Liona Mikael
Ain't nothin' a little hotwirin' can't fix.
[ The Wheel, Docking Bay ]
Liona let out a soft sigh once she was in the safety of the docking bay for her freighter. Granted, 'safe' was not the word to be used in most spaceports, but at least it didn't have people talking to her all the time. She vaguely wondered if it was time to remove the dye from her hair and try to not stand out. It probably was the purple hair that attracted unsavory attention. Possibly.
The smuggler checked the datapad with her job on it. 'Go to the Tenloss labs on Kessel and retrieve a shipment from the facility. Its a small package of raw materials for medical research that I need Mandal Hypernautics labs to analyze. Deliver it and I can authorize some nice weapons for payment or just pay in credits.' Not in so many works, of course, but it was enough to go on for now. She vaguely recognized the name Tenloss, though more recognized the name Mandal Hypernautics instead.
Whatever. It paid, and that was really all Liona cared about at this point. She wandered up into the ship to run diagnostics and get permission to leave.
Liona let out a soft sigh once she was in the safety of the docking bay for her freighter. Granted, 'safe' was not the word to be used in most spaceports, but at least it didn't have people talking to her all the time. She vaguely wondered if it was time to remove the dye from her hair and try to not stand out. It probably was the purple hair that attracted unsavory attention. Possibly.
The smuggler checked the datapad with her job on it. 'Go to the Tenloss labs on Kessel and retrieve a shipment from the facility. Its a small package of raw materials for medical research that I need Mandal Hypernautics labs to analyze. Deliver it and I can authorize some nice weapons for payment or just pay in credits.' Not in so many works, of course, but it was enough to go on for now. She vaguely recognized the name Tenloss, though more recognized the name Mandal Hypernautics instead.
Whatever. It paid, and that was really all Liona cared about at this point. She wandered up into the ship to run diagnostics and get permission to leave.