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Approved Starship Kessel-Class Heavy Battlecruiser "The Golden Dragon"

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Rustbuckets will never go out of style.

  • Classification: Heavy Battlecruiser
  • Length: 5,000m
  • Width: 1,050m
  • Height: 400m
  • Armament: Extreme
  • Defenses: Extreme
  • Hangar Space: High
Hangar Allocations:
  • Starfighters: 22
  • Dropships: 13
  • Maneuverability Rating: Low
  • Speed Rating: Very Low
  • Hyperdrive: 3
  • Reinforced Hull: The Kessel Class of heavy battlecruisers were designed to dish out high firepower and withstand most anything that an opposing force could throw its way. As such, all hull sections, bulkheads, and armor platings have been heavily reinforced to provide maximum survivability during combat.
  • Phrik-Laced Armor: Although beskar was far too expensive to use for hull enhancement (and aloy would probably kill Leenic), the Golden Dragon's hull armor was enhanced with a Phrik-durasteel alloy, giving it a significant boost in protection against both energy and projectile attacks.
  • Extended Armory: Through Leenic's recommendation, two Railguns were mounted into fixed positions on the sides of the ships, enabling the ship to fire a devastating depleted uranium shell that ignores deflector shields (but not particle shields).
  • Enhanced Anti-Ship Arsenal: As if his previous requests weren't enough, Leenic had his flagship outfitted with even more anti-ship weapons, bringing in an extra two railguns, implementing much larger anti-ship naval cannons, and almost doubling the number of canons already on it.
  • Personnel Armory: Due to the focus on soldiers instead of pilots, the Golden Dragon has an extensive personnel armory added on, with each barracks also housing a small weapons locker for Personal Defense Weapons.
  • Enhanced Shield Array: Alongside placing enhanced deflector shields within the ship, Leenic requested Particle Shields be installed to block any slug-based weaponry, space debris, or other physical obstructions.
  • Spacious Barracks: Although hardly useful for combat, the crews within a Kessel-Class Heavy Battlecruiser each have semi-individual rooms, with all rank-and-file soldiers getting two to a room whilst all officers and petty officers get an individual room.
  • Armored Guns: All guns mounted on the ship have been granted a similar armor suite as the ship itself, making them very hard to destroy.
  • Wide Firing Angles: Placing gun emplacements on the top and bottom of the ship alongside staggering their height allows for the guns of the Kessel-Class Heavy Battlecruisers to fire at almost any angle and direction.
  • Centralized Bridge: Relying on a mix of sonar and live imaging from external cameras, the bridge of a Kessel-Class Heavy Battlecruiser sits in the center of the ship, protected by several layers of heavy armor, to ensure maximum command and navigation survivability during combat.
  • Slow and Steady: While heavily armed and armored, Kessel-Class Heavy Battlecruisers are rather slow for their class, meaning that they will rarely outrun any fleeing or pursuing ships.
  • Spacious Barracks: Although quite good for crew Morale, the large barracks remove a significant amount of efficiency for storing crewmembers, meaning that any Kessel-Class Heavy Battlecruiser will have a decently smaller crew than other ships of her class.
  • Taxing Maneuvers: Due to their bulky size and massive weight, it takes a lot to get Kessel-Class Heavy Cruisers moving, putting quite a strain on its engines. As such, attempting to engage in highly erratic maneuvers will most certainly result in engine failure, and could even cause a reactor detonation within the ship. As such, all Kessel-Class Heavy Battlecruisers should accelerate and decelerate at extremely gradual speeds.
  • Crew Requirement: Due to how massive the Kessel-Class Heavy Battlecruisers are, it is mandatory for all crew stations to be filled as the spacious barracks limit crew capacity to almost exactly what is required to operate the ship.
  • Broadside-only Railguns: Due to their fixed positioning, the Railguns are only capable of firing during a broadside, preventing the ship from using them during a chase or retreat.
  • Long-Range Primacy: Although it is quite well equipped for extremely long-range engagements, the Dragon's heavy armament limits it significantly at close range, leaving it extremely vulnerable to any starfighters or lightweight fleet ships that come close to it.
  • Dropship Primacy: Although bombers still exist on the Golden Dragon, Leenic designated far more hangar space to dropships than standard Kessel-Class Heavy Battlecruisers, even snagging some away from bombers in the process. This significantly reduced his fighter squadrons' anti-ship capabilities, making them practically only useful for air-to-air combat.
  • Low Security Personnel: Even when fully staffed, the Dragon is quite vulnerable to being boarded as all combat-oriented personnel are staged around and within the hangar for quick boarding maneuvers. The crew left around the ship are gunners and pilots, and even if they are armed, they will more than likely not be fully equipped to handle a fully trained boarding crew.
Following an extremely difficult heist, Leenic determined that the best way to guarantee the odds of success for his group was to design a somewhat cheaply produced ship that could be used as a fleet flagship during naval engagements. Thus, with the help of Aloy Vizsla Aloy Vizsla 's manufacturing company, the Kessel-Class Heavy Battlecruiser was born. Unfortunately, Leenic's demand for highly specialized weaponry, incredible armor, and an intimidating presence all resulted in the ship being too expensive for extensive production, and the base ship now serves as a blueprint idea for making individual flagships rather than serving as the main battleship.

Leenic's variant of the Kessel line of ships is the "Golden Dragon", a Battlecruiser sporting a much heavier armor suite and armament than the original design. Outfitted with the heaviest cannons, two extra fixed railguns on the side, and Phrik-reinforced armor, the "Golden Dragon" is certainly a foe that one should not wish to be on the business end of.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Leenic Ellsil Leenic Ellsil

  • The same problem like last time too, you cannot use pinterest as image source, please edit to what you use in your other thread, this link
  • Hangar allocation, there is no Bomber slot in this, I accept the dropship as a support craft, but please delete the bomber and use the original template's part:
    Hangar Allocations: (This is the allocated amounts of starfighters and support craft (dropships, shuttles,gunships,etc) this submission can hold in its hangar based on the maximum hangar space capacity.[For typical sizes see equivalent Size of Starship.] )
    • Starfighters: x squadrons
    • Support Craft: x squadrons
  • And the strengths and weaknesses are not really balanced. Please add one more PvP relevant weakness to your sub. For example the engines are not really protected and thus these and vulnerable, or something similar.
T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Leenic Ellsil Leenic Ellsil

Thank you! This is good now. However I'll not accept yet, because I know John and you are still working on the "Mk-001 Etheric Naval Cannon". If the fate of that thread is decided, then I will accept this, or if it is rejected, you will have the opportunity to delete the questionable part before I accept it.
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