Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Keeping it in the Family


Cameron's arrival in the system was most...unremarkable. The Irae, modified and constructed at KDY with contractors specifically hired by Cameron, returned once more to its place of birth. If the age-old design didn't draw the occasional eye of seasoned technicians or engineers, the relatively familiar color scheme might have. However, none of these factors ever entered the Sith Lord's mind.

Once the AlAT/i had nestled onto the cool durasteel deck, the loading ramp was immediately extended as Cameron descended, flowing dark blue and gray cloack trailing ever so slightly behind him. A brief chill touched the bare skin of his ever-exposed upper torso as silver-green eyes scanned the horizon. The Sith Lord had not arrived under any pretense of authority or superiority. The reality of his importance relative to this system with regards to the One Sith was not of dispute amongst said organziation. That organization, however, maintained a definitively low-key presence on the world of Kuat per the terms of some...treaty before his time.

Centuries had taught Cameron a great deal, but the reality that words on a piece of flimsi or recorded in a terminal didn't amount to poodoo was chief among them. Fortunately, [member="Lorelei Darke"] had nothing to worry about from Cameron...were she capable of the emotion anyways. A trait the Sith Lord would forever respect in the woman. No doubt she was aware of the potential eventuality that some ambitious Sith would deem the symbiotic nature of the relationship between KDY and longer in line with their own goals.

The usual entourage of Priests that trailed Cameron were left with the vessel as the massive Sith Lord stepped forward independently. How long until the alluring Head of KDY Operations intercepted him? She was probably already watching him from somewhere. The woman's timing was irritatingly impeccapable in that manner. It mattered little, however, he would secure a simple commercial transport to the ground and then to the residence of Esmae's mother either way.

Silencia most certainly knew he had arrived - courtesy of his lack of interest in muting his presence. Ever.
Seemed it was a month of unprecedented and unannounced arrivals, except this time it wasn't hidden.

Much as he'd expected, Lorelei felt the emerging presence of Lord Ashmedai long before his physical self had even broken through the atmosphere. His was the sort that one didn't often overlook. Ever. And as they had come to know one another over the many, many years, his was also the sort that was quite unmistakable. Yet as he drew closer to his destination - this time the Royal Palace at the heart of the Capital City - she took note of something that grew the faintest line of amusement within her expression.

There was no missing the curious change within his aura. A certain temperance to the simmering maelstrom that had always been his signature presence. Curious enough that it drew her from her seat at her desk and to the massive wall of glass. The room she stood within was a replica of her office within the Drive Yards - exactly the same in nearly every way save for the view. Before her a holographic rendition of what she would be seeing from her office in orbit played out with very little delay. With a switch of a hand it dissipated, the tinted backdrop clearing to reveal instead the view of the city beyond. Somewhere out in the skylanes [member="Cameron Centurion"] was closing in.

"Mal'ary'ush," the gravelly tone of Sahti, the Honoghran Governess, cut through the silence of her office, "it is the Dark One?"

"Yes," Lorelei answered slowly, that same amusement playing ponderously within the tone of her voice. It would be the first time she had received him here at the Palace and the first time he would arrive not under the cover of Centurion, but as his full and true self.

Not that he would be anyone but himself at any given time, but semantics were a curious thing.

"Sahti," she said finally, green eyes still trained on the skies, "go."

The Noghri silently bowed and stepped from the room, off to fullfill her unspoken role as the welcoming committee of one.
Cameron's journey across the rolling landscape of Kuat was relaxed...almost peaceful. Silver-green eyes peered at those he passed from beneath the veil of darkness provides by the hood of his cloak. While he'd certainly traveled to Kuat several times in his life, he found himself taking much more of an...interest in the activities of ordinary people.

However, the Sith Lord's interest was not really of a professional sort. That would be the party-line for the foreseeable future though. Darth Ashmedai doing his part to immerse himself in the culture and lifestyle of his bride's people. A concession of respect to honor the arranged nature of their future nuptials in an effort to strengthen the bond between Kuat and the Sith. In truth...Cameron was interested because [member="Amorella Mae"] was a part of him. He'd be foolish not to garner a greater understanding of the people she would one day be solely responsible for.

As the contracted transportation service arrived at the Royal Palace, Cameron stepped out of the vehicle. Given he'd paid the organization in advance, there was no exchange of credits. Regardless of his influence within the Sith architecture, he made no efforts to impose upon the government here by throwing his weight around and making threats.

Once the vehicle had departed, the large Sith stepped forward towards the gates casually. He could, of course, feel [member="Lorelei Darke"]'s presence. It was not, shall we say, a complete representation of herself, but it was familiar enough. A thin smile touched his lips as he allowed his own presence to lightly brush against her own. His eyes, however, focused on the emissary undoubtedly sent to greet him.
Upon arrival Sahti greeted [member="Cameron Centurion"] with a silent, formal bow. Familiar enough to know the routine, she wordlessly escorted him into the Palace.

Classically ostentatious, a walk through the palace immediately displayed just what things Kuatian society held in honor. Fine arts, paintings, sculptures, decorative mosaic tiling, gold filligree and ornate carvings. Black and red were the statement colors: that of the royal family, and stood represented by massive collums of ebony between which flags of deep crimson silk flew the house sigil. Here and there the historical aspects of the planet sat on display: figureheads, portraits of the original 12, the first Kuat of Kuat and every proceeding Kuat after that, images of the drive yards in varying states of design and build, noteworthy ships ... the list went on.

