Kharni Detta
Age | 37 |
Species | Human (Rothana) |
Gender | Female |
Height | 5’11” | 1.8 m |
Weight | 156 lbs | 71 kg |
Force Sensitive | Untrained/Not acknowledged |
Kharni is tall and normally fit. In her current condition she is a little on the skinny side as she recovers from injury. She has long red hair and golden eyes.
- Kharni’s Armor
- M.I. Model 6M Hybrid Pistol x 2
- Adtr'i'dadr
- MNV-52 Beviin-class Space Superiority Starfighter
Kharni is Mandalorian through and through. She lives for war and when war comes she will be in her starfighter. When war is not immediately happening she is improving her ship or training to prepare for war. Be it studying holo wargames, simulators or live action exercise.
- Expert Pilot - Been in a cockpit since she could walk
- Mechanic and Engineer - When she was not in a cockpit she was improving her fighter’s functionality
- Major muscle atrophy - She has been in baca for years just to remain alive
- PTSD and mental lapses - When she gets into a fighter again it will come with difficulties, she also has “skips” in mental function due to inactivity.
Kharni lived and breathed starships. Born on a shipbuilding planet to a family of warriors and ship engineers. She played with toy guns and made up cockpits when she was small and spent a good amount of time learning what each part of a ship would do before eventually becoming more interested in flying than building. Kharni joined the Enclave’s Navy as soon as she completed her verd'goten. She flew many missions during the Second Hyperspace War until her fighter was destroyed in battle near the end of the fighting. Her armor and undeveloped connection to the Force kept her alive as she floated in space. She was rescued and returned home where she was kept alive in bacta. She has just regained consciousness in a secret research center. How she will learn to live again is a matter of question. What that life will look like is an equally large question.