Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Work In Progress Kenny "Suits" Kennerson

Bob A. Person

Owner Of The St. Sunny Casino
  • Intent: For RP purposes, to help in Bob A. Person stories as his close friend and security
  • Image Credit: Archer Series - Archer Fandom
  • Role: He is Bob A. Person Enforcer/Head of Security/Friend
  • Permissions: -
  • Links: -
  • Age: 43
  • Force Sensitivity: Non-Force User
  • Species: Human
  • Appearance: Archer is a very handsome tan-skinned man with thick dark-black hair that is slick on the right side, light blue eyes, visible cheekbones, a dimple in the middle of his chin and almost bushy-like eyebrows. He usually wears very expensive dark grey tailored business suits at the office and a black turtleneck when on a mission.

: Kenny "Suits" Kennerson
Loyalties: Loyal Partner to Bob A. Person
Wealth: He's rich enough since he is officially employed as Bob A. Person Head of Security
Notable Possessions: Alcohol Flash, Comlink, Detpack, Stun Cuffs
Skills: Marksmanship, Intel-gathering, Piloting, Driving, Stealth, Drinking, Explosive expert
Languages: Basic, Hutese, Jawaese, Mando'a, Shyriiwook, Ubese, Sing language, lip reading
Personality: Kenny is an extremely narcissistic, arrogant, selfish, insensitive, and self-absorbed person, who is constantly focused on himself and his own needs and desires. But he is very loyal to those who tolerates and is close to him, though it takes quite a while to get used to his personality.

  • Weapon of Choice: DX-13 blaster pistol, A-180 blaster, Vibro-knife, Explosive, Whip
  • Combat Function: Kenny is basically Bob A. Person weapon, since Bob himself can't really fight, he depends on and let Kenny do all the fighting if he is next to him. His fighting style changes, depending on the situation at hand, from stealth to full on rampage.
  • Force Abilities (Force Users Only): None
  • Hand-to-hand combat
  • Trained detective
  • Highly skilled in every type of blaster
  • Top notch driver/pilot
  • Has tinnitus, so he has trouble hearing if you're not next to him
  • His ego clouds his judgement
  • Has a bad left leg due to a sports injury when he was young
  • A very alcoholic person, sometimes he is drunk on duty
Kenny was born on Coruscant, he came from a middle-class family. He used to work at the Coruscant Security Force, where he was a detective for 5 years before he left to be Freelancer. As a freelancer he was hired to do all sort of thing, from protecting high valued person, infiltrating a the Hutts to gain information, and rescuing a kidnapped politician daughter. He gained decent money from his freelancer work but due to his lavish lifestyle, he tends to use up all his money quite fast. One day he was hired by Bob A. Person to escort him while he was in Coruscant for an important business deal. Bob needed someone who knows Coruscant to protect him, as he knows his droids won't be enough against skilled people. On their way to their location, they were ambushed by a bunch of Mercenaries, hired to takeout Bob so the deal doesn't go through. Fortunately, Kenny was able to take out all the mercenary and get Bob to the Hotel just in time to sign off the deal. Impressed by the young Kenny, Bob offered him a permanent job as his Head of Security, where Bob promised him, he will get a lot of creds.
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