Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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NAME: Kellan




AGE: 16 (though he has been deprived of civilization since age 10)

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 5’11”

WEIGHT: 135 lbs

EYES: Blue

HAIR: Light blonde

SKIN: Light



STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum):

+ Survival savvy after several years living beyond the reach of civilization
+ Lean-athletic build gives Kellan an efficient combination of strength and stamina
- A combination of Long stretches of time with no one to speak to and no formal education have left Kellan virtually illiterate: often stopping mid-sentence being unsure if he is using the right word.
- Being alone for most of his life has left Kellan anti-social with a preference for animals and nature as opposed to friends.
- Losing his parents at such a young age without understanding why has left Kellan with feelings of inferiority which have consequently resulted in an arrogant attitude in attempt to make up for the failings he perceives initially as the reason his parents never came back.

APPEARANCE: Kellan’s body has been built by a childhood spent mostly alone on an island somewhere in the unknown regions. The difficult lifestyle has resulted in a thin, athletic frame covered by lean muscle. In the absence of parents urging his hair has grown extremely long, though he has been able, and willing, to brush his hair and teeth thanks to the things left behind for him in the well-hidden hut he calls home.

The son of Jareth Holst and his then fiancé, Jennifer Holst: Kellan Holst was born during a separation of his parents where his father was led to believe Jennifer had died. For several years he lived with his mom who spent her time searching for his father. At around age 8, his mother and father were reunited but had to hide Kellan from Sith agents who would want to turn his newly discovered force sensitivity into a weapon for the Sith. It was for this reason he was hidden on a planet in the unknown regions as his parents faked his death. There they built a hut for him on a small island and his father trained him in hand to hand combat, taking visits disguised as business trips. It wasn’t long, however, until a Sith spy was able to tail Jareth and Jennifer during one of these visits. They made the decision to
chase it in an attempt to destroy it because, while their son was well hidden: the Sith would eventually be able to find him if they knew where to look.
Unfortunately, they were led into an ambush. Jareth fought valiantly with his wife preparing a last resort in case of the worst. In his weakened state, Jareth was no match for the overwhelming numbers; however, he was able to buy enough time for his wife to complete a heavily encrypted message for an old friend of Jareth's before their lives ended in the dogfight. Thanks to the sacrifice of his parents Kellan was able to live out the rest of his lonely childhood unmolested by the Sith.
Kellan was not able to hear about this sacrifice, knowing only that his parents hadn’t come back for a very long time, and was left with very little: a couple months of rations, a music device, the Bio droids his father left to protect him from off-world threats, and a necklace with the kyber crystal Jareth used to propose. Alone with so little at such a young age, having only just learned the very basics of the force: Kellan's view of the force was influenced heavily by nature and the music he used to pass time.





ROLE-PLAYS: None yet

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