[member="Coci Heavenshield"]
I looked at it, but the author has done his research (its Popo's writer btw).
OOC: The company is part of the Underground crime faction, so this marks them making in-roads into our faction. Which, is no surprise considering Kessel's canon history.
IC: She's posed in the narrative that her company has secured mining rights from the Kessel Royal Family that governs the planet (unless, as a result of our dominion, we changed that), so it doesn't easily lend itself to opposition by the faction without us changing the policy about planets governing themselves. Though, there is precedent for that in that we prohibit the Zygerrians from engaging in slavery.
Except, in this case, its a pharmaceudical company developing spice for use in legal medicines (think opiates, such as morphine). So, I can't see any reason why we'd oppose it.
So it appears to just be a thread on Kessel, if anyone wants to venture back there.