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Character Keir'las Fett [ WIP ]

Rabid dog of the Outer Rim



Keir'las Fett​
Mad Dog, Mutt, Keir​
Zeltron / Dathomiri Zabrak hybrid
Clan Fett
Dathomir (birth), Outer Rim world (raised)
Scout and Reconnaissance Specialist
Hair Color
Eye Color
Coal black
Steel grey-blue
Steamed milk & Honey, Earl Grey, Damp earth, Apricot

" Tread the path that you choose and not the one that is given to you."
- Careena Fett Careena Fett

  • Keir'las was born of forbidden love on the planet of Dathomir, the product of a furtive romance between a Nightsister and a Zeltron bounty hunter. Her mother, a nightsister of the coven, imbued Keir'las with a unique gift – an intuition that ran like a river of fire through her veins. Keir'las could sense the hidden currents of fate, feel the tremors when events threatened to veer off course, and from her father, taste the raw emotion that others sought to conceal. Yet this gift was a wild thing, prone to fits and starts, its whispers often shrouded in mystery and still unreliable as she has aged.

    From a young age, Keir'las felt the weight of the Nightsisters' expectations, their loyalty not to individuals, but to the darkness that fueled their power. She could not bring herself to embrace their path, and so she renounced her birthright, choosing exile over a life of service to the coven. At just 13 years old, she was cast out, stowing herself away on a passing freighter to leave her birthplace behind - and she never looked back.

    Keir'las found herself alone on a remote, lawless world in the Outer Rim, a place where only the strongest survived. It was a crucible, a trial by fire that tempered her spirit and honed her instincts. She learned to rely on stealth and cunning, to trust the primal voice of her intuition that warned her of danger lurking in every shadow. Impulsive and hot-headed, Keir'las often chose the path of fists over words, her emotions a chaotic storm that threatened to consume her.

    It was on this harsh world that she encountered a local warden, a man of unyielding principle who took her under his wing. Under his guidance, Keir'las discovered a new purpose, becoming a ruthless guerrilla fighter and scout for the downtrodden people he swore to protect. The warden's passion ignited a fire within Keir'las, a burning need for community and a loyalty so fierce it would drive her to walk through flames.

    But Keir'las' life was forever altered when Careena Fett, the feared matriarch of the Fett clan, descended upon their world in pursuit of a target. Here was a woman of unyielding resolve, a warrior who commanded respect through strength alone. Careena was the fearless calm to Keir'las' tempestuous storm, her icy focus a balm to the young warrior's chaotic soul. Keir'las watched, transfixed, as Careena dispatched her prey with precision, her every action a testament to the power of the Mandalorian code. In that moment, something within Keir'las stirred, a spark of recognition that burned away all she thought she knew.

    Drawn to the Mandalorian, Keir'las found herself compelled to follow Careena into the heart of danger, her intuition screaming warnings only she could hear. It was on that fateful day, as they walked the razor's edge between life and death, that Keir'las intervened, her actions saving Careena's life. Though neither spoke of the debt incurred, Careena recognized the potential in the young warrior, and so she extended an offer – join the Fett clan, embrace the Resol'nare, and forge a new path.

    Under Carena's unyielding guidance, Keir'las discovered a talent for the shadows, her Nightsister intuition merging seamlessly with the Mandalorian discipline. Her goal at present is to earn the respect of the clan, to fight alongside them and be part of something bigger than herself. Though she has found acceptance from Careena, Keir'las grapples with feelings that threaten to upend all she has fought for thus far.

    As Keir'las navigates her new path and growth to come, she remains steadfast in her duty to prove herself. Careena is her anchor, the calm that soothes her tempestuous soul, and Keir'las will walk through fire to stand by her side. Her journey is far from over, the road ahead fraught with peril, but one thing is certain – she'll fight like hell for those she is loyal to.​

  • Sexuality | Demisexual // Sapiosexual
    Relationship Status | Single
    Personality |

    Hot-Headed | Empathetic | Fists First, ask later | Loyal | Ambitious

    "The rabid dog of the Outer Rim."
    Keir can be quiet and reserved but also possesses a chaotic streak. She observes her surroundings with an unnerving intensity, missing little; and she has no issue pointing out her observations to those around her. Despite her loyalty to the Fett clan, Keir tends to disregard orders if they conflict with her judgment, displaying a latent rebelliousness and loud mouth at times. Her actions often catch allies and enemies alike off guard as she's rather scrappy. Though she has trouble with altering the mood and emotions of others, she can definitely feel them at full force, which can very much alter her entire day at the drop of a hat. At present, she's still trying to learn how to master this.​



    • Intuitive: Keir'las's Nightsister heritage grants her a unique intuition, often sensing changes in her surroundings.

    • Resourceful: Years of surviving on a harsh planet have taught her to make do with what she has.

    • Loyal: Keir'las is fiercely dedicated to those she cares about, particularly Carena and the Fett clan.

    • Independent: Her past has taught her to rely on herself, making her self-sufficient.

    • Adaptable: Keir'las is adept at adjusting to new situations and environments.
    • Emotional Turmoil: Taking on the emotions in the room can make her emotional state unstable at times.

    • Fear of Abandonment: The fear of being cast out again can lead to insecurity.

    • Impulsiveness: Keir'las's intuition can sometimes lead to impulsive actions, particularly if she senses danger.

    • Hotheaded: She's quick to talk with her fists when provoked.

    • Inexperience: While skilled, Keir'las lacks the years of experience that seasoned warriors like Careena possess.


    Mannerisms & Habits
    • Quiet Observation: Keir'las often observes situations intently, often ending up in places she shouldn't be.

    • Fidgeting: She often fidgets and can't stand/sit still; buzzing with energy and the need to get into trouble or do something.

    • Touching Her Armor: Keir'las often touches her armor as a comforting habit - a way to ground herself and remind her how far she has come.

    • Proximity to Careena: She tends to stay close to Careena- trailing behind like a rabid lil attack dog.

    Character Tropes
    • Street Smart
    • Mysterious
    • Lone Wolf
    • Unrequited Love‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎
    • Neutral Good
      Keir'las is driven by a desire
      to protect and serve others,
      particularly those she cares about.
      While she has no qualms with violence-
      when necessary she does not seek it out
      for its own sake.
      Her past has left her wary of authority, but her
      loyalty to Carena-
      and the Fett clan keeps her aligned with their goals.
    • Loyalty
    • Belonging
    • Protection
    • Growth‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

  • Equipment:

  • WESTAR-35 Blaster Pistol
    Mk 3 Concussion Grenade
    Fiber-Optic Binoculars

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