Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ket Vistas

Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.

NAME: Ket Vista

RANK: Apprentice

SPECIES: Nautolan
AGE: 28

SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 1.9 meters (6' 2")
WEIGHT: 95 kg (209lbs)
EYES: Black
HAIR: Green Head Tresses
SKIN: Green


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

--Lightsaber combatant: Ket is awful at lightsaber combat.

+ Is an excellent Swimmer

-Is mute and can only communicate via telepathy or when immersed in water.

+ Staff fighting.

-Claustrophobic: no tight spaces or panic happens

Ket is tall with broad shoulders and physically fit appearance. He often wears loose fitting robes.

Ket started life as a typical member of his race. He was born to on his home world, Glee Anselm, little else is know about him other than he was orphaned.

He was found a recently working as a droid mechanic in a rundown shop. His inability to speak has been narrowed down to a psychological block but it hinders him very little. Somewhere he learned to communicate telepathically through the force. He is currently Masterless and desires to be taught and mentored by a Lightside force user. He also desires to one day learn to use a lightsaber.






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