NAME: Khan Daedelon (formerly Oros Thaeleon)
FACTION: Brotherhood of the Maw
RANK: Head of House Daedelon
SPECIES: Knyght uplifted Tygerii
AGE: Twenty Seven
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 2.2 meters (7'2 feet)
WEIGHT: 196.5 kg (433 lbs)
EYES: Gold
HAIR: Blond
SKIN: Caucasian
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Knyght: Since his uplifting into a Knyght, Khan has gained incredible strength and speed
Trained Officer: Before joining the Brotherhood, Khan was a promising graduate of a well known military academy on Tygeria where he specialized in ground combat and tactics and studied the exploits of the galaxies greatest conquerors and generals.
Superiority Complex: Khan has long believed himself superior to most of the galaxy, his uplifting only reinforcing that fact.
Will to Power: Khan seeks power and influence and is willing to do practically anything to get it.
Khan looks like a soldier, nothing about him gives a hint of subtlety. He's massive, covered in inhuman muscles, bones thick and reinforced causing more prominent features especially in the face, and he carries himself with an air of self importance expected from emperors and dictators.
LANGUAGES KNOWN: Basic Tygerii (native), Galactic Basic, Cheunh, Mando'a
Khan was born to a mostly unremarkable Mountainer clan on Tygeria, ruling over a small isolated stronghold and the surrounding plains and the nomadic plainsmen that farmed and lived there. Khan was the youngest of seven siblings, a large family by Tygerii standards, and his overprotective mother kept all of them practically stowed away in the stronghold. Yet, the small hollowed out mountain stronghold was practically a small city, a small dying city. For years Mountainers had been slowly migrating away from isolated fortresses such as these, the old culture of Mountainer vs. Dragonkin finally dying down giving Mountainers the opportunity to live and work in the large cities where most of the well paying jobs and better opportunities found themselves.
Khan would spend days on end exploring the ancient nooks and crannies of the fortress, ancient walled off sections abandoned centuries ago acting as refuges of a long lost way of life, a warrior people who's technological advancement and tactical brilliance saw them overcome the Dragonkins tyranny time and again. He found ancient writings, motifs carved into walls, great pillars on who's surface was carved great family lineages and histories. It was in these ruins that Khan felt most at home, isolated from the hustle and bustle of the factories that dominated the rest of the fortress as those who stayed loyal to his clan worked day and night to produce goods to be exported to the cities and off world, barely able to make enough to support the fortress. It was a hard life, or so he heard from his older siblings who refused to bow to the Dragonkin influence and join a life of military command expected of young nobles. Rather, these sons and daughters of nobility could be found working alongside their subjects in the great factories, covered in the same grime and soot as those they ruled over. It was a close knit community, one not common in the modern galaxy where technology seems to only serve to divide the people. Yet Khan never really experienced it the same way as his brothers, the connection he felt to the stronghold was never with its people but its history, its legacy, its strength. This was not to say he had any ill-will towards his clan's people, rather a simple lack of interest.
The stronghold was not an independent barony however, the ruling Dragonkin Reikstal dynasty who had claim to these rivers, valleys, and mountains for a millennia was a cruel one. Their ever growing taxes and demands putting constant strain on the small community of Mountainers. It was in Khan's seventh year of life that the Reikstal family would go to war with one of their neighbors, calling on the levies of all the communities and nobles under their control. His mother, bound by duty and the knowledge of harsh reparations against those who disobeyed, would lead a small militia of the family including two of Khan's older brothers to war, never to return.
Khan's eldest brother was forbade from joining the conflict, and for his lack of presence on the field of battle he would be anointed lord of the stronghold only three months later. He certainly was empathetic, perhaps too so, the anger at the pointless boarder war between noble houses boiled deep in his soul. He was ill-fit to rule, lacking any proficiency in economics or real leadership he quickly fell behind on the demands of his superiors and soon they marched to depose him. Yet his brother would not go down quietly, uniting a few of the local Mountainer strongholds around his cause for independence he would lead a vicious although ill-equipped and ill-trained rebellion against the Dragonkin who claimed his stronghold.
