Kerri Aislinn
Fly Away
Name: Kerri Aislinn.
Species: Terrelian Jango Jumper.
Age: Seventeen.
Gender: Female.
Height: 5’5.
Weight: 113 ibs.
Eye color: Orange.
Hair color: Caramel/ Dirty Blond/ whatever you call it.
Irises: Shaker-Flower.
Hair Type: 2A (Wavy.)
Skin Color: Pale.
Faction: Slowly integrating into the Mandalorians.
Big Five Personality Type: RIOGD, the Prodigy.
Licenses/ Degrees: Engineering and Piloting.
Sexuality: Hetero.
Force Sensitive: Yes.
Aislinn has gone through a lot, making her surprisingly mature. Inside, she’s a storm; outside, she’s chillingly calm. She has problems with obedience, especially after what her past superiors have done to her, but her quest for power has quenched it a bit when it comes to learning. She is in a state of paranoia, barely getting any sleep ever. However, in combat she can suddenly morph from a quiet shadow to a whirlwind of black holes. She is actually a violent individual when emotionally and physically pushed.
She’s pale skinned Terrelian with orange eyes and caramel blond hair. She looks her age all right, and actually packs some muscle in her arms and legs – even if she barely uses them. As per Terrelian culture, she has tattoos cluttered across her entire body. She is always wearing a cloak over her clothes and head. She has a brown leather jacket with pockets and pouches. She wears a black C-neck shirt with the dark pink writing Freedom on it. She has black pants and buckle knee high boots with hot pink lacing. She has small black half gloves. She wears her pistols in the holsters on the belt wrapped around her waist. She has another belt hanging on her thighs. She can surely be mysterious, but she has reasons for hiding.
Born to a poor family in the slums of Coruscant, Kerri Aislinn was always an inquisitive and resourceful girl. Crammed in a tiny and unsanitary apartment, the family of three all worked hard for money. Kerri found work in a sweat shop factory when she was six. When she was ten, she switched to a ship shop. The higher ups saw her amazing intellilect and mechanical skills. When she was eleven, the Empire offered her a free full education in science, math, and engineering at an off world academy.
Amazed, her poor parents encouraged her to take the opportunity. While Kerri took it and did well with her studies, she was as hateful as ever towards the brutal Sith. When she was fifteen, she found an old freighter who's owner was long dead. She hauled the ship to a hideout and continually worked on it during all her free time. When she was sixteen, only months from completing her courses and graduating into a place of power, Kerri struggled with the idea of working for the very organization she grew up morally against. On the day she got her degree in engineering and ship mechanics, she took her new ship, christened Dagny, and bailed.
She left the Sith's empire. Conflicted, she vowed to come back and take her poor parents with her.
With her ship and few supplies, Kerri roamed the outer rim and took any odd jobs and bounties she could. Within the small span of a year, she learned to use a diversity of blasters effectively.
Scrapping off what cash she could take, she still has tried to figure out how to go back and save her family.
Species: Terrelian Jango Jumper.
Age: Seventeen.
Gender: Female.
Height: 5’5.
Weight: 113 ibs.
Eye color: Orange.
Hair color: Caramel/ Dirty Blond/ whatever you call it.
Irises: Shaker-Flower.
Hair Type: 2A (Wavy.)
Skin Color: Pale.
Faction: Slowly integrating into the Mandalorians.
Big Five Personality Type: RIOGD, the Prodigy.
Licenses/ Degrees: Engineering and Piloting.
Sexuality: Hetero.
Force Sensitive: Yes.
Personality:Aislinn has gone through a lot, making her surprisingly mature. Inside, she’s a storm; outside, she’s chillingly calm. She has problems with obedience, especially after what her past superiors have done to her, but her quest for power has quenched it a bit when it comes to learning. She is in a state of paranoia, barely getting any sleep ever. However, in combat she can suddenly morph from a quiet shadow to a whirlwind of black holes. She is actually a violent individual when emotionally and physically pushed.
She’s pale skinned Terrelian with orange eyes and caramel blond hair. She looks her age all right, and actually packs some muscle in her arms and legs – even if she barely uses them. As per Terrelian culture, she has tattoos cluttered across her entire body. She is always wearing a cloak over her clothes and head. She has a brown leather jacket with pockets and pouches. She wears a black C-neck shirt with the dark pink writing Freedom on it. She has black pants and buckle knee high boots with hot pink lacing. She has small black half gloves. She wears her pistols in the holsters on the belt wrapped around her waist. She has another belt hanging on her thighs. She can surely be mysterious, but she has reasons for hiding.
Born to a poor family in the slums of Coruscant, Kerri Aislinn was always an inquisitive and resourceful girl. Crammed in a tiny and unsanitary apartment, the family of three all worked hard for money. Kerri found work in a sweat shop factory when she was six. When she was ten, she switched to a ship shop. The higher ups saw her amazing intellilect and mechanical skills. When she was eleven, the Empire offered her a free full education in science, math, and engineering at an off world academy.
Amazed, her poor parents encouraged her to take the opportunity. While Kerri took it and did well with her studies, she was as hateful as ever towards the brutal Sith. When she was fifteen, she found an old freighter who's owner was long dead. She hauled the ship to a hideout and continually worked on it during all her free time. When she was sixteen, only months from completing her courses and graduating into a place of power, Kerri struggled with the idea of working for the very organization she grew up morally against. On the day she got her degree in engineering and ship mechanics, she took her new ship, christened Dagny, and bailed.
She left the Sith's empire. Conflicted, she vowed to come back and take her poor parents with her.
With her ship and few supplies, Kerri roamed the outer rim and took any odd jobs and bounties she could. Within the small span of a year, she learned to use a diversity of blasters effectively.
Scrapping off what cash she could take, she still has tried to figure out how to go back and save her family.