
The Lonely One

Intent: To present a Secret Life Day gift for [member="Damsy Callat"] that will not only make her smile upon receipt but will hopefully become a life long companion and friend.
Image Credit: Lee JP [Edited by [member="Srina Talon"]]
Canon: N/A
Links: Damsy and Callat | Srina Talon | Sinner’s Well | Ryloth

Name: Keziah
Binomial Name: Drákon Aquaticus’rex
Designation: Semi-sentient
Origins: Ryloth
Average Lifespan: 50-60 Years
Estimated Population: Unique
Description: This creature is fairly small and is shaded in vibrant hues of teal, blue, purple, and magenta. She boasts small hooves instead of talons or flippers that are connected to stubby little legs that make her look like a bit of a chonker. There is a long whip-like tail that is used to propel herself through the water with ease and small fin-like wings that have bio-luminescent properties. Very fine, wisp-like protrusions, are visible along her back and tail while there are some that are thicker atop her head. Some even resemble whiskers.

Breathes: Type I and Type II
Average Height of Adults: .30m [1 Foot]
Average Length of Adults: .9m [3 Feet]
Skin color: Watercolor blends of teal, blue, purple, and magenta with iridescent scales.
Hair color: N/A
Distinctions: Keziah differs from other “dragon-esque” species in that she remains very, very small. She has large eyes and a small maw with teeth that are round and flat versus those of a predator. Her features are vaguely feline with an almost equus lower half.
Races: N/A
Force Sensitivity: All

+ Mind Chatter: This small water creature will bond telepathically with those it grows to trust and feel safe with. This allows a low level of communication that is more than simple grunts and mewling cries. Depending on the level of the bond will depend on the clarity of what she is trying to convey. Eventually, whole sentences may be possible. At the present, she will be able to respond to wants, and feelings, though not always as her chosen partner intends.
+ Hydromancer: While the Shapers of Kro Var were able to harness the Force to utilize many powers that revolved around nature, Keziah, only has an affinity for one. Water will bend to her will, often, when her imagination tends to wander. She is currently limited to making shapes for amusement or weaponizing it in the form of a thin jet or stream.
+ Survivor: For the most part, Keziah is a little trooper. She can breathe underwater and on land. She can also endure some harsher environments where other species might find it difficult. Toxins tend to dilute quickly and pass through her without any long term damage.
+ Eyes and Ears: As she often spends her time in water, the deeper the better, Keziah has excellent low-light vision and can hear things from great distances. This is less effective on land, however, still better than average.
+ Uncanny Awareness: Whether it is the Force or the small protrusions on her body she is incredibly adept at sensing what is physically nearby and judging distance. The vibrations of someone or something getting close are picked up by the sensitive wisps along her form and translate rather accurately. This can make her hard to sneak up on in a traditional sense
+ Empathic Heart: Through the aforementioned bond she can not only feel what her companion feels, but, she can project what she is experiencing in return.

- Hot and Steamy: This creature can survive on land but she does not fare well in overly arid environments. She will dry out, become ill, and will eventually perish if the situation is not rectified. Planets like Geonosis or Tatooine would be an absolute nightmare.
- I See You: While not particularly Light or Dark sided she is not skilled enough to hide her Force Signature and truthfully wouldn’t be able to comprehend the concept. In this sense, she will stick out like a sore thumb. [Note: It is ill-advised to take her on stealth missions that involve other Force-Users. You would have a better chance of holding up a sign that states “Hit me, I’m a target.”]
- Courteously Ignorant: There are occasions where she won’t know when to stop. The bond between herself and her companion will not always translate correctly and she may jump the gun or follow the wrong directive. Often, when feeling ignored, she will warble in the back of the mind of her owner and forget that they may need to sleep. Or to eat. Or anything she doesn’t feel like they should be doing without her.
- Clepto: Objects that are shiny, glimmer, or otherwise reflect light in pleasing manner will often come up missing. Check beneath the bed, sofa, her given resting space, or any other location that Keziah frequents. She will cry if you take her things, almost as if she hadn’t stolen them in the first place.
- Creature Feature Fear: If Keziah comes across another creature that is much larger than she is, or, has exceedingly long rows of extra-sharp teeth she will undoubtedly hide.
- Stubby Legs: Although she is swift, agile, and elegant in the water—On land? She is not. She can be seen scampering at full power when startled or excited but can usually be outpaced. Especially if something gets in the way that her little hooved feet can’t easily walk over. She can’t reach high places or jump very well either.

Diet: Herbivore [Prefers fruit for tasty treats, but subsists on vegetables, and most importantly seaweed. She also likes the taste of bacta and will do anything to root it out of a hidden place.
Verbally - Through grunts, growls, mewls, whines, and sing-song purrs.
Telepathically - Through feelings, projected pictures, and the occasional word.
Technology level: N/A
Religion/Beliefs: N/A
General behavior: Keziah can be hesitant when first meeting someone. Especially, if they are much larger than she is. With enough attention and time [aka treats], she will warm up and become a fond friend. She is a curious sort, mischievous, though, extremely sensitive to when her companion may be upset or saddened for any reason. Her favorite place to linger will be in the lap of the person she trusts. She is mostly gentle, unless, you count destroying a holo-projector when she decided to try and scale it. She can be fiercely protective when the time calls for it.

