Boots ain't made for walking

NAME: Khia Varad
FACTION: CIS | Silver Jedi | Clan Varad, Former: Mandalorian Crusaders.
RANK: Bloodied
SPECIES: Near Human, very small part mixed species, Zabrak and others.
AGE: 24 (Started 20)
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 6ft 3
WEIGHT: 179 Pounds
EYES: Dark Brown
HAIR: Black
SKIN: White
FORCE SENSITIVE: No - The Entire Clan has gone Force Dead, and nobody knows why.
+Tough mind, Clear Head Under Fire
+Adrenaline pumped out by her overactive heart enhances her reflexes.
+Natural ability with assault rifles, just her thing.
+Force Dead, Harder to Target, Harder to Hit.
-Not much of a talker, will struggle to inspire much or negotiate anything.
-Hereditary Heart Defect, which she never talks about outside the clan and even then not much. Starts off small but gets bigger. Appreciate if nobody handwaves knowledge of this outside of the clan, but picks up on her body language or actions in threads instead.
-Force Dead, Can make force users nervous or paranoid. Doesn't inspire trust in them.
Resol'nare is as follows:
Speak the language.
Wear the armor.
Serve the clan.
Rally when called.
Defend your children and raise them as Mandalorians.
Speak the language.
Wear the armor.
Serve the clan.
Rally when called.
Defend your children and raise them as Mandalorians.

Straight black hair, large strong warm brown eyes and dark eyebrows. Standing tall and proud, athletic physique, round jawline, with strong cheek bones. Leans slightly to the left when she stands and talks, carrying lots of weight or kit on the left shoulder her entire life, and sleeping that side have caused the bad posture. She's got a tattoo or ten, nothing big but plenty of them.
Early Biograph and History.
Once a proud clan, generations ago Clan Spar were wiped out by Sith working for a backstabbing aruetii hut'uun, or traitorous bastard, who framed them so the Sith Empire would turn on the clan and all but destroy it. They left one survivor, Akaavi Spar, and that was their mistake.
Clan Spar and its history were absorbed into other clans but time went on and their descendants grew, eventually a breakaway group reformed the clan, and went looking for not only the traitors involved but also those who did the gasing of the old clan. They didn't last long and the empire hunted down this dozen or so members, but they died well because they got the remaining Sith Lords who had done it to them.
At the end of their blood campaign to kill every Sith lord involved left alive, their were just two members left, Szak Wral and Sarna Ketosh as they later became known, proud of their own individual identities, fate kept making them clanless so they said to hell with it, this is who we are.
Broken again, Clan Spar was all but no more. Except for those two ancestors who just refused to die, they became a pair of mercenaries who took the toughest jobs hunting Sith Lords down, and Jedi for that matter, as Clan Spar were once known for fighting Jedi. Naming themselves jare jate'kara, or Kamikaze Destiny in the Mandalorian language, eventually they'd bloodied themselves and their name enough that a warmaster had taken note, offering them both a place in his clan. They naturally refused, demanding he prove why he was worthy of having them.
The pair dueled the warmaster of clan vizsla and his second for what seemed like most of the day, until they'd laid waste to most of the arena, the surrounding structures and of course each other, or so the overtold story says. Atop the rubble the warmaster stood, barely, his second long dead along with one of the challengers. Impressed the warmaster extended his hand to the one remaining challenger left breathing, Szak Wral, grandfather of Khia Wral, even without the force Wral had shown surprising reflexes and a stubborn refusal to give up.
The two became close friends after that, often joking about going one more round, but years later Wrals heart would give out fighting back to back with the warmaster one final time on Corellia, where it was realised the old goat was that goddamn quick because his heart beat so fast, pumping out more adrenaline than was ever healthy to have. He didn't die before he'd had a son and daughter, part of Clan Vizsla and its history, all the descendents know their heart beats twice as fast, but for half as long.
Why keep the name Wral, until she finds someone worth to take it that's why! She’s not yet. Like her very distant ancestor, she has a thing for tattoos, and it’s a running joke how many she has, not big ones, but plenty of them! After every battle she gets another tat, or so they say, really it just gives her something to do in her down time.
Chapter 2, Clan Varad
Upon the Vizsla's deserting the Mandalorian Crusaders and the Mandalore, Khia's respect for them tanked. A dozen or so remained behind within the Empire. Seeing the tit for tat back and forth words with her usual disdain for politics, she barely offered a word as usual, looking for a more worthy clan to follow. She found home with

Clan Varad
Chapter 3, Unknown
With the fall of the confederacy, clan Varad scattered once again, most taking back to their spacer roots. She finds herself at a crossroads.
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