Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Ki Jem-Taan

Ki Jem-Taan


  • Species: Human
    Ethnic group: Recopian
    Age: 28 (924)
    Sex: Female
    Height: 5'6" (167.6cm)
    Weight: 120lbs (54.5kg)
    Physique: Fit slender
    Iris pigmentation: blue
    Hair color: dark brown
    Skin complexion: tanned

    Occupation: Jedi
    Primary allegiance: Rimward Jedi Coalition
    Homeworld: Recopia
    Language(s) known: Galactic Basic, High Galactic, Rhyl
    Language(s) spoken: Galactic Basic, Rhyl
    Force sensitive: Yes

    Marital status: Single
    Parent(s): Both deceased
    Sibling(s): None
    Friend(s): TBD

  • TVnsojy.jpg
    Ki was a typical child born on the harsh world of Recopia, just another kid on just another planet. The only remarkable thing about her birth was that it was 924 years ago. Born around 50 BBY, young Ki began showing signs of Force-sensitivity. Like other unfortunate children in that system born with a connection to the Force, Ki was kidnapped as a youngling by the Seyugi Dervishes, a fanatic order of mysterious Force adepts that roamed the planet in giant repulsorlift barges. The Seyugi were consummate martial artists, assassins and students of dark traditions. After fifteen years of training and indoctrination, Ki was a fanatical Force Adept. She operated in the Mid-Rim as an assassin and spy.

    Then the Jedi took notice of the secretive Force assassins. The Seyugi had spread well beyond their system in the Core and their enigmatic assassinations and subterfuge could not be tolerated. The Jedi undertook a decades long hunt to destroy the mysterious and deadly Dervishes until the sect was considered to be wiped out by the start of the Clone Wars. But several hundred surviving Seyugi had returned to their homeworld of Recopia to seek refuge. They froze themselves in carbonite on a remote island, guarded by a small number of Mallif monks who kept the secret of the frozen Dervishes.

    One of those frozen Dervishes, Ki, was smuggled away and sold by a corrupt monk centuries later. She became the prize of a wealthy Hutt crime lord, the carbonite-frozen relic displayed proudly. Passed a trophy passed from one crime lord to another, eventually a resentful slave, eager to get back at his cruel Hutt master, released Ki from the carbonite and helped her escape.

    While it took months to recover from the near-lethal thaw, the effects of long-term carbonite hibernation were severe for Ki. The psychological and existential effects took longer to overcome. Nightmares of her violent past, haunted her every night. Without her Seyugi masters, and the long sleep, Her connection and allegiance to the Dark Side had waned, and she resisted submitting to it. Living in a galaxy, almost a millennia distant from the one she knew, left her depressed and lonely, almost psychotic. All she knew how to was to kill and destroy. It was driving her mad.

    She was desperate for help, and found it among her enemies from an age past. The Jedi.

  • tumblr_okwok53IRa1rrkahjo2_400.gif

    Character Strengths:
    (+) Anatomic Targeting: Seyugi study of the anatomy of many of the most common species in the galaxy allows her to target central nerve clusters for maximum damage, pain or paralysis.

    (+) Seyugi Martial Arts Expert: The Master of a now essentially extinct form of hand to hand combat. Seyugi martial arts were s graceful as they were lethal, often described as a "beautiful dance of death."

    (+)Stealth: Highly trained and experienced in the art of infiltration and speedy, quiet movement. Force powers enhance these skills.

    Character Weaknesses:
    (-) Anachronism: Having been frozen in carbonite for over 900 years, Ki still struggles at times to understand current cultural references, social norms and local histories. While she has had time to learn modern Basic, there are still times her words and accent can be confusing.

    (-) Mental Illness: Side effects of long carbonite-sleep and the trauma of waking up centuries out of time have created some psychological and emotional damage. Ki struggles with nightmares, panic attacks and depression.

    Relevant Skills:
    • Piloting
    • Martial Arts
    • Espionage/Stealth
    • Singing
    • Sidearms
    • melee weapons

    Most Proficient Force Powers:
    Light Sabre Styles:
    Soresu (defense)
    Tràkata (offense)

  • Ki is on a journey from her past to a new present. The dark Dervishes, and their control over her, are gone. All that she had believed in, swore loyalty to, based her life on, were gone. She was alone, a cult member without a cult. The trauma of the carbonite thaw and her presence in