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Approved Starship Keres I-Class Star Destroyer V1

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Manufacturer: N&Z Umbrella Corporation, Eriadu Shipyards
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Limited
Length: High
Width: Average
Height: Average
Size: Large




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  • Modular Platform: Because it uses the Tiber I modular platform, this ship benefits from the robust build and extremely good defenses this platform provides, with state of the art sensory arrays, shielding and quality plating.
  • Multilayered Shielding: With the NZ SSP-SIXTUS shield system package, the Allegiance III-class can boast to have one of the most powerful and multifunctional shield defenses in the galaxy, thanks to a six layered overlapping shield system with a wide variety of resistences.
  • Robust: Thanks to a serious effort placed in making this ship virtually untouchable by raiders and pirates, it boasts quite an array of defensive systems that allow it to shrug off most laser and kinetic damage types in order to safeguard the cargo and the ship's crew during transportations of goods.
  • Perfect Allrounder: Boasting not a single bad part on this ship, with great offense and even greater defense, with adequate speed, maneuvrability and hangar space, this ship has not a single glaring weakness.
  • Highly Automated: Thanks to the high level of automization of this vessel's systems, the minimum crew necessary to functionally operate this vessel is much lower than that of comparable ships with a much lower level of automization.
  • Highly automated: As much of a boon the high automation of the ship is in general, this also has its obvious and quite important downsides. Mainly that should there be something wrong with the AI, such as its systems being fried or it being forced to reboot in case of direct EMP on its core, the requirement for optimal crew numbers may in reality not be enough considering a whole heap of otherwise automated fuctions must now be manually operated, which may stretch the previously optimal crew thin or even to inoperable reach.
  • EMP/ION: While the shields are more than capable of dealing with standard EMP and ION weaponry, should the shields be down, the ship does not have much in terms of countermeassures against EMP or ION based weaponry.

With the borders of the Sith Order encroaching onto the Seswenna Sector; homebase of the N&Z Umbrella Corporation, the company found it the right moment and time to send a proposal through the company's chain of command in order to design and produce a ship that could be presented to the Sith Order as a contract, a sign of good will from the N&Z towards the galactic faction which would undoubtedly take the Seswenna sector into its fold. The secondary reason behind this idea was ofcourse the thought of being able to trump over the Trade Federation, which had grown in power where the N&Z had waned. Securing contracts and deals with the Sith Order would only improve the N&Z's fortunes and greatly increase the corporate power the company could display.

Because the aforementioned reasons, the design had to be very good, if not outstandingly perfect, as such the company looked back at its own history and its most favored vessels from the past, utilizing key design features from the original Dictator-class battlecruisers in order to truly encapsulate a feeling of strength, power and domination in the design of the ship. Obviously the design had its limitations, as to rush the design and production without compromising on quality, the existing superstriucture of the Tiber-I class was once again put to use, upgraded with the latest in shield technology and expanding the weaponry with higher grade products, the Keres-Class Star Destroyer is built with the principle being to create an allrounder with no obvious, glaring weakness

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a ship worthy of the SO's attention
Permissions: N&Z Umbrella Corporation, Jeager Solutions, HPI Consortium

Technical Information

Affiliation: N&Z Umbrella Corporation, Sith Order
Starship Class: Star Destroyer (1000m-2000m)
Starship Role: Command
Modular: Yes
Material: Impervium, doonium, transparisteel, Carbonite, electrum, coldoan copper, duralium, durasteel
Armaments: see main body
Defense Rating: Very High
Speed Rating: Average
Maneuverability Rating:: Average
Energy Resist: Very High
Kinetic Resist: High
Radiation Resist: Low
Minimum Crew: 350
Optimal Crew: 900
Cargo Capacity: Large
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