Basic Information:
Name: KerriwarrSpecies: Rwook - WookieeGender: MaleAge: 378
Physical Information:
Height: 8’5’’Weight: 380lbsSpecial Features: N/A
Kerriwarr stands at an impressive height, even for a Wookie. His stature and athletic build gives him an intimidating figure, standing far above the majority of his counterparts, both Wookie and otherwise. This figure leads most to fear him, but those who know him will know him to be a gentle giant.
Approaching the latter part of his life, his hair has begun to fade to a lighter tan around the entirety of his body, with patches of near blonde, grey hair under his chin and snout, as well as around his chest. Very often, Kerriwarr will braid the hair around his head, face, and under his chin.
Physical Traits
Strengths Weaknesses Physicality
Kerriwarr, due to the traits of his race combined with his sheer size, possesses a great deal of muscle mass. As a result of this, the Wookiee is capable of great feats of strength.Endurance
Kerriwarr, despite being in relatively good physical condition, is starting to show signs of physical aging. He is no longer able to sustain himself physically over the course of extended strenuous activity in the way he would’ve half a century ago.Longevity
The natural longevity of the Wookiee people, combined with his affinity with the Force, grants Kerriwarr the ability to live far longer than the average Wookiee. By natural standards, he would already be at a geriatric stage of health as a Wookiee. Due to his attunement with the Force, he is still a capable adult, albeit beginning to decline. He likely has a hundred years of life left to live.Stealth
While Kerriwarr is trained in stealth, his massive frame and weight do not lend themselves to being very quiet. As such, it is safe to say that stealth is not the Wookiee's strong suit.
Mental Traits
Strengths Weaknesses Intellect
Over his centuries of study, Kerriwarr has come to be one of the most well-versed Jedi in a plethora of subjects and fields. He is both a natural and a fast learner, a trait common amongst the Wookiee people.Piety
Kerriwarr is intensely, almost radically adhered to the Jedi way. While it benefits him in many ways, it can result in the master being rather rigid in his ways of thinking.Wisdom
Through his experience, Kerriwarr has accrued a great deal of wisdom and knowledge on many subjects. Within the Order, he is renowned for being one of the wisest and most profound of its members.Stubborn
Kerriwarr is very determined and focused, and he is not one to change his ways. Once the master’s mind is made, very little in the way of external forces can dissuade him.Craftsmanship
Kerriwarr has an affinity for technological innovation, designing his own translator droid, PTD-14. He is also known to be an artisan, being a master woodworker like that of his parents. His sculptures and carvings are diligently and beautifully made, earning him notoriety amongst his people for his skills.Blunt
Kerriwarr, while meaning well, is a very direct person. His honesty is genuine and unfiltered with no exceptions.Quick Thinking
Kerriwarr’s mind is well-honed, and he is able to adapt to adverse situations easily, being quick on his feet. He is oftentimes one to take quick steps towards solving problems and takes leadership when others are unwilling.Cold
Kerriwarr, in conjunction with his honesty, is a very direct critic. If he finds a fault in something or someone, he will unapologetically critique it until it is fixed, regardless of the effects, it has on the subject or people in question. -
Character Information:
Personality Traits:Kerriwarr is a pious Jedi Master who adheres to the Jedi way unwaveringly. He is strong-willed and determined, and not one for drama or politics. He tends to be blunt, and has a tendency, like Jedi should, to be devoid of emotion nearly entirely.Habits/Mannerisms:Kerriwarr can often be seen doing maintenance on his weapons and tools. He habitually and ritualistically braids his fur. If he is idle, he will often work on one of his ongoing projects, carving wood into beautiful shapes and figures.He also makes a habit of speaking telepathically using the Force as opposed to speaking aloud in Shyriiwook.Interests/Disinterests:Kerriwarr cares only for the fate of the Order. He places small interest in his own success, but only to expand his own abilities and pursue true mastery of the Force in accordance with Jedi doctrine. He also cares deeply for the Wookiee people on Kashyyyk, and embraces the native culture of his kin to the greatest extent possible. He is intensely disinterested in those who fail to take situations seriously, and do not exercise proper decorum. He's traditional and doesn't invest himself in those who defy the customs of his Order.
Chapter I: Origins
Kerriwarr was born to an expert woodcarver in a small town in Kashyyyk. He was born with two siblings: a sister, and a brother. From his early days on, Kerriwarr showed great aptitude in spatial reasoning and physical coordination. In addition, he also began to grow far taller than the other children. By age ten, he stood well taller than his peers, and quickly obtained the muscle-mass to match. He quickly became the most proficient athlete amongst his classmates and siblings within the nursery ring of his home tree. His interests were not in athletics, however. He was infatuated by his father’s work. Admiring the carvings and carpentry, he slowly began to amass the skills of his father over the course of his childhood.
When Kerriwarr turned eleven, he would take on the initiation ceremony that would change him from a boy into a young man. His Hrrtayyk ceremony, translated as the Trial of Ascension, sent him to the Shadowlands. His tribe sent him to the base of the tallest nearby Wroshyr tree in the area, and he was tasked with climbing it from bottom to top. The endeavor took him three days, and throughout the course of it, the boy had to fend off several of the native fauna, including a particularly nasty encounter with a pack of Wyyyschokks. The boy barely escaped the venomous spiders, relying on his only tool: The hand-crafted bowcaster given to him by his father prior to the beginning of the ceremony.
