Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Kharn Maarrik

NAME: Kharn Maarrik
FACTION: Mandalorians.
RANK: none
AGE: 33.
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 1.82 Meters
WEIGHT: 86 Kilos
EYES: Purple
HAIR: None
SKIN: Red.


Able to take tremendous amounts of punishment due to being raised Mandalorian and having Zabrak Physiology. expert martial artist and marksmen. Rampant PTSD due to past battles and watching his Clan and Squadmates Die.

a strong jawline dominates a scarred mouth and eye on the left side of his face. The mandalorian Mythosaur is tattooed proudly on the front of his chest.

BIOGRAPHY: Son of a diplomat from Iridonia, Kharn was "saved" after Jaster Maarrik killed his father in an Assassination contract. he was raised on Mandalore by Jaster and his Red Star Mercs. a Mandalorian Mercenary Team specializing in Assassination, Demolitions, and Guerrilla Warfare. Out of the original 15 members of the Redstar. Kharn and two of his squadmates A Khaleesh; Freham and a Nog'hri; Dek'Hur whom he dubs Scales and Shorty. Recently he escaped death at the hands of the Ghoresh Cartel and is now on hunt for his Squadmates. The only family he knows and that remains.

1x EE-3 Blaster Carbine
1x DC-17 Heavy Blaster
1x DT-57 Heavy Blaster Pistol
1x T-6 Thunderer HEavy Blaster Pistol
1x Slug thrower revolver
Mandalorian Battle Armor
grenade bandolier
shoulder cape
Dura weave
2x Weaponized Gauntlets: 1x flamethrower 1x dart launcher 1x Durasteel Cable Launcher 1x frag rocket launcher
Hidden Vibroknives
Back Mounted Missile Launcher

Jaster's Gamble

Blaster cannons (4)
Ion cannon turret (1)
Tractor beam projector (1)
Aft proton torpedo launcher (1)
Standard load: 6 torpedoes
Modified Pursuer-class enforcement ship[1]

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