Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Keeping business in the green

Location: Deep space rendezvous
Objective: Make a delivery
Tags: Lliara Daeva Lliara Daeva
Inventory: In bio

Jester's ship drifted silently in deep space several parsecs from Denon, attached to another vessel belonging to her client. The woman knew next to nothing about this client, only that she too was Mirialan, and under the employ of a different syndicate. The most important thing she knew though was that her credits were good and she had paid enough the Jester did not even care what was in innocuous brief case. It had to be something extremely dangerous ornotherwise illicit to hire a high value courier to make the delivery, so Jester was only Mirialan in being curious.

She walked into the docking portal and stepped onto the other ship, noone else here, spoke of utter confidence or utter secrecy. In front of her was a very small mess room that she stood in and called out to whomever might be aboard. "Hey, its me, got your package here, no refunds if you dont come out and get it." she laughed and popped a stick of gummed Ryll into her mouth beginning to chew. There was an instant sparkle in her perception and she let out a long sigh while she waited to meet her host.

Lliara Daeva

Pharmaceuticals (Save|Kill)
Dangerous liaisons like these were common place for Lliara. Plenty had gone wrong over the years as well. Fools that thought they could get paid and keep the cargo, or those that'd been stupid enough to actually open the cargo... Yes, she'd met all kinds of people under these circumstances. The most important characteristic of each and every one? Lliara was still alive and well.

That, however, didn't mean she took her safety lightly. Her fingers danced over the controls before the Mirialan stood from her seat. Always lock out the navigation computer when meeting strange people.

Her helmet was set off to the side as the black-garbed, olive-green woman strode calmly down the corridor. No need for obscuring her appearance here. That was why the people weren't supposed to look at the contents of whatever they were delivering -- the less they knew, the safer they'd be (from those chasing them or Lliara herself).

Jester seemed to be in a good mood today, Lliara thought as the woman called out for someone to claim their goods.

"Really, and who else would pay you nearly as well as I?" Lliara replied with a smirk as she glided into view. "Good help is hard to find. A fact few appreciate. I trust everything went well." More statement than question. The other Mirialan gestured to the side in askance if Jester wanted a drink.

Jester Jester

Location: Deep space rendezvous
Objective: Make a delivery
Tags: Lliara Daeva Lliara Daeva
Inventory: In bio

Jester smiled and laughed as the other Mirialan slid into view "Maybe not, it is an excellent quality brief case though." she put of on the counter top and drummed her fingers on it for a few seconds, not willing to say anything else until she used the code word, which she undoubtedly did, allowing Jester to slide the case across the table and finally relax, it was out of her hands.

Helping herself to a drink she looked at Lliara Daeva Lliara Daeva . "All went as expected, your guy at the pther end seemed a little on edge, not my business, but something to keep an eye on.

I got buzzed by a couple of pirate interceptors on route, but you'd be amazed the effect flying an Imperial corvette model has on keeping most of them away... May I?"

She gestured to a seat nearby, it had been a long trip and it would be fun to rest and just chat for a little bit before parting ways. "I was intigued when I heard you were Mirialan, do you ever head back there?" Her tone was one of polite friendship, asking a cordial question, not probing for dirt on another criminal, but she would not press for an answer.


Lliara Daeva

Pharmaceuticals (Save|Kill)
"Ale?" Lliara paused with a smile directed toward the other woman. "No, you're more of a gum kind of woman." A light chuckle accompanied the Mirialan as she turned toward the array of bottles on display. The best code words were those your adversaries would never attribute to you -- if they presumed to know anything about Lliara. A quick pour had a glass ready for Jester when she finished occupying herself with setting the briefcase on the counter.

A slight shrug was all that was said about the nerves of the one that'd handed her the goods. What could Lliara say? Not everyone was built for this line of work. Didn't mean she wouldn't convince them to play the game even if it was not in their best interests. If they turned on her... well, Lliara was a tolerant woman, but more importantly, she was patient. Little by little is how you destroyed a person. A blade to the heart or throat was far too merciful.

"Of course," Lliara welcomed Jester Jester to make herself comfortable. In fact, she joined her in taking a seat so they could talk comfortably.

With a blink and flick of the eyes, Lliara's golden rings fell on Jester at the question. "Mirial?" A hum followed. "Now and then. So much changes each time, I hardly recognize the place. Not any family left to speak of. What about you? Somewhere to call home? Or does work keep you away for long stretches?"

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