As Kerriwarr reached the top of the tree, he set out to create a beacon for the observers to see him and to prove his completion of the ceremony. He found a flat divot in the top of the tree and started assembling wood in the center of it. Gathering smaller, dead limbs from the tree, he created a small campfire, and despite his best attempts, he couldn’t manage to get enough air through the crevice in order to keep the fire sustainable. As his frustration grew, he eventually settled on his knees in front of his small campfire, watching it slowly die. He wanted so badly for the wind to carry the fire into a blazing inferno. As he concentrated on it, he began to feel a slight breeze. As he continued to shape the wind through the small depression in the tree, the breeze picked up into small, precise bursts of air that sent the campfire ablaze. The smoke signal was enough to get the attention of his clan, who had long thought him dead. They flew over in a catamaran to the tree and picked him up, where he told everyone about his gift of manipulating the wind.
Upon returning to his home, his family was elated to find that he was Force Sensitive and immediately sent for a Seeker from the Jedi Order. They held a great feast in his honor, knowing that Wookie Jedi were rare and that Kerriwarr would not only be a symbol of his clan but a representative of the Wookie people as a whole. During the feast, he was presented with a fine set of carving tools, a set of traditional beads to braid into his hair, and the last gift was the most profound. The Tree Carers themselves came to the feast and presented him with a small package. It was a leather strung pouch full of Wroshyr seeds. They were to remind him of home and the pride they felt in him.
It was that day that Kerriwarr left his home behind, making his way into the Galaxy. Not just to join the Galaxy at large, but to become a peacekeeper. A Jedi.
Abilities & Affiliation:
Force Sensitive: YesAffiliation: The Jedi OrderRank/Position: Jedi Master / Jedi Instructor / Jedi Artisan / Jedi Consular
Mastery tiers for skills are as follows:
- Mastery [Complete mastery of a skill, must have 15+ years experience in addition to a great deal of focus and effort]
- Experienced [Proficiency with a skill, 5-10 years experience]]
- Intermediate [Competence with a skill, 3-5 years experience]
- Novice [Approaching competence with a skill, 1-3 years experience]
- Beginner [Just beginning with a skill, less than a year of experience]
Force Powers Combat Abilities Other Skills Telekinesis [Mastered]
Force Sense [Mastered]
Force Push/Pull [Mastered]
Force Bellow [Mastered]
Force Burst [Mastered]
Force Healing [Mastered]
Force Telepathy [Mastered]
Force Wave [Expert]
Force Listening [Expert]
Force Jump [Expert]
Force Stealth [Expert]
Hibernation Trance [Expert]
Animal Friendship [Expert]
Plant Surge [Expert]
Cleanse Mind [Expert]
Tutaminis [Expert]
Force Light [Expert]
Force Body [Adept]
Precognition [Adept]
Saber Throw [Adept]
Force Barrier [Adept]
Force Valor [Adept]Niman [Mastered]
Wrruushi [Mastered]
Jar Kai [Mastered]
Soresu [Expert]
Shien/Djem So [Adept]
Bowcaster [Adept]
Makashi [Average]
Shii-Cho [Average]Woodcarving [Master]
Carpentry [Master]
Mechanics [Expert]
Pilot [Adept]
EquipmentVisual ReferenceInformation & DescriptionHilt Length [combined]: 2’6’’
Blade Length: 4’ each
Crystal Color: Deep Emerald
Stability: Stable
Hilts: The deep emerald blades come from a hilt of Brylark Wood, Cerakote, and Chromium. The wood of the hilt has been engraved by Kerriwarr over the many years the massive weapons have been by his side. The patterns resemble flora and fauna of his homeworld of Kashyyyk. The central design being his family crest.
Irp, the hilts are wood all the way to the pommel, and they lock together to form a saberstaff. As they do so, the wooden carvings line up perfectly.
ClothingKerriwarr can commonly be seen in traditional Jedi Robes throughout the temple and on most of his excursions throughout the galaxy. He wears a dark inner tunic covered by a longer tan robe with knee-length tabards.
His full cloak with deep bell sleeves covers the tunics, covered in faintly embroidered patterns that resemble ornate floral designs. He also wears his “utility belt” which holds his lightsaber, along with the rest of his day-to-day equipment.
Wookie Garb: When making visits to Kashyyyk, Kerriwarr can be seen in ornamental Wookie clothing.
(See pg. 1 for visual reference)Every Day Equipment Comlink
Lightsaber Repair Kit
Food/Water Capsules
Distress Beacon
Simple Medical Kit
Heavy Grappling Spike Launcher
Glow-RodsSpecial EquipmentWood Carving Tools
Carpentry Tools
Mechanics Tools
Gardening Supplies
Ornamental Wookie Clothing
Custom Protocol Droid
Personal Journal
Meditation Stones
Ceremonial Robes
Spare Lightsaber parts
Pouch of Wroshyr seedsThis is the hilt of Kerriwarr’s master, Jhusa, which he carries with him inside of a wooden box that he carved himself. The box is engraved with a depiction of the Selkath Jedi Master, and inside are many of Jhusa’s teachings, written from Kerriwarr’s memory.
[Click Here for a 3D Model]
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