The OOC One
Name: Kei Raxis
Aliases: Kei Garnik
Faction: The Jedi Order
Rank: Jedi Knight
Species: Corellian
Age: 26
Sex: Male
Hight: 6,0"
Weight: 125 lbs
Eye Color: Dark Green
Hair Color: Light Brown
Hair Style: Long, obviously unkept with no care given to it.
Skin: Tanned
Languages: Galactic Basic, Corellian, Hutteese, Shyriiwook, Binary
Force Sensitive: Yes
Force Alignment: Light Sided
Padawan: [member="Mysa Snowstrider"] (informal)
Padawan's Trained: N/A
Master: N/A
Aliases: Kei Garnik
Faction: The Jedi Order
Rank: Jedi Knight
Species: Corellian
Age: 26
Sex: Male
Hight: 6,0"
Weight: 125 lbs
Eye Color: Dark Green
Hair Color: Light Brown
Hair Style: Long, obviously unkept with no care given to it.
Skin: Tanned
Languages: Galactic Basic, Corellian, Hutteese, Shyriiwook, Binary
Force Sensitive: Yes
Force Alignment: Light Sided
Padawan: [member="Mysa Snowstrider"] (informal)
Padawan's Trained: N/A
Master: N/A
- Stealthy: Kei is an ex smuggler, this means he knows how to blend with the shadows really well. He can almost manipulate the shadows around himself to hide himself in troubled situations.
- Linguist: Again, Kei is an ex smuggler. He's dealt with a number of different people and thus knows how to speak many different languages.
- Great Pilot: Kei is a Raxis, many of them have the amazing pilot gene. Kei is no exeption to this.
- Mechanical: Kei is great with mechanics and electrics. He is perfect for working on ships because of the number of ways he can physically make his ships better.
- Sharpshooter: Kei knows how to shoot a gun. I mean he really knows how to shoot a gun. He knows that shooting isn't just "shoot and go", he knows that there's a-lot more to it.
- Greed: Kei is greedy, he always wants more. Be it more, food or more often than not beer. He isn't happy until he has more.
- Melee: Kei isn't the best at melee fighting. A little training and he might be better, but for the most part he isn't the best in the world.
- Weak: Kei isn't the strongest person to ever live. He doesn't really have much strength and thus struggles to lift things heavy but also struggles to wear heavy armor.
- Pain Tolerance: Kei has a low pain tolerance, he really doesn't like pain. He can't take much pain before giving up and passing out.
Biography: The Raxis family is a family that rose to promenance with two people. Arthur and Allie. They had a number of kids, although there are no offical records on how many children came from Arthur and Allie. However, one child that came from Arthur and Allie was known as Arthur Raxis. He inherited the family abilities, those being the force and the ability to pilot ships amazingly well. He was also one of the rare members of the Raxis line that had the ability to manipulate the force with Instinctive Astrogation. It was yet another family ability that was passed down through the Raxis lot.
Kei Raxis, formally known as Kei Garnik was born on a space station above Corellia. His father was William Raxis and his mother was Samantha Garnik. His father was a simple man, a simple Corellian. His mother was a less simple Corellian, a politician. This lead to tension between both parents, and as they were never married, William could easily just leave. His mother was left with the responsibility of raising Kei, something that she tried to do well. She knew of the Raxis genes within her son however, and she tried to keep Kei away from anything that could trigger the genes.
It didn't really work. Kei was a rebellious child, it was destined to happen. He was kicked out of every school he was in. His mother eventually gave up and left Kei home alone. No-one knows what happened to her, it's possible she ran off with a lover. Kei had to learn to fight for himself though. He was fifteen, cooking and cleaning and stealing food. He was unknowingly becoming a smuggler, well done kid.
Kei met a man, a smuggler. The smuggler man gave Kei a basic ship and made Kei run basic routes out of Corellia. Kei was a natural, the Raxis genes allowing him to tap into his pilot ability. Kei worked like this until he was twenty, he was happy. He was honestly happy making money and connections, friends. He earned trust, a reputation among really dodgy cantina's because he was one of the better few in his line of work.
