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Approved Melee Weapon Kellen Mynn's Lightsaber

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Manufacturer: Kellen Mynn
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Unique
Weight: Light
Melee Type:
  1. Lightsaber
Size: Average

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  • Waterproof Casing - The lightsaber is outfitted with two crystals that allows it to activate underwater and avoid shorting out.
  • Deflection Emitter - Designed special lightsaber emitter for countering blaster fire.
  • Kyber Crystal - The core of the weapon and blue in color.
  • Non-Dimetrous Circuit - Not susceptible to cortosis shorting it out.
  • Materials - Can withstand multiple direct hits before needing repair.
  • Bifurcating cyclical-ignition pulse - Can be used underwater.
  • Heavy - Due to the material the hilt is made of this lightsaber is heavier than most others and those not experienced enough would find it difficult to wield and perform well with.
  • EMP - The weapon is susceptible to ion and electric based attacks that could short it out temporarily depending on the strength of said attack.
The lightsaber was crafted to serve as the personal weapon of Jedi Master Kellen Mynn. The hilt itself is made out of phrik material that was gifted to the New Jedi Order by Kellen's father who had the means of gaining the rare material. It was then used in the lightsabers construction upon Kellen gaining his kyber crystal on Illum as a youngling.

The hilt is engraved with beautiful artistry by Jedi crafters. It has a old and rooted design which references the simple and old tribal living of Mimban. The knotted symbol at the center of the weapon is the Mimbanese sigil of protection. The style of the hilt is to show of a wielders adaptability, steadfastness and profoundness.

While the blue blade is to symbolize a Jedi Guardian. One devoted to peace, justice and defense. The entire weapon encompasses it's wielders values and origin. A steady blade for a steady hand.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: A personal weapon for Kellen Mynn.
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Permissions: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: Kellen Mynn
Modular: Yes
Material: Phrik
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