He was taken to the Council Chambers where the Queen currently sat with three of her twelve provence Councilors.

"Lord Ashmedai," the Queen spoke up as he was lead through the doors, garnering absolute attention from those currently in attendance. The Councilor's look up from their meeting and their voices immediately hushed - a testament to the Treaty of the Burning Tree; Kuat had very little exposure to the One Sith since that day. Lorelei smiled quaintly at their ashen faces, passing off the stack of datapads infront of her to her assistant, Lacey, "I wasn't expecting you but we've just finished up, isn't that right Councilors?"

They nodded, taking the hint to pack up and leave with a good deal of vigor.

Once gone her smile vanished, replaced with the impassive expression of stone he was far more accustomed to, "I believe this is your first visit to the capital and the Palace. What brings you here?"
Cameron was silent as he followed his escort through the halls of the Palace. While his silver-green gaze certainly drank in various details, he couldn't say his eyes lingered much over the ornate decorations. As always, his attentions focused more around fully understanding his environment from a more tactical standpoint.

Once he was ushered into the cavernous meeting room, Cameron could not help but level an easy smile in the direction of [member="Lorelei Darke"]. It was of no great secret between either of them that he was...very interested in her family. Finding individuals of similar thought was rare...though for all of his interactions, he'd found himself devoted to the closest thing that resembled a polar opposite in the Shamalain tree.

Once the councillors had departed, Cameron clasped his hands behind his back, but his easy smile remained. How long has it been since his expressions in normal discourse held any amount of sincerity? He couldn't really recall. Esmae was probably the only one that saw a sincere facial expression from the Sith Lors these days. Perhaps the Talith spawn too...occasionally.

There was no great secret to Cameron's nature. He despises only weakness...regardless of sex, race, age, or force alignment. He could certainly respect his enemies.

"Primarily. I am here to seek your...permission to ask for Esmae's hand in marriage. My secondary purpose is to inform you that the Dark Lord desires the union in an effort to strengthen a bond between himself and the only planet under his control not...really under his control. A tertiary purpose is to assure you that neither my title as Overseer of Kuat nor involvement in a would-be arranged marriage means much of anything."

Cameron knew that Lorelei was not truly worried about him...blurring the lines. However, he also knew she never fully counted on the Sith to uphold their promises when they no longer suited their purpose. For Cameron, his presence was merely a reason to explain Esmae's future proximity to the One Sith, permit her to travel home without issue, and create an adequate explanation for their union in the eyes of the Sith. A lie that served the Sith Lord's purpose while giving the illusion of his complete devotion to another entity.

"Permission?" Lorelei returned scathingly, green eyes narrowing, "who would be more deflated if I said no, you or the Dark Lord?"

There was nothing permissive about the entire scenario, not that this was really of much concern to her. She'd known for some time that this union would be the outcome of her own machinations - all very much part of the plan, one might say, so for her to cast affront at this point was merely to demonstrate that this clockwork was doing exactly what it was meant to.

"Is that all? I suppose you'll want me to arrange and pay for the wedding, too," nonplussed, the Queen took her seat and lifted a glass of wine to her lips, pausing to briefly eye him over the rim of the glass, "in that case you'll wear the tux I pick out for you and you'll like it."

Was that a smirk or just the distortion of her lips through the glass? She raised her brows and took a healthy sip.

[member="Cameron Centurion"]
Cameron answered [member="Lorelei Darke"]'s first inquiry neither through speech nor facial expression. They were both aware it was a completely pointless question. The Dark Lord could not possibly have cared less as there was no question as to whether or not the union was happening in his own mind. Cameron could not possibly have cared less because the public spectacle was completely irrelevant to his needs and desires. Ergo, Silencia's opinion, machnications, and permission were equally irrelevant. Truthfully, the facade was little more than a courtesy born out of his respect for the woman across from him.

Yet he found his respect wavered frequently with the trying of his patience, and he merely hoped that neither of their natural inclinations or one of their reliance on a less-than-binding document armed only with the threat of KDY selling to other organizations would give cause to his patience to be throbbed in any manner.

"No. Your money and involvement are largely unnecessary to me. I suppose you may wish to converse with Esmae about that, however, as I suspect she may think differently on one of those points. Any other questions you would like me to answer?"

It was no wonder the Sith Lord was capable of warmth with children. He certainly spared none for the rest of the Galaxy.
"Just one," unflappable as ever, Lorelei looked the man squarely in the eyes, "are you prepared to defend her from the thing you come representing today when they find out exactly what she is?"

[member="Cameron Centurion"]
Though Cameron's facial features remained largely impassive. A brief twinkle of mischief did flare in the silver center of his vibrant green eyes. Questions of preparation were always intriguing to Cameron. Had he been asked a mere decade ago if he'd ever so much as stomach the presence of someone with light-sided inclinations for more than a fleeting necessity required to use them, he would have said no. However, his present situation completely shattered that former reality.

"I am." Cameron was not generally one to lie...deceive, sure, but it was often tragically easy to do so with the truth. For [member="Lorelei Darke"] he had little other than blatant honesty. "I doubt they possess the collective capability to ever truly discover precisely what she is." Cameron, for all of his perceptive capabilities, certainly had not been able to do so at first meeting. It'd taken quite a few months and more than a few intimate encounters.

The question he wanted to ask long did Lorelei intend for Esmae to remain herself? Time had long since become immaterial to him. The deeper truth was he would protect Esmae from those that wished her harm, friend, foe, or family.

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