When he was twenty, he made a basic roadtrip that would change his life. He was always interested in legends, and it was the legend of Reven that would change his life. Kei ventured to Dromund-Kaas to investigate the story of The Ebon Hawk. While there, he would meet [member="Lady Kay"] and he would offer her a ride home to Commenor. However, first he still had to find The Ebon Hawk, the ship he had actually ventured to Dromund-Kaas for. However, things weren't meant to be. Kei would get stuck in an elevator with [member="Jack Raxis"]. [member=Jack Raxis"] realised that Kei was a member of the Raxis family and told him about his legacy.
He didn't accept his legacy.
Kei would take [member="Lady Kay"] back to Dromund-Kaas after rescuing The Ebon Hawk. He would then begin basic work with The Free Colonies, a revolutionary if you will. His first job was to join the hunting party for a legendary ship that turned out not to exist. However, they celebrated with a basic party to celebrate the first leader of the Free Colonies. The Free Colonies dies out rather quickly.
Things began to change for Kei soon after. Back during his time as a smuggler, Kei had angered a rich business man. The business man wanted revenge, sending a number of thugs towards Kei. Kei retaliated every time, being rescused by a number of different people. Eventually, he decided that enough is enough and he makes a call to his cousin. [member="Gray Raxis"] joined Kei and they eventually managed to murder the business man responsible for attempting to kill Kei on more than one occasion. Kei returned to Dromund-Kaas where the remaining thugs attack him once again.
He was saved by a Jedi of the Silver Sanctum. [member="Dune Ruhr"] came to the rescue of Kei and returned the Raxis to the Silver Sanctum Jedi Temple. Kei met someone who became a major part of his life. [member="Noriko Ike"] began to co-pilot The Ebon Hawk and eventually became romantically intersted with Kei. They shared a number of adventures and Kei began to accept the fact he was a force user. He began to train as a Jedi under [member="Noriko Ike"], learning and wanting to learn. He was attacked on Tatooine and he built his first set of Jedi Robes just after.
Kei ended up involved in Raxis troubles a few months later. [member="Jack Raxis"] started a Mandolorian war and Kei wanted to diffuse the situation. He visted the home of [member="Gray Raxis"] and his wife [member="Stardust Raxis"]. After learning of the story behind the situation, he rescused [member="Jack Raxis"] and hid his cousin on a space station in the outer rim. He left the situation there and then, not paying attention to what happened after he left, he had other issues to take care of.
As a gift to an old friend, [member="Matsu Ike"] and by extention his ex girlfriend [member="Noriko Ike"], Kei took part in The Silver Sanctum invasion of Korriban. Kei's life changed dramtically because he was involved in the bombings. He watched the good guys execute civilians and he couldn't forgive them for it. Kei was driven into exile on the planet of Kesh after witnessing the masscre, renouncing the Jedi way and ignoring the Jedi code that he had been learning to follow for months.
Kei was rescued from his exile by the President of Commenor, old friend [member="Lady Kay"] after a visit from [member="Stardust Raxis"]. Kei returned to Commenor as a part of the presidental security team during the events. Kei made many new friends, friends such as [member="John Shephard"]. Kei watched the president survive the events. He loses track of his life however, confused, ending up back on Kesh. He made a new friend however, a new smuggling buddy. Back to the old life.
Eventually, Kei begins smuggling once again. He does a job right into the heart of the First Order. Eventually, [member="Stardust Raxis"] visited Kei on Annaj and took him back to the Mandalore Homestead. Kei continues to learn about the force from his cousin in-lore, learning about himself as well as the force. He finally becomes set on his future as a Jedi, his future in the light. He continues to learn for a few weeks before learning of terrible news.
[member="Lady Kay"] had fallen to the Darkside and Kei interupted his training to talk to her. They clash on Commenor and Kei eventually leaves defeated in the battle of words, refusing to fight his best friend. For the next three years, Kei's entire story is jumbled. There are reports of him smuggling, other reports of him in exile on a backwater planet. Whatever happened, no-one knows. There is no story, no truth or lie.
Kei returned to the galaxy with nothing. The Ebon Hawk was gone. Kei stumbled into a casino on Nar Shaddaa where he met a new friend. After an incident involving The Jedi Order, Kei chose to settle down within the Jedi role. He knew he was getting on and the best decision was to settle down. He made another stop to Commenor to collect his lightsaber from [member="Lady Kay"] before he began to continue his training in the ways of The Jedi Order.
DL-44 Blaster Pistol,
Plain brown tunic,
Thick black leather trousers,
Plain black utility belt,
Plain black boots,
Garnik Robe,
Ship: "The Nightshadow"