Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Kevon Deacon

NAME: Kevon Deacon
FACTION: CSA, Freelance

RANK: None yet

SPECIES: Droid, Silentium off-shoot

AGE: 14

SEX: Male Programming

HEIGHT: 1.71 meters (5.6 feet)

WEIGHT: 90.7 kilograms (200 lbs)

PHOTOCEPTORS: Black with red roaming highlight

CHASSIS:: Alusteel


Describe in moderate detail the strengths and weaknesses of your character.
  • Durable: Kevon Deacon's chassis is made from Aluesteel, that makes it incredibly strong against most all attacks that others would find incredibly debilitating.
  • Physically capable: Kevon's current chassis is physically equipped with a rather heft amount of physical strengths. In addition, the servos are incredibly adept at coordination and following his precise orders.
  • Combat: Kevon was programmed for combat itself, the droid is a pretty good shot, fairly decent at melee, and able to hold his own when it comes to planning and fighting.
  • Hacker: What better being to slice through a computer matrix that a droid? Kevon is not able to get past every single security measure but he is proficient enough to get through his fair share of them.
  • Learning: Kevon is an amazing learner. His heuristic processor is highly advanced, making him able to learn faster than most other beings ever could--which is good because at this point he doesn't really know hardly anything.
  • Droid: Kevon does not understand emotions, and he doesn't understand most all organics. But there is some strange part of his programming that compels the droid to want to beyond anything else he could ever know. Kevon wants to know what love is and he's sure you can show him. Kevon wants to understand what it means to feel. And more that to understand, Kevon wants to experience it.
  • Neive: Kevon is only a year old. While he does have some basic programming, this droid lacks experience, and since he lacks experience, he lacks a lot of real knowledge. As a result, there are lots of spots in Kevon's programming where he has yet to really fill in the dots. These spots are marked with naivety and gullibility.
  • Heavy: Kevon's body is pretty heavy, especially for its size. He's not easy to carry.
  • Water: Kevon is envormnetally sealed, however, he has a lot of density and will pretty much sink to the bottom of any water if left to his own devices. He needs some sort of external help for any and all water activities.
  • Ion: The droid's bane (besides a world without power outlets). Kevon doesn't have a Faraday cage build into his current chassis, so ion attacks are pretty much his ultimate Achilles heel. The droid can suffer minor set backs to total shut down from ion hits. Of course, going sans-Faraday cage leaves him ultimately highly susceptible to EMP attacks.


Kevon Deacon doesn't remember much of his past. What he does remember is scattered, and hardly detailed. The droid remembers other droids, only droids, and never any organic beings. He remembers seeing so many different droids during his creation and vaguely a few other faces after this. One in particular spoke to him words that eched his very being;

"Your designation shall be Kevon Deacon. And you are our salvation."

None yet

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