- Intent: To create a cool exotic coach gun.
- Image Source: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/3olvko
- Canon Link: N/A
- Permissions: N/A
- Primary Source:
- Manufacturer: Finley Dawson (Self)
- Affiliation: Finley Dawson
- Model: N/A
- Modularity: Yes
- Production: Unique
- Material: Common Blaster Components, Coaxium
- Classification: Exotic Energy/Gravitic Shotgun
- Size: Small | 46 cm
- Weight: Heavy
- Ammunition Type: Coaxium Fuel Cells
- Ammunition Capacity: Very Small | 8 Shots per cell
- Effective Range: Point Blank | 2 meters
- Rate of Fire: Very Low | 60 second charge time between every two shots.
- Stopping Power: Extreme
- Recoil: Very High
- Extreme firepower, within its effective range it can shred through some of the biggest toughest combatants out there. At the very least it will probably knock them off their feet.
- As a shotgun, it can hit multiple opponents if they're clustered close enough and within range.
- Fires warping gravitic waves as primary source of damage, which is difficult to defend against by conventional personal armor and shielding.
- Secondary radiation/energy damage from gamma bursts can both disrupt electronics and some biological functions like accelerated regeneration.
- Pitiful effective range, basically limited melee distance. Past two meters, and the damage fall off is dramatic. Targets still may suffer some knock back and injury beyond optimal range, though.
- Very low fire rate overall. While two shots can be quickly fired off, it takes a full minute for the gun to charge for the next shots.
- Very high recoil.
- Low ammo, and volatile ammo at that, prone to explosions upon direct hits.
- Vulnerable to ion and EMP attacks, temporarily disabling the weapon when affected.
With all the fancy personal defense options out there, often a simple blaster isn't enough. Sometimes not even a lightsaber cuts it. So Finley came up with a little extra something to use in a pinch.
This little extra something became what he'd dub a Ripple Gun, inspired by primitive but coach guns favored by some denizens of the Outer Rim. However, instead of spewing high caliber slugs or buckshot, this gun unleashes a mix of shredding warp waves and concentrated gamma radation. This is achieved by applying some mechanics of hyperdrive operation, just on a much smaller scale. Coaxium fuel cells - hyperfuel - are used to generate explosive gamma bursts that are shunted forward at high speed by accelerators to create micro ripples in space-time, projecting a tight cone of devastation before the wielder.
It's a nasty surprise against opponents expecting only to face a lightsaber, one few ever get to live to regret.