Khantor Ruu
Senator of Shili

NAME: Khantor (Khan) Ruu
FACTION: The Galactic Republic
RANK: Senator for the Togruta people of Shili
SPECIES: Togruta
AGE: 27 years old
HEIGHT: 1.85m
WEIGHT: 87kg
EYES: Black
HAIR: N/A due to species not having hair
SKIN: Red base colour with white striped across body
FACTION: The Galactic Republic
RANK: Senator for the Togruta people of Shili
SPECIES: Togruta
AGE: 27 years old
HEIGHT: 1.85m
WEIGHT: 87kg
EYES: Black
HAIR: N/A due to species not having hair
SKIN: Red base colour with white striped across body
-isn’t easily angered, often projecting a calm persona.
(Prior to kidnapping)
(Prior to kidnapping)
-has mastered the art of Togruta hand to hand combat and is able to defend himself with a blaster also, however he tends to try and settle a conflict peacefully before having to go to such extremes.
WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
-his naivety to the whole political process, he’s unaware of all the backstabbing and blackmailing that some politicians may use.
(Prior to kidnapping)
-his naivety to the whole political process, he’s unaware of all the backstabbing and blackmailing that some politicians may use.
(Prior to kidnapping)
-he has a tendancy to protect the innocent (no matter whose faction they come under) which often puts him in dangerous situations, which could be used against him by his enemies.
(Prior to kidnapping)
SHIP: J-type star skiff
Khantor was gifted with a near replica of this craft upon his arrival to Coruscant. It closely resembles that of a Naboo star skiff on the outside but some alterations in the interior of the skiff have been made to more comfortably accommodate the Togruta Senator. The ceiling has been extended to allow comfortable travel throughout the ship by those species with any horn formations, the Senator has also replaced many of the furniture in the skiff with wooden items carved from tree’s native to his home planet, Shili. This furniture is also seen in his offices on Coruscant and in his home on Shili so to give the sense that he is always back home not too far from his people. Khantor has also equipped a minimal amount of weaponry to his star skiff which is only used in the most dire of circumstances.
(Prior to kidnapping)
SHIP: J-type star skiff
Khantor was gifted with a near replica of this craft upon his arrival to Coruscant. It closely resembles that of a Naboo star skiff on the outside but some alterations in the interior of the skiff have been made to more comfortably accommodate the Togruta Senator. The ceiling has been extended to allow comfortable travel throughout the ship by those species with any horn formations, the Senator has also replaced many of the furniture in the skiff with wooden items carved from tree’s native to his home planet, Shili. This furniture is also seen in his offices on Coruscant and in his home on Shili so to give the sense that he is always back home not too far from his people. Khantor has also equipped a minimal amount of weaponry to his star skiff which is only used in the most dire of circumstances.
Khantor was born and raised on the Togruta home planet of Shili. He wasn’t born into a wealthy family like most Senators, instead he grew up in a tiny village with just over a hundred Togruta’s. He grew up as any other normal male Togruta would, taking part in the hunting parties with other boys his age. Khantor was oblivious to the ever changing galaxy outside his small dot of a world. His mind as a teenager was solely focused on maintaining his every day life on Shili, making sure his village were fed and healthy. When Khantor reached adulthood, he was tasked by the village elders to lead a small group of his fellow Togruta to hunt down a caste of Akul that were nesting too close to their settlement. The group planned to surprise the beasts and hopefully defeat them without any Togruta blood spilt. However the Akul attacked so viciously and with such aggression to protect their young that Khantor and his group were overwhelmed. One by one the Akul killed members of the hunting party until only Khantor and another Togruta remained. Khantor believed that this would be the end of him and began to accept his doom, when suddenly two of the Akul dropped dead. One had been sliced in half from head to tail, while the other had a circular puncture wound still burning from it’s chest. A hail of blaster bolts rained down on the Akul from the trees which only ceased when the Akul fled. Khantor had been saved by a Jedi and some Republic soldiers. Khantor was in awe of these mysterious heroes. His village didn’t know much of the Republic and it’s Jedi guardians, but the lightsaber was always an obvious give away. From that day, Khantor was no longer oblivious to the galaxy and the other worlds that were out in space. He made an effort to learn more about the known galaxy and galactic events that had taken place, but the topic that he strived to learn every single detail about was the Galactic Republic and everything it stood for. He was inspired by the principles that the Republic was founded upon and hoped for another meeting between any person that could further his knowledge on the ever-growing galaxy and it’s Republic.
His urge to learn more brought him to the capital city of Shili, Corvala, where he sought a transport off world to Coruscant, the Republic’s capital world. Khantor was able to attain work in the current Senator’s administrative offices, where he was able to earn credits to get him closer to that shuttle off world. While employed he was able to also work his way up the ranks of the office, quite quickly in fact, so much so that his progression caught the attention of the Senator’s eye. The Senator would often see him in Corvala’s Great Library, where Khantor would be devouring text after text containing information on anything Republic. Khantor’s obvious devotion to the Republic resulted in the Senator appointing him to the position of Junior Aide. In this role, the Senator began teaching Khantor political skills, like how to speak in front of a large audience, the ways in which to win the peoples favour, and how to settle a conflict without any blood being spilt. The last of which sparked Khantor’s curiosity, who had only known violence as an act of survival believing their was no other alternative. Khantor dived into his new found studies and position, savouring every opportunity that was given to him.
