Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Khoe Ghafara

Chill Jedi to relax and study to
Khoe Ghafara
FULL NAME: Khoe Afni Ghafara
FACTION: Galactic Alliance - New Jedi Order
RANK: Jedi Knight
HOMEWORLD: Coruscant
AGE: 21
GENDER: Female
HEIGHT: 5’7"
WEIGHT: 119 lbs
EYES: Brown
HAIR: Light grey dreads, ash grey scalp and roots
SKIN: Olive
DISTINGUISHING FEATURES: Gauges, white Kiffari Qukuuf markings across her nose and two bands around her right arm

Chapter I
Two Kiffar ride aboard their ship in absoute silence, a husband and wife, exiled from Kiffex for a life of crime, they’d been thieves, Dark Side practitioners, looters, murderers, you name it and 15 years of the Bonny and Clyde shtick they finally stole precious jewellery too close to the sun. The wife, an adopted niece of a noblewoman after her sisters death and self described custodian of her community was mortified, utterly appalled and ashamed of her child's dark deeds publicly. but in true aristocrat fashion "rules for thee but not for me" took pity or perhaps just went into full damage control mode and helped the two of them, in the end through some clever classic corruption she spared the couple from the gavel of the alliance but in exchange accepted a lifelong banishment from the from returning to Azurbani system be it physical or even a holocall, they were hard-pressed to even think of home ever again. In uncharacteristic fashion, growing up as a woman of crime and lack of caring for anybody but herself behind closed doors and as a pretty spoiled rich girl in open ones she felt overwhelming remorse, perhaps for the first time in her life. and It was upon that silent bridge, the woman caressing her pregnant stomach the two of them vowed to change their ways and start anew in the galaxy.

Before long, they found themselves living in a hovel of an apartment on Kuat, the husband working at the shipyards and the wife working as the concierge of their rundown dwelling. Day after day they worked tirelessly all just to barely feed their now three mouths, but the demon in the room never truly subsided, the rush of being on the run, causing discord, cheating the system it was always present between the two of them, they lived as lovers on the run and they didn’t know how to exist in a world of poverty and normalcy.

The husband came home one day, uneasy and told his wife what had occurred, terrible things he had done that evening and before long they’d have to leave again. Kicking and screaming they fought but in the end they had to make a hard decision, for them and for their baby. They immediately uprooted their livelihood again and headed straight for Coruscant.

Two renegades entered the Jedi temple begging them to take her, both knowing she was strong with the force and wanting nothing more then her to have a life away from them and their toxic habits, after an hour of negotiating they said their goodbyes knowing well they’d never cross paths ever again, each of them holding the slumbering girl they’d named Khoe one last time as she was taken further into the depths of the temple.

Chapter II
The life she was given by her parents wouldn’t be easy, and she would fight to be prove that she belonged there everyday, a bright eager pupil none the wiser of her familial heritage and frankly never would be. In the new existence she was granted, she played her part enjoying the training she was given excelling as a fiercely, passionate, curious and independent youngling and later Padawan, at the age of 14 she was taken under the wing of a seasoned Chiss Jedi Master by the name of Chan’rul’wyrn or Hanru for short, an unconventional Jedi to say the least. He could seldom be found roaming the temple perhaps once a cycle rather, spending all of his time exploring the galaxy. In confidence never intended to take a Padawan considering that" temple work", the only reason he took Khoe on was due to him staying at the temple for a prolonged period due to a major injury in which parted him from everything below his ankles and took a liking to the little Padawan interning in the infirmary aiding him night and day.

Less than 24 hours after being accepted as his apprentice they were off, she wasn’t even able to pack, for the next 6 years Hanru took Khoe to many beautiful planets across the known galaxy to connect with nature, and herself, training her acrobatics on Kashyyyk, learning more of her culture on Kiffu, meditating with monks on Bardotta, enduring the dangerous terrain of Vessek she felt like she’d seen it all yet yearned for more and the two of them were eager to find it. Out of everything Hanru planted one major seed in a Khoe, a seed distrust of the Jedi but not in the force, it was the reason he didn't stay at the temple. He believed they had grown too political, and that government and the Jedi should remain separate. To him, the fact in the modern era their existed a secular galactic faction like The Silver Jedi which controlled peoples lives made him visably cringe and he'd find every excuse to slander them, if a Jedi wanted to fight in any conflict they should choose to do so on the basis of morals and what's right, not the word of some council or some government. Experiencing his knighthood during the Second Hyperspace War he'd seen the horrors of what jedi do in the name of "peace" working as relief for a world ravaged by a battle with the Silver Jedi he saw the carnage they caused massacring millions, that's when his distrust turned to outright detachment, he might not of been responsible, hell, it was the Silver Jedi Order a separate organization than his own, but it didn't change his disgust at what they'd done, in his eyes much like the Jedi during the ancient Clone Wars, the Jedi had become what they sought to destroy.

