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Approved NPC Kei's "Security" Detail

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General Information

Combat Information
  • Availability: Unique
  • Deployment: Mass

Strengths & Weaknesses
  • Heavy - The Security Detail are protected, Sasori Heavy Armour providing them good protection.
  • Loyal - Loyal to a fauly, the Security Detail are loyal to Kei as he is the one who rescued them from slavery.
  • Numbers - The Security Detail have the numbers, one thousand men ready to mobalise at any minute
  • Slaves - Many of The Security Detail are ex slaves that Kei rescued. They're not the best shots in the world and not all that accurate.
  • Organised - The Security Detail aren't great at organisation, they tend to throw themselves into the thick of it instead of planning things out.
  • Terrors - Many of these men loose sleep due to what they have experienced in the past. They're never at full morale or energy and are much more likely to break if they start loosing. That, or fall asleep mid battle. Neither is good.


The Security Detail were first born upon the madien voyage of The Flying Dutchman. Kei came across and successfully rescued a ship carrying a large number of slaves. These slaves signed on as a member of the Flying Dutchman crew and became the foundation of the security team. They had no training and many weren't that loyal but they would soon be. Kei would appoint his first officer to oversee the training of the thirty men that had joined their crew, to make them loyal to a fault. The thirty men would be put through rigerous testing and training, some wouldn't make it through the process.

Those who did would become Kei's personal guard. From there the guard grew, every pirate and slave ship liberated left more men free to join the guard. Eventually the first officer stepped back from the training and left it to the original thirty, many of whom would become leaders of the pack. With a full two floors of The Dutchman set aside for them, the Guard grew into the begining of The Security Detail. This detail consisted of two hundred men who were each loyal and each sharing a bond with each other due to their ex slavery and the time spent together on the decks below.

The "Security" Detail came about from the two hundred. Commanded by John William Lyson, the Detail would begin to raid more slavery ships, building up their numbers. Some trained soldiers would join the detail in cantina's but many of the one thousand men came from slavery. Lyson saw to the training of each and every man, testing them and making them loyal as a fault to himself. This meant in turn that they were loyal to Kei as John William Lyson would utterly loyal. He saw Kei into thick and thin, building his numbers until the detail was complete. The detail had become perfect.

Kei had a loyal, obedient slaughtering machine.
[member="Kei Raxis"]

This is completely fine for the most part, just have a few questions before I can stamp this:

  • Most of your subs are open market, except for the Armored Transport. This is private market and seems to be designed for 'Rangers', which I can only assume is the SJO Rangers, do you have permission to use this from the writer? In the form of a marketplace order or a thread, either would do here.
  • Can you please swap out the user links for character sheets? Both in the links field for Ra'a'mah and in the affiliation field for yourself.
  • How I am reading your submission right now this isn't really a mass unit, which is more the scope of stormtroopers and the sort. I'd say Minor fits more here, but if you have a reason why you think Mass fits here I am willing to hear you out.
Tag me once you have addressed these questions.
[member="Jairus Starvald"]

1.) Yep, completely my mistake. It was under the Open Market section on the market place for Sasori so in my skimming of the transport I assumed that it was open market. This has been removed as of right now :)
2.) Added alongside the user links :)
3.) One thousand troopers that are constantly deployed in force, all one thousand men on the battlefield. I would begin to argue that they were "mass" deployment soliders. While they're not in the stormtrooper range of thousands upon thousands upon thousands of soldiers, it's still the entirety of this force on the field in one go.

Kei :)
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