One opportunity arose that he couldn’t say no to. The Senate was being brought together and he had been asked to accompany the Senator to Coruscant. Finally after the long wait, Khantor would finally get to leave Shili and explore the galaxy. However during the travel through hyperspace, their transport was abruptly stopped and boarded by what appeared to be pirates. The Senator and his aides were taken hostage and the crew were left to float in space, with their life support systems slowly receding. On board the pirates vessel, the pirates revealed themselves as Mandalorians. They would be taken back to Mandalore where they would announce their capture over the holonet and demand a large sum of credits for their release. However before they could make the jump to hyperspace, the Senator escaped the ships brig and was able to disable the engines and broadcast a plea for help on all Republic holochannels. However he was once again captured and imprisoned on the ship. The Republic forces were able to track the Senator’s message and send a task force to eliminate the Mandalorian force and rescue their prisoners. However in the ensuing fire fight between the Republic and Mandalorian forces the Senator’s aides were all shot dead leaving only Khantor unharmed and a severely wounded Senator left to be rescued. Once safely rescued by the Republic it could be seen that the Senator was not going to make it to Coruscant or any other planet for medical attention. The Senator’s last act was to bestow upon Khantor the role of Senator of Shili and wish him all the best in his new position as he left the world of the living.
Khantor had been thrown into a new and powerful position but with the teachings of his past mentor and his skills and instincts sharp as ever, Khantor is ready for anything the galaxy can throw at him.
Khantor had been thrown into a new and powerful position but with the teachings of his past mentor and his skills and instincts sharp as ever, Khantor is ready for anything the galaxy can throw at him.
Journeying to Coruscant, Khantor moved quite quickly up the Senatorial ladder, gaining influence and popularity at such an alarming speed that it even surprised his rivals. Khantor was making his planet proud despite his sudden promotion, a natural politician. The Togruta soon came across a young Jedi Padawan, Akodya Mune. The pair formed quite a strong bond, with the Togruta opening her eyes to the world of politics and she showing him the wonders of the Jedi Order. However their friendship was put at risk when Khantor was kidnapped during a short trip to Nar Shaddaa, bounty hunters attacking him while on the shuttle there. Akodya had rushed over to try and rescue him but to no avail, the mercenaries escaped with her friend. Taken to Corellia, Khantor was kept in captivity for nearly three months while his kidnappers waited for the Republic to send some form of ransom money there way, but none came. By the third month, Khantor felt as if his Republic had given up on him, had they not cared for him at all? Soon depression hit him, little voices in his head whispering to him, telling him to end his own life. Then came the insanity, his cell echoing with maniac laughter most nights as the Togruta sat there rocking back and forth while holding his knees. Then his dormant power awoke.
Khantor had hit his breaking point. Let's just say that the Corellian officials who found the mercenaries hideout after the escape, had no way to identify who was who. The bodies were so scorched and ruined that even the autopsy droids had not was of picking up anything useful. Khantor's dark power had finally awoken, driven to the surface by his hate and insanity. Fleeing Corellia, Khantor allowed his new power lead him to his next destination. The stolen shuttle crash landing on the ancient Sith world of Yavin Four, which the crazed Togruta wandered for nearly another month, drawing on the dark side that infested the world. It wasn't long after this month had passed that a aged Sith Lord discovered his presence on the planet. Sensing the darkness within him like a raging river, the Sith took the opportunity to train the potential dark being. Vulenrable and weak, Khantor was easily persuaded to start learning under the Sith, who he later on discovered had been exiled from the rising Sith Empire as a crazed lunatic. The Sith spent the next year, training and teaching the young Togruta in the ways of the Dark Side. Slowly the Sith prospect gained his sanity back, replacing his once kind and caring personality with a cunning and malicious being, one the galaxy would one day fear.
Khantor had hit his breaking point. Let's just say that the Corellian officials who found the mercenaries hideout after the escape, had no way to identify who was who. The bodies were so scorched and ruined that even the autopsy droids had not was of picking up anything useful. Khantor's dark power had finally awoken, driven to the surface by his hate and insanity. Fleeing Corellia, Khantor allowed his new power lead him to his next destination. The stolen shuttle crash landing on the ancient Sith world of Yavin Four, which the crazed Togruta wandered for nearly another month, drawing on the dark side that infested the world. It wasn't long after this month had passed that a aged Sith Lord discovered his presence on the planet. Sensing the darkness within him like a raging river, the Sith took the opportunity to train the potential dark being. Vulenrable and weak, Khantor was easily persuaded to start learning under the Sith, who he later on discovered had been exiled from the rising Sith Empire as a crazed lunatic. The Sith spent the next year, training and teaching the young Togruta in the ways of the Dark Side. Slowly the Sith prospect gained his sanity back, replacing his once kind and caring personality with a cunning and malicious being, one the galaxy would one day fear.
Two years had passed since Khantor's kidnapping, and now on Yavin Four the Togruta had taken on the title of Darth Ultionis and had vowed to destroy the Republic and Jedi who had left him to die. Together with his Master and his abundant source of allies, the cunning pair began to form the foundations of a devious and insidious plan to obliterate the hated Republic and it's disgusting Jedi protectors. With the plan formed, Ultionis returns to Coruscant, taking up his position again as Senator of Shili and begins to lay the foundations of the ultimate plan, the plan to form the end of the Republic.
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