Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Kelios Shara-da

NAME: Kelios Shara-da


RANK: Rogue Padawan

SPECIES: Gorvan-Horansi

AGE: 36

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 3.6 Meters (Roughly 12 feet tall)

WEIGHT: 698 lbs.

EYES: Bright Gold or Orange depending on lighting.

HAIR: His fur is tan-gold with a black mane

SKIN: Pale Grey

FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes, all Jedi need to be force sensitive.
Power Rating Goes from Novice-Apprentice-Adept-Journyman-Master


Force Speed: Novice

Force Strength: Apprentice


Precognition: Adept

Force Sense: Novice


Telekinesis: Apprentice

Force Jump: Apprentice

Battle Meditation: Apprentice

Saber Styles:

Shii-Cho; Apprentice

Soresu: Apprentice



Physical Strength: At roughly ten feet in height Kelios is incredibly strong. Some even argue stronger than an Wookie or Trandoshan. He is a physically impressing foe in all regards, from brute force to constitution.

Intelligence: Kelios is an exceptionally bright mind despite his appearance. Everything he attempt and does is calculated down to the last though and he hates the idea of running into a situation head on without time to think.

Animal Charisma: Kelios is a charmer, naturally handsome (for his race) and suave he carries a heavy charisma about him as if from the jungle itself.

Animal Senses: Exceptional hearing and sense of smell.

Sense Expert: Kelios has natural skill when it comes to powers that fall under the sense category.

Connection to the Lightside: Kelios boasts a strong connection to the lightside for unexplained reasons. It radiates off him in droves for those who can sense and seems to alter his destiny in many ways

Conspicuous: While capable of sneaking in a jungle or plains environment. Kelios is rather noticeable in any city or upon any battlefield due to his massive size and the rarity of his species off their home world.

Pacifistic: Kelios is close to entirely pacifistic, he will only fight if he is forced too and will do everything in his waking and unwaking power to keep his foe alive even when they are trying to kill him.

Attachment: Both a strength and weakness Kelios is prone to attaching himself to friends and allies. This can lead him into situations most Jedi would consider unwise or even on the Path to the Dark Side. A foe can easily persaude Kelios into what he wants if a dear friend or comrade is on the line and it can also lure him into a rage.

APPEARANCE: Kelios is a Gorvan-Horansi, a feline race native to the planet of Mutunda. As the Lord Subspecies, he is dark tan in color the fur growing lighter around his neck and the middle of chest to a sandy tan. His mane is a deep black color, mirroring the night sky in intensity and shade. The fur is well-kept obviously well-taken care of. A scar runs down the side of his muzzle and one running above his left eye, his eyes are in sync with his lightsaber color wise, a brilliant golden yellow. Physically he stands 10'4" and 498 lbs. His voice has a deep baritone that nearly rumbles as he speaks.

In terms of clothing the Horansi wears dark grey robes with silver inlay around the folds and on the wrists in intricate designs reminiscent to our Universe's Celtic designs. His hood is black and comes from underneath the robes with a black belt. Upon his wrists and forearms he wears two bracers which oddly seem to be made of junk metal.

Lightsaber Apperance:
(The center crystal would be Amber-Yellow, however to correspond with the blades. It should be noted the hilt alone is nearly four feet to compensate for his size.)

BIOGRAPHY: Kelios was born on Mutanda to a royal house and pride. His family rejoiced in his birth and for the first several years of his life the cub lived in relative leisure and comfort. His childhood was to groom him into a High-Lord of his people. He spent his days running along the town his people owned, attending classes between his bouts of adventure with a friend, Mlyia, a Mashi Horansi of the same fief or pride.

Peace was not to be warranted to though, the Pride owed a large debt to an off-world Hutt gang for weapons and raw materials they used to dominate the nearby tribes and prides. These beasts required payment and the Pride had to pay their debt, low on currency of any kind they had to give cubs to slavery. Both Kelios and Mlyia were among those sold into slavery.

The two and the other's sold were shipped to Nar Shadda where they were eventually sold in Slave Auctions. After months surviving together Mylia and Kelios were sold to seperate owners, the mystic was sold to a wealthy Nar Shaddarian Crime Lord and Kelios was bought my a scavenger core and company on the outer rim.

Kelios was re-boxed and shipped to Raxus Prime where he toiled for the mercenaries, scrapping salvage digging through metal piles, even finding safe paths through explosives and acid fields. Somehow among all the other slaves that died around him he continued to survive. As if some outside force guided his movements.

Around the age of 12 he began feelings would happen before they did, it saved his life on multiple occasions including a fight in a Slave Pit with a large Trandoshan, the lizard was both stronger and more adept but through the force Kelios was able to beat and even save the creature. The two soon formed a steadfast alliance, keeping each other alive in the harsh environment. Fate or the Force also tore this friendship apart as the Trandoshan was devoured alive by a Garbage Thresher.

However, the young Horansi continued to live on, beginning to see his own existence as a curse because miraculously he carried on while all those he knew perished. Luck finally turned for his better as a Jedi Master arrived on Raxus Prime and landed in the Mercenary Camp and freed Kelios through "aggressive negotiations" after the ensuing fight the Jedi sensed Kelios' sensitivity to force and returned him to the Temple to train to become a Jedi Knight.

Kelios served the Jedi Order in the Battle of Manaan in the Sith Imperial War. His steadfast devotion to the Order and Republic began to dwindle however as Kelios noted the atrocity of war. Upon the Jedi Schism, and the self-imposed exile of their Grandmaster Dragonsflame, Kelios left the Order altogether. The Padawan then traveled to Togoria where he awaited a purpose for his life and a purpose to stand for once more,




All RP's in Chronological Order

Battle of Manaan (Invasion) [c]

First Lessons on my own... (Training) [c]

Destiny Calls (Story/Personal) [c]

The Crew (Story/Personal] [c]

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