Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[Personal Information]

Name: Kenzō
Homeworld: Tiantang
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Marital Status: Single
Force Sensitive: Yes
Affiliation: Fangshi Monastery

[Physical Information]

Species: Riben-Jin
Age: 28
Height: 1.78m
Weight: 68 kilograms
Eye Color: Dark brown
Hair Color: Jet black


[ Strengths and Weaknesses ]


+ Increased comprehension - Jin brains are generally more complex in structure compared to the normal human's. This adds an advantage to swiftly understand numbers and thoughts.
+ Force-inclined - Fangshi-Da monks are called to serve a religion called Fangshi, otherwise called locally as " The Way ". It is also closely related to the philosophies of the Grey.
+ Disciplined nature - Kenzō, born as a Riben-Jin, grew up to the customary ideals of his ancestors - to live with honor.
+ Martial arts - At a young age, Fangshi initiates are already taught how to defend themselves without using any practical attacks against the assailant.


- Poor swordsmanship- Although Fangshi elders educate their pupils about martial arts, it was for defensive purposes and as a last resort.
- Bound in the honor of his religion - Kenzō has the right to be honorable of his religion, as his ancestors have done so. However, it may lead to the point that he may develop radically in his ideologies.


" The Way of the Rose "

842 ABY
Fangshi-Da Temple

A Rose From the Heavens

Moments pass like the wind blows, an oak tree is yet to wither, and another rises. The Mother Hare is dead but its offspring grow. Half is the moon, and half is the sun. The night approaches but the day beckons. I shall be dead, but I was born. The cycle of life goes on never-ending, like the swirling tempest of love and hatred. A duel between the two warriors of the Bogan and the Ashla. The endless war of ideologies must perish, it must halt. The mother cries, the father lies. We are frail but with the Force we are not. It guides us not to the light nor the dark, but midway. Long gone are the good and the bad, the sins of the past and the virtues we have done. I am Kenzō, the last bastard son of the Empress Consort. I lived with my Father, not before Mother ordered to butcher her illegitimate kin, wanting to cleanse her name to the public. My brothers, their fathers, my father, Mother had them all slaughtered like pigs, gutted and throat slit, but I did not care, as my bloodied body crawled on the ground, helpless. Life was to end that fateful day, but I was never dead. As the lights dimmed, I saw a familiar figure. It wore nothing but crimson robes, as it cradled me. The roses held me like a child as I slept peacefully in its lullaby, dancing in my dreams gracefully. That was thirteen years ago.

The Sapling
Why do we dream freely? We dream only the illusions we ought, but bitter reality prevails. Only in my dreams I can see the bearings of my kin, with smiles painted in their faces. Then I saw my Father, I strolled with him, but all things came to an end. I had to wake up from that illusion, or I might have suffered greater grief. The dead must pass, and the living must walk to the narrow path. The bells were tolling as the rose sheltered me in its arms. Step by step, I gradually knew who were my saviors. Fangshi-Da. Their garbs flow with the cold breeze of Tiantang, much like a pack of Keun-Yong spreading its flying prowess on the azure skies. I did not even know that we were entering the famous Temple, for I was all but frail, and I could not open my eyes easily. But as we entered the temple, an indescribable feeling crossed. I felt pure, I felt chaste, and lastly, I felt home. I have always wanted home, that I could be treated and nursed like a child, for I am an orphaned son of Fangshi. Rivers flow, time it goes. Only if Mother knew.

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