Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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NAME: Kerrega

SPECIES: Cyborg Kaleesh
AGE: 32

SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 2.1 Meters
WEIGHT: 22 Stone


+ Strong: Calamitous is physically strong thanks to his racial inheritance and his cybernetic body.

+ Warborn: His species are a warlike people, which means Calamitous is used to battle and highly skilled in it.

- Bloodthirsty: His lust for violence means he rushes into anything that may lead to a fight.

- Cybernetics: Calamitous' cybernetics impede his ability to directly use the force, and make him vulnerable to electricity.

Calamitous is a near-perfect replication of the legendary Grevious, except his cybernetics and armour are heavily scarred and weathered.

A Tribal warrior of his species, Kerrega fought many inter-tribal wars, prevailing victorious numerous times. He was regarded as the champion of his tribe, until his tribe was attacked by a group of Dark Jedi. Kerrega killed one of the Dark Jedi who had come and, as a trophy, Kerrega took the Dark Jedi's lightsabers and decided to set out and become a Sith so he could get his revenge. He learned basic telekinesis force powers, but not much more, and set out to find a Master willing to train him, and allow him to kill in his master's name. Instead he found Darth Valtryx, who offerred him so much more; the chance to become a god. She gave him cybernetics using the old schematics of General Grevious, who the Kaleesh revere as a god, crafting Calamitous into his new prophet.

With this deranged mindset in place, Calamitous seeks only to kill Jedi in his idol's name, hoping to please him enough to join his side by the gods.


Two Purple Lightsabers
Two Red Lightsabers
Calamitous' Cybernetic Body


Grevious Inspiration

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