Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Kesh Nights One thousand and one Nights

[SIZE=12pt]Location: Kesh[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Gardens of the Palace[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Arranged meeting of the King with Ilia Basu.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Ilia stood perfectly still listening to the songs of birds that rested on the nearby fountain. She did not wish to frighten them away so she stayed perfectly still. Here in the garden where the aroma of flowers floated on the breeze, and the warmth of the sun lingered to convince any passerby to sit down and enjoy.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]The night of the ball she had only been able to see these gardens from a window she had not been allowed to exit the building without a guard. Why would she want to walk in a garden while being under the watchful eye of a guard? Did they think she would sneak a kiss from rose? Or perhaps the weeping willow would whisk her away.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Her thoughts made her laugh, but today she would be presented to the King, like some gift wrapped in a bow. She knew what her parents were thinking, but she. Ilia was thinking she had questions for the King, course the questions might seem frivolous or childlike but still she wanted to know.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt][member="Solan Charr"][/SIZE]
[member="Ilia Basu"]

Solan walked with his hands behind him as always, his eyes staring forward as he looked at the one talking to him. Today was a normal day, the ball the nights before had made him a bit bleh in terms of attentiveness but the words that one of his guests had stayed left him with interest. Also the news that his garden had been restricted to the guests made him a bit annoyed. He had created that to be a place of beauty for anyone that came to the Palace, but it was a mistake he retified with the simple order that anyone visiting should be allowed entrance.

So he made his way through the halls and raised a brow as he watched the woman who watched the songbirds. "Leave us for now if you would please Orion.." The man nodded and closed the datapad before leaving and Solan moved slowly up beside the woman to watch too. He said nothing at first before smiling and muttering lowly as not to disturb those birds. "Ever held one?"
[SIZE=12pt]“No” she whispered without turning just in case they would fly away, “has his majesty held them?” She continued to whisper softly and gave a smile that would warm any heart. She felt suddenly unique to be able to stand with the King in his gardens.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She knew the voice she had heard it several times during the night before, it had a slight accent much like she had a slight accent. Those who traveled gathered accents representing the many places they had been.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Ilia only had the accent of her home she hoped that one day she would travel enough to add the accent of having knowledge of the galaxy to the way she sounded. She who was so adept at picking up languages and yet had rare occasion to actually use them.[/SIZE]

[member="Solan Charr"]
[member="Ilia Basu"]

"A few times, when you live with a pesky animal with bad breath for the rest of your life you tend to... well get a bit common in regards to how handling animals comes." He didn't explain what he meant by pesky animal but if Ilia was watching she would see him jump slightly, his face retorting for a second as he shifted his eyes to the side. None the less his eyes returned to the birds as he continued to speak about the. "Beautiful creatures, dirty mind you, not something you want to hold and then eat right after but still beautiful."

There were many beautiful and unique creatures in this world, including the ones used for travel. Uvak as they were called. Winged animals of four legs and a razor sharp beak, they were marvels but something to be thought of another time. "So, to what pleasure to i owe seeing you here once more. I regret i did not catch your name at the ball."
[member="Solan Charr"]​
[SIZE=12pt]Ilia looked over to Solan, “Pesky animal, I’m not sure I follow or understand.” She nodded though as if in agreement, “I usually wash my hands before eating, don’t you?”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Please do not say the man was a heathen that he didn’t partake of the finer points of hygiene.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Ah a topic she could speak to, “my family always thinks it is good to meet the host of a grand party.” She hemmed and bit on the next part, “my parents are also looking for a suitable husband, and they wondered if they dangled me in front of you if you would either be interested or would know of someone eligible”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]A wary smile this time touched her lips. She was not happy about the tactic but it was the truth. [/SIZE]
[member="Ilia Basu"]

"Of course, i was simply musing that it would be of more importance then of all times. As for the pesky animal comment that is something we can revisit later. Hes a bit... timid?" He looked to the side as he stared at the birds before shrugging and listening to her next set of words.

Now that was intriguing, and he had to simply smile.

