Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Khal. Vaeron Vallaeris

NAME: Vaeron Vallaeris
NICKNAME/ALIAS: None, currently
TITLE: Protector of House Vallaeris, and Serpent of the Riverlands


SPECIES: Near-human
SUBRACE: Epicanthix
AGE: Thirty-Three
HEIGHT: 185 cm (6’1”)
WEIGHT: 150.3 lbs
PHYSIQUE: Slender, lean
EYE PIGMENTATION: Chocolate brown
HAIR COLOR: Charcoal black; clean shaven
SKIN COMPLEXION: Fair, Caucasian

OCCUPATION: Commodore of the First Order navy, Lord of House Vallaeris, and Discipline of the Knights of Ren.
PRIMARY ALLEGIANCE(S): Panatha & House Vallaeris
SECONDARY ALLEGIANCE(S): The First Order, Knights of Ren, and the Supreme Leader.
KNOWN RESIDENCE: Castle Mirrormere, various First Oder ships
LANGUAGES KNOWN: Galactic Basic, High Galactic, Epicant, Binary, and Galactic Sign Language
LANGUAGES SPOKEN: Galactic Basic, High Galactic, and Epicant

FORCE RANKING: Knight level
KNOWN ALIGNMENT: Dark side, somewhat balanced
MARRIAGE STATUS: Unmarried; Single


FACE CLAIM: Benedict Cumberbatch
VOICE SAMPLE: Lars Mikkelsen (thrawn)
THEME SONG: Rains of Castamere

  • Swordsmen: Since his race is known for their militaristic mindset. Vaeron trained and honed his body in preparation for war, like all members of the Epicanthix race. When he was introduced to a lightsaber, Vaeron found enjoyment in the art of blade work. In mimicry of the Jedi, Vaeron would learn form 1 Shii-cho first, however, he would eventually become a master of form II but would mix it with form III.
  • Psychological Intuition: Vaeron’s natural analytical and observant mind has allowed him to become adept at reading body language and lead him to gain an incredible knowledge on psychology. With this grasp on psychology, Vaeron is capable of dominating most social situations, manipulate others into doing his bidding, and successfully execute mental warfare.
  • Tactical Analysis: Since his people have a militaristic culture, Vaeron has received an in-depth education in nearly all aspects of warfare. Combine this education with his natural affinity towards analyzation and logic, and that creates a rather dangerous strategist.

  • Too logical: In some cases, having a logical mind can be a weakness than a strength. Logical minds are after all built for scientific practices, and not for spiritual practices such as the force. For that reason, Vaeron does have difficulty understanding certain aspects of the force, and this prevents him from gaining esoteric abilities like Sith sorcery and alchemy.
  • Narrow-minded: Vaeron can be at times rather narrow-minded towards other creatures within the galaxy. While he doesn’t believe in things like slavery, or racism for that matter. He does believe that his House is superior to everyone else and that Epicanthix are slightly better than most other races. He does at times put too much trust in the ability of his House and does hold some prejudice against other aliens within the galaxy. This can also be said the same for less privileged creatures.

Vaeron is what nearly everyone would consider a quiet and reserved man, who occasionally holds an air of mystery and even dominance around him. While he doesn’t like to engage in socialization unless necessary, Vaeron is capable of being incredibly charismatic and even charming at times. He commonly speaks in a calm collected voice, forcing most people to listen closely, and only raising his voice in order to get other people’s attention. In this manner, Vaeron is able to control and dominate a conversation, similar to how a commander controls the battle-field. People who engage in conversations with him will often remark that Vaeron is an astute and even charming gentleman, but would then note that, it doesn’t seem like he enjoys talking. While this is not entirely untrue, Vaeron simply doesn’t enjoy small talk or gossip, instead, he values deep, thought-provoking, and intellectual conversations. They would then criticize that at times, Vaeron seems to be rather callous and even cold. This callous and cold nature often comes out more when Vaeron is enraged. It is this cold anger that separates him from most dark siders, when angered he doesn’t become a destructive tornado, but instead, he becomes a cold winter storm. When angered he is known to create a threatening silence, allowing those who anger him to think about what he is going to do to them, before finally breaking the silence with a sly comment, a calm dismissal, or a swift punishment. He doesn’t lose control of himself, unlike most dark side users of the force. Underneath his calm demeanor, Vaeron seems to take satisfaction in crushing anyone who openly humiliates him, however, he only seeks vengeance when it is rational or practical for his Houses or endgame goals.

When he was younger, Vaeron watched his father’s kindness and compassion ruin his House’s reputation and nearly drive his House into bankruptcy. He watched in horror as his once noble and feared House, became the laughing stock of Panatha. For this reason, Vaeron views kindness and compassion as a weakness, and those rejects those emotions. Which as consequences prevents him from drawing upon the light side of the force, and in return forces him to draw upon the dark side- which isn’t really a problem from him. You see, Vaeron cares little for the philosophical or spiritual aspects of the force, and instead, he views it as a means to power. He would often compare the force of a mindless beast of burden, one that needs to be broken and tame, so that it can be used as a tool to aid mortals in their quest for power. Vaeron does not deny that the force possesses a will, and he openly admits that some mysteries of the force allude him. That doesn’t stop him from calling upon it with dangerous efficiency, but it does somewhat limit him from attaining esoteric force abilities- in this manner, Vaeron’s logical and rational mind somewhat serves as a weakness. Like most people of Panatha, Vaeron does hold a militaristic and House orientated mindset. For the most part, Vaeron expresses fierce loyalty towards his House and is always looking for an opportunity to promote House Vallaeris's interest.


  • Form I: Shii-Cho: Knight
  • Form II: Makashi: Master
  • Form III: Soresu: Expert

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