That all changed on their journey to Rinn, a desolate ice planet on the edge of the galaxy, whilst exploring the desolate planet with native explorers the group had to traverse a dangerous glacier during which a crevasses opened in an ice sheet ready to swallow the entire group and nearly did except for in the last millisecond Hanru only having enough time to force push Khoe out of danger, Khoe immediately scurried down the crevasse after to retrieve them, finding the other members of the expedition dead and Hanru barely alive, with nightfall and temperatures so cold they'd both freeze out here, she knew she could get herself back alone but she wasn't sure if she was strong enough to carry him shelter before they both died of exposure. So despite his protests she wasn't leaving him, she contacted the New Jedi and they said reluctantly they could arrive after scolding the two of them but Khoe knew the timeframe they gave her for arrival was too long, in desperation she decided to contact the Silver Jedi, they were much closer and easily in range to help but as she sent out distress call after distress call, they didn't, somebody saw the message at one of their temples and did nothing, she was sure of it, no response, it was at this moment she realized what he meant about not all Jedi losing their way and him speaking of the evil or rather complacency within the ranks of the Jedi. She knew she'd have to say goodbye here or not at all, leaving him behind, harkening his last words were the hardest thing she ever did, he told her to carry on his legacy to a new generation, she returned to the village alone, clenching his lightsabers, she told the Jedi what had happened in, they consoled her and aided her in the preparations for his funeral, out of pity or out of noticing her skill she wasn't sure but after the funeral the masters granted her the rank of knight, a bittersweet promotion if you will that she accepted, although, unbeknownst to them she'd basically completely checked out from the order emotionally, remaining a member but barely. Despite living in a time of peace and a silver age of sorts for the Jedi where such woes of her master are less relevant often all she can see is corruption. Nevertheless, she continues to serve the Jedi not as recklessly as her old master, far more reserved, in hopes of making the galaxy a better place, a galaxy where in the future orders like the Jedi are held accountable.

Khoe is an incredibly compassionate and charming individual who can come across as bit airheaded and lost in space, curious and imaginative she finds much better company pretending to be a fly on the wall observing the world around her as opposed to social interaction. Independent to a fault and at often times spontaneous and unpredictable, a trait she learned from her master much like her distrust and hesitation around of so called "Temple Jedi". At times she can be unbelievably competitive, she can be easily overstressed and even self-destructive at times, a total light weight, got into a bit of a spice habit since her masters death. Has never been able to force heal once, pretty insecure about it. She just REALLY loves climbing on top of things.


[+] Tea
[+] Camping
[+] Meditating
[+] Battle practice
[+] Mantel Mix
[+] Bouldering
[+] Stone gardening
[+] Lothcat videos on the Holonet
[+] Watercolours
[-] Spaceports
[-] Warm clothing
[-] Sullustian Industrial Pop
[-] The colour yellow
[-] Oil Paint

[+] Ingenuity
[+] Climbing
[+] Artist
[+] Persuasive
[+] Independent
[+] Trained in combat
[+] Contortionist

[-] Competitive
[-] Insecure
[-] Impulsive and rash
[-] Self deprecating
[-] Oversleeps
[-] Spicer

Lightsaber Forms:
Form 1: Novice
Form 2: Inexperienced
Form 3: Skilled
Form 4: Mastered
Form 5: Novice
Form 6: Skilled
Form 7: Inexperienced

Force Abilities:
Force Body
Force Concealment
Force Empathy
Force Sight
Force Speed
Force Throw
Force Vision
Psychometry (Innate)

Other Skills:
Hand to hand combat
Star fighter proficiency

2 Ion Grenades
1 F80 MacroPad [Link]
1 BH 'Specter' Slicer Vibroknife [Link]
1 Double Bladed Lightsaber - Green [Image]
1 Formal Clothing [Image]

Defender-class Light Corvette [Link] formerly her masters, on Cathar
REC-JF01-Class Jedi Interceptor [
PGEM/CRV-"Bobber" [Link] (Destroyed)

C1-44D (C1-series astromech droid) - Hercules - Blue, shy, bashful, jaded and has no filter



Concluded - Ongoing - Limbo - Dead
[RP 001 - Mind the Gap - Dead]: Khoe helps a small community on Mekab
[RP 002 - Savannah Talks - Concluded]: Khoe gets in local trouble on Cathar but finds an unlikely ally
[RP 003 - Coffee, Tea and Apologies - Ongoing]: Khoe meets up with an old "friend"

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Chill Jedi to relax and study to


Khoe's Relationship Chart
[Lover] [Enemy] [Mentor] [Ally] [Friend] [Family] [Rival]
Keep in mind this is all from Khoe's point of view
✝ = Deceased/Archived/Inactive
* = Khoe's close friends
[NPC] Chan’rul’wyrn✝ Khoe's former Jedi Master, misses him a great deal, feels like more and more everyday
[PC] Jonyna Si Member of the Jedi High Council
[PC] Corazona von Ascania Fellow Jedi, bullied her when she was younger and more insecure
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