It seemed that she was planted at his party in order to find a suitable husband and for some reason they had assumed that because he had no wife she could be dangled infront of him. Granted he had to say he was a bit honored but the distaste that was clear in her features rang true. "I would never push for such a thing in the case nor would i think about having you in my home only to judge what kind of person you would be as a betrothed. Trust me, it takes more than simple dangling to make me show interest in anyone. Not that you aren't enchanting miss Basu was it?"
[member="Solan Charr"]​
[SIZE=12pt]“I would be lying if I did not admit to some relief your highness, and I am called Ilia.” She smiled then grateful that he did not look at her as if she were the next special on the meat market shelf.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Her cheeks turned pink when he called her enchanting the blush stayed there as she smiled, she couldn’t help it. She enjoyed the compliment.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“So what does your Highness do each day aside from ensuring the gardens are taken care of for the birds and women looking for husbands.” He did pay her a kindness by entertaining her, she would remember that. He also was patient as they spoke.[/SIZE]
[member="Ilia Basu"]\

"This and that, Reading, my work outside of my place as a king. Hobbies of a wide variety. There isn't really one thing i do though i must say i am always happy to create something where beauty can gather. Looks like its working." His hand reached out, remaining there for her to take it or not before he would tilt his head. "How about a walk to clear the air while we talk. I promise you there is much to see in terms of flora. Alot of it you might recognize as there is a decent amount of imported strains of plants from other worlds." He was curious how she would react to the gesture, whether she took the hand or not, accepted his invitation for a walk. It made him curious in how she spoke, thought, and who she was.
[SIZE=12pt]She placed her hand gently on top of his, she tilted her head acknowledging the compliment. He was quite charming so far. “Beauty is often in the eye of the beholder, and found in some of the most remote places.” She looked around and determined his eye was on the delicate and functional.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“I enjoy being outside, I also enjoy books that can entertain my mind and make me think, do you like mysteries, or historical, or neither?” She waited for them to take that first step. He seemed interested or was he trying to figure her out. She had seen these kinds of looks before.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Even though she was beautiful did she have a mind, could she speak, chew bubble gum, and rub her stomach. Those who took their time to talk with her might be quite surprised by what they found.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Was the King of Kesh one such person?[/SIZE]

[member="Solan Charr"]
[member="Ilia Basu"]

He listened to her, thinking it over as he started walking with her. "Historical indefinitely, especially in terms of cultures and the problems of the past as it helps me understand people. I like to know who exactly i am talking to, their customs, who they are. Everything i can so that when i talk to them i do not make a fool of myself. Mysteries though are equally interesting, they keep you thinking and always turning the next page to see what lies out infront of you. Like life but less set in stone as to the ending."

He walked with her and smiled, his hand remaining there and his eyes watching her before turning to the flora around them than returning when he or she would speak. He always liked a good conversation and the one that she and he were having now was one he could greatly appreciate in terms of ... grandeur. "And you if i might be so curious, which do you prefer or is there but a third option that you so desire over those that you had presented me with?"
[SIZE=12pt]She thought for a moment wanting to give him a complete answer, “I enjoy many genre. A mystery that pushes the mind to figure out what the truth is, a comedy that lightens the mood and the heart, a romance that entices the brain and tempts the imagination of what could be, historical because I want to know what has happened as you say learn so that when I speak I do not sound a fool” She bit her lip for a moment this was good so far.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“I speak four languages your Highness so knowing a people and their customs is most useful when holding a conversation.” She was comfortable out here walking along with him.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“Your highness should know that I do have a flaw or two in my..personality” She half smiled, “I do however try to keep them hidden so that only those close to me see them”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]They took a few more steps Ilia could see the beautiful flowers that lined the path they were on, they were like giant stars, and so fragrant one could not help but stop to take a nose full.[/SIZE]

[member="Solan Charr"]
[member="Ilia Basu"]

He smiled as she spoke and nodded. "Four? Impressive, which ones might they be?" He was curious and looked at her. He knew more than a few from his time as a mercenary, though it was normally that of huttese, trandoshan, the unsavory kind of languages that no king should know. But he did so that fact remained true.

"As fore flaws, you have noneed to hide such things. We all have our faults and short comings. The only perfect people are those that are lost in their own delusion about their skill. Its a saddening thing in truth to see people that wont accept their own mortality and faults and i dont mean that you don't. Im just sharing with you my views on this delusion. I have experienced it more than enough in my life anyways."
Her intent had not been to impress him merely to show that she had interest enough in other cultures to learn the language, "Basic, Mandalorian, Bocce, Hutt, and recently I started to study Bothese" Ilia moved as silent as a gentle breeze as she walked with [member="Solan Charr"] somewhere off to their left some of the birds sat cooing from their perch. She smiled over at Solan.

Her mother had once told her that her beauty would bring rooms of men to standstill but Ilia believed that beauty was skin deep it was the content of one's heart and soul that she hoped would hold the attention of anyone who took time to spend a moment or two with her.

"My flaws your grace are part of me, a certain amount of control I do possess over them but you should know I am afraid of small closed spaces" She looked over her brown eyes, "I do not hide it I merely avoid circumstances which would put me in one" She carefully stepped, I also am often very shy around large crowds, painfully so it seems" Since theses were the things which made her uncomfortable she wanted to share them openly.

