drains power rapidly, so be efficient
This ship was designed to bolster the defence force of House Voss, and the future Kalder Defence Force, under command of Marcus Voss. It was also designed to be an option for House Voss's allies and to hopefully bring about a new era for House Voss. It's very well rounded, and doesn't severely lack in any area aside from movement, and as such is a great assault frigate.
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