It was in one of Khan's favorite walled off rooms that he watched the able bodied men and women of his clan and their subjects burned under the fiery breath of the Reikstal Tyrant Dragon. Lacking a large enough population to support itself, Khan joined the last few hundred members of his old stronghold as their marched from their home towards one of the nearby cities. It would be here that they would seek refuge and new opportunities, leaving their old home to its fate. Khan was just eleven years old, and already he found himself alone.
Khan would spend days on end exploring the ancient nooks and crannies of the fortress, ancient walled off sections abandoned centuries ago acting as refuges of a long lost way of life, a warrior people who's technological advancement and tactical brilliance saw them overcome the Dragonkins tyranny time and again. He found ancient writings, motifs carved into walls, great pillars on who's surface was carved great family lineages and histories. It was in these ruins that Khan felt most at home, isolated from the hustle and bustle of the factories that dominated the rest of the fortress as those who stayed loyal to his clan worked day and night to produce goods to be exported to the cities and off world, barely able to make enough to support the fortress. It was a hard life, or so he heard from his older siblings who refused to bow to the Dragonkin influence and join a life of military command expected of young nobles. Rather, these sons and daughters of nobility could be found working alongside their subjects in the great factories, covered in the same grime and soot as those they ruled over. It was a close knit community, one not common in the modern galaxy where technology seems to only serve to divide the people. Yet Khan never really experienced it the same way as his brothers, the connection he felt to the stronghold was never with its people but its history, its legacy, its strength. This was not to say he had any ill-will towards his clan's people, rather a simple lack of interest.
The stronghold was not an independent barony however, the ruling Dragonkin Reikstal dynasty who had claim to these rivers, valleys, and mountains for a millennia was a cruel one. Their ever growing taxes and demands putting constant strain on the small community of Mountainers. It was in Khan's seventh year of life that the Reikstal family would go to war with one of their neighbors, calling on the levies of all the communities and nobles under their control. His mother, bound by duty and the knowledge of harsh reparations against those who disobeyed, would lead a small militia of the family including two of Khan's older brothers to war, never to return.
Khan's eldest brother was forbade from joining the conflict, and for his lack of presence on the field of battle he would be anointed lord of the stronghold only three months later. He certainly was empathetic, perhaps too so, the anger at the pointless boarder war between noble houses boiled deep in his soul. He was ill-fit to rule, lacking any proficiency in economics or real leadership he quickly fell behind on the demands of his superiors and soon they marched to depose him. Yet his brother would not go down quietly, uniting a few of the local Mountainer strongholds around his cause for independence he would lead a vicious although ill-equipped and ill-trained rebellion against the Dragonkin who claimed his stronghold.
It was in one of Khan's favorite walled off rooms that he watched the able bodied men and women of his clan and their subjects burned under the fiery breath of the Reikstal Tyrant Dragon. Lacking a large enough population to support itself, Khan joined the last few hundred members of his old stronghold as their marched from their home towards one of the nearby cities. It would be here that they would seek refuge and new opportunities, leaving their old home to its fate. Khan was just eleven years old, and already he found himself alone.
Khan was well looked after by his old community as they were driven into one of the slums. Whether it was out of age old oaths that really meant nothing anymore, an attempt at saving the legacy of their slain Matriarch who ruled them and was beloved by them, or simply out of pity, Khan would bounce from home to home taking what they could spare as he desperately tried to find out what exactly he was supposed to do now. It was a grim time, one he barely remembered. Just a haze of wandering from house to house staying wherever people could afford to have him.
At the age of thirteen his life changed. Being of noble birth, although low status, he would be accepted to the Tritheris Officer's Academy, where he would serve in the military and be educated to become a military officer to then work contractually for the noble houses who hired such officers. His hope was to be able to make enough wealth to reestablish his ancestral home on the map, and bring back his people to their rightful home. But such ambitions were a long way off and he had much work to do.