"Has your grace ever found himself unable to speak?"
[member="Ilia Basu"]

He walked with her and listened to her words as she spoke about first the languages and then moved onto her flaws. Each word was an enticing meal he had never tasted. As if just listening to her was more than enough for him to appreciate the conversation without worry about what it is they end up talking about. And when the final question came he rose his brow and for a moment he didn't speak indeed. Her words were situated in his mind and he left a smiled on his face at thinking what it could be that she could say past what she has. So much to the point where he just turned his head and looked up. "Well, i must say you are an amazing person, but no i am not speechless just quite yet. It will take more than just your beauty and a short conversation to do that to me."
[member="Solan Charr"]

"Oh your grace misunderstands I was not fishing for a compliment I truly mean have you ever found yourself in a situation, or at a point where you did not know what to say?" She smiled, "many people often find themselves within a conversation that suddenly takes a direction that was unseen, catching them off guard and leaving them speechless. I" she paused for a moment taking a breath, "I have found many that cannot find the words and often miss out on something that if they had said perhaps, I do not know what to say, perhaps then..I don't know I think I am rambling a bit"

They were still walking slowly casually taking in the conversation and that which surrounded them, she hoped she had not over stepped a boundary by correcting his assumption if in fact it was, but she liked to try and find a common trait, behavior, something in people it gave them more to talk about. Or to think about.
[member="Ilia Basu"]

"Even if you had been fishing for a compliment it would be ok Miss Ilia. I do it all the time and ive talked to people who do it constantly. The main difference between them and myself though being i do it to appear like i need it, not actually need it." He paused for a moment just as she had, but not simply to take a breath as he instead looked at a certain tree. "I could tell plainly that you were not fishing for one and you must not take all my words as literal as they can come off as. I tend to use the... falsities of life and of words in order to get through conversation. It is easier for me that way."
"Does that mean at times you find the topic of conversation lacking in" she wanted to be sure she chose the words correctly, "spirited play" that would describe it yes. Did he find that the conversation was boring. She tried not to smile, he seemed quite honest and she liked that.

No matter what things were said here today she hoped that he would always be honest with her, and that at the very least they would remain friends. Friends not because he was a King and she a High Noblewoman, but friends becuase they found something in common. She hoped.

This careful walking was slow, perhaps she would suggest something else in a minute or two depending upon his answer.

[member="Solan Charr"]
[member="Ilia Basu"]

"Never do i find conversation lacking. We were given our voices to speak, to sing. The wind, the sound of music, everything moves through the air to create the beauty of sound. Conversation is just another one of such beauties. You see, it allows us to connect in ways beyond simple instinct that plants do, that is why all creatures have such a beautiful voice. Even those that are silent to our ears." He smiled at her as he spoke and he walked with her. He could tell there was more than just a simple answer she was looking for and he rose his brow to such. "If i might be so curious to ask, do you not think such yourself or do you have an idea about the topic that i do not?"
[member="Solan Charr"]​
She gave him a nervous smile, "Well your grace as you are aware I have been presented in a few place to a few eligible men." She made a face that showed her distaste at the memory. "I have been told that I am too contemplative in my speech, and therefore one could be considered bored when listening" She tilted her head.

"Perhaps your grace prefers politics, the eternal debate over what is considered good, and what is considered evil" Her milk chocolate colored eyes rested upon him again, as she waited to see his reaction.

She truly did at times find this process one of lessons in futility she wanted at times to run, disguise herself and walk among others that would have no idea what she was. To have a drink in a tavern, or come home when the sun was cresting the horizon. She wanted to live life, not just have life.

She smiled.
[member="Ilia Basu"]

"Have you ever been outside of a castle, seen those down in the dumps and dredges of the world. Lived in a gutter, ate stale or rotting food Miss Basu? Gotten shot, burned, cut, broken, or beaten. Forced to do things that no human should ever want to do but you come to find easy in the end. Politics are entertaining in that it separates you from reality. There is no such thing as good and evil, only your perspective of what is right and wrong..."

He paused as he smiled at her and looked at her eyes for a few moments. ".. You can take me for prime example. When you ask the people of Kesh, of the Vitae, what i am. What do you expect to hear, that i am some tyrant that kills his own people for power? Or that i am a kind man who cultivates the garden in his home and loves his daughter. You would call me good then.. But then you ask those who fight me, those who enslave others, and those who would wipe out cultures or peoples. You ask them what i am, what i do, am i still that kind, gentle person. OR am i an aspect of flame."

He paused as he laughed and rubbed his neck with his freehand. "Im rambling, but the point remains, no one is good or evil, we are all just... Human. Even the Wookies are human in the end. Everyone has the capacity for good or evil, its a matter of perspective is all."

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