It was late.
Wasn’t it always?
Srina sat among her creatures, her children, in the confines of Sinner’s Well and tried to think of how to solve her current dilemma. She had been assigned an almost impossible task at the last conference and couldn’t fathom why anyone would ask it of her. The habitation sphere that kept the grounds livable and temperate shimmered in the distance and she sighed lightly. “What do you purchase for someone that can have anything?”, she murmured aloud.
The variety of reptilian beasts did not respond. She did not expect them to. Only a soft wind greeted her ears and she leaned back against the side of a sleeping Sky Demon to watch the simulated stars pass by. What should she acquire for [member="Damsy Callat"] for Life Day? What should she do for a child that was related to her Master? Short of a planet-bound star, truly, she could request anything of him. He would make it happen. Blood was blood.
Briefly, Srina debated on trying to bake something—but quickly discarded that. The last time she’d tried she’d accidentally drugged half the Silver Jedi at a previous Life Day celebration with namana spiked cookies. No one cared that they were harder than beskar when they were all a-tizzy over the berry that masked the flavor of burning. Of all the things that the siren would appreciate a visit to the nearest medical facility would not be one of them.
Srina sighed again. Heavier, this time.
Silver eyes caught sight of another reason for her malcontent. Members of the Confederacy tended to leave her with things they found on their travels. Those that knew her well brought knives, creatures, and armor. Those that mistakenly thought to impress her brought jewels and non-sensical items that she had no use for. One such person, a smart one, a friend, left her with a collection of strange eggs from the Nightlands of Ryloth.
Not one of them was the same.
Her friend informed her that they’d been failed experiments from a sect of Force Witches that were called, within the Confederacy, the Mandragora. He thought that she might have better luck considering how often she tended to collect strange creatures from distant places. Perhaps, she might be able to get them to hatch.
Srina had been skeptical about trying to hatch something that had been genetically-engineered or created through Sith Alchemy. It was unclear which practice had been utilized to bring these eggs into existence but, unable to refuse, the white-haired woman took the basket with hope for potential. The life force inside each one felt weak, mostly, sustained through cryo-freezing...But she would try.
For the most part, her faith was mistaken. Egg after glimmering egg perished over the next few months as the experiments proved to truly be lost. There was always something wrong. Not enough heat, not enough light, and in no way did these eggs respond like others she had nurtured. In the end, out of desperation, she wound up placing the last egg in cool water. To her surprise, the life inside began to flourish.
She monitored the egg closely, carefully, and made sure to keep it submerged. The water matched the temperatures that might be found in a shallow lake during a harvest season. To her shock and surprise, it hatched, alive, and healthy. Now—What it was? That was actually up for debate. It seemed to naturally gravitate toward gnawing at seaweed in it’s first few hours of life so she’d taken to feeding it mashed aquatic broccoli until it grew strong.
Her fingers had been stained green for a week.
The end result left her with a miniature, brightly colored, aquatic dragon that was entirely pacifistic. It was the only animal in her menagerie that didn’t eat meat of some kind. It didn’t have claws to defend itself, sharp teeth, or size to scare off any potential predators. The other animals grew territorial when she tried to integrate the tiny thing into the general populace. There was something about it that didn’t agree with them.
Perhaps it was an effect of the experiments?
Or maybe it just looked too much like food.
Either way, after realizing it wouldn’t be safe, Srina created a small sanctuary for it to live peaceably. Only—It kept escaping. Kept stirring the other predators that seemed to take issue with its cloven feet and useless wings. At a loss, she could only reinforce the enclosure, but that only seemed to make matters worse.
The creature stopped eating. Stopped playing. The white-haired woman had watched it dwindle away day after day by the side of a tepid blue lake and for the life of her couldn’t figure out why. It had taken more time than it should have for her to figure out the real reason the tiny dragon was wasting away.
It was lonely. Desperately.
It wasn’t the same as the rest of the predators she tended to keep. It couldn’t be with them, and she, couldn’t be on Ryloth all the time. The little creature that she had tried so hard to save was literally dying because she didn’t have enough time to devote to nurturing and caring for it. It bothered her more than she would ever admit out loud.
Life Day was coming closer, and closer, but she was no closer to finding a solution for either problem. She drew up from her seated position and shushed the angry beasts she was used to consoling before moving into an area that was closed off. Silver eyes fell low and she felt something in her chest tighten to see the creature slumped and quiet. Alone. Its head perked when she neared and she settled down on the shore beside it. “We’ll find you someone. The someone just for you.”
It seemed to know what she was saying and crawled over to rest its head against her knee. Srina pet it carefully, from the head back, so as not to harm it. The little water dragon had soft skin and scales, not slimy, and it always seemed a little better after someone or something stayed close.
Social creatures confused her so very, very much.
Again, she thought of Damsy.
Mercurial eyes flickered down. She would feel incredibly foolish if the solution was staring her in the face all along. Would they get along?
“I think—You will be well soon. I will take you to someone who will make everything better. You won’t have to live in this cage. You won’t have to be alone again, Keziah. I promise.”
A promise was a promise, after all. Damsy would take good care of Keziah.
Or else.