Ambition and determination saw him through many hardships in the first few and most brutal years of training in the academy. The regimen for the first three years of any officers training was mostly physical training and basic education. He would complete his education while being put through a grueling body building routine. Running incredible distances every morning, mastering melee and martial arts, building his body through work outs not only to be efficient and powerful but also to stay incredibly fit. The look of an officer was just as vital as their skill to many of the houses who were more concerned with beauty and the aesthetic of battle than the lives which they spent to acquire minor territorial gains. The Academy had a history of producing some of the finest stock on the planet, and they demanded the best from their recruits. What little free time Khan had was spent pouring over novels of military history, tactics, strategy, statesmanship, religion, anything and everything he could use to advance himself as a candidate. He studied not only Tygerii novels, but off world novels and biographies written about some of the greatest generals and admirals the galaxy had ever known. Thrawn, Tarkin, Ackbar, Revan, even the works of various Mandalores, all these books found their way to slowly growing library over his years in the academy and as he progressed in his officer's training and he slowly got more and more free time he only buried himself farther into his personal studies. He learned Mando'a, Galactic Basic, and Cheunh, he began training in Mandalorian martial arts and even the blade styles of Jedi if he could get enough information for them. To say he was absolutely obsessed would probably be an understatement.
When he was finally put in charge of small squads of soldiers in mock war games his studies certainly paid off. Match after Match his 'Bulls of Oros' team outcompeted every rival and soon represented the Tritheris Officer's Academy in the annual war-game tournament held by the various Academies spread across the planet. Although his first real attempt at the competitive war game scene would see him place fifth, he learned quickly from his mistakes and began to study his opponents just as fervently as he studied his idols. Soon the Bulls found themselves placing first for the last two years of Khan's time at the academy. His victory, and the image built around him, was around his ability to use apparent outdated military tactics like the sheild wall or options not usually considered by the Tygerii like trench warfare to full and devastating effect. With these victories under his belt, and his name written in the Ledger of Graduates in the academies library he would be ready to begin his campaign.
At the age of thirteen his life changed. Being of noble birth, although low status, he would be accepted to the Tritheris Officer's Academy, where he would serve in the military and be educated to become a military officer to then work contractually for the noble houses who hired such officers. His hope was to be able to make enough wealth to reestablish his ancestral home on the map, and bring back his people to their rightful home. But such ambitions were a long way off and he had much work to do.
Ambition and determination saw him through many hardships in the first few and most brutal years of training in the academy. The regimen for the first three years of any officers training was mostly physical training and basic education. He would complete his education while being put through a grueling body building routine. Running incredible distances every morning, mastering melee and martial arts, building his body through work outs not only to be efficient and powerful but also to stay incredibly fit. The look of an officer was just as vital as their skill to many of the houses who were more concerned with beauty and the aesthetic of battle than the lives which they spent to acquire minor territorial gains. The Academy had a history of producing some of the finest stock on the planet, and they demanded the best from their recruits. What little free time Khan had was spent pouring over novels of military history, tactics, strategy, statesmanship, religion, anything and everything he could use to advance himself as a candidate. He studied not only Tygerii novels, but off world novels and biographies written about some of the greatest generals and admirals the galaxy had ever known. Thrawn, Tarkin, Ackbar, Revan, even the works of various Mandalores, all these books found their way to slowly growing library over his years in the academy and as he progressed in his officer's training and he slowly got more and more free time he only buried himself farther into his personal studies. He learned Mando'a, Galactic Basic, and Cheunh, he began training in Mandalorian martial arts and even the blade styles of Jedi if he could get enough information for them. To say he was absolutely obsessed would probably be an understatement.
When he was finally put in charge of small squads of soldiers in mock war games his studies certainly paid off. Match after Match his 'Bulls of Oros' team outcompeted every rival and soon represented the Tritheris Officer's Academy in the annual war-game tournament held by the various Academies spread across the planet. Although his first real attempt at the competitive war game scene would see him place fifth, he learned quickly from his mistakes and began to study his opponents just as fervently as he studied his idols. Soon the Bulls found themselves placing first for the last two years of Khan's time at the academy. His victory, and the image built around him, was around his ability to use apparent outdated military tactics like the sheild wall or options not usually considered by the Tygerii like trench warfare to full and devastating effect. With these victories under his belt, and his name written in the Ledger of Graduates in the academies library he would be ready to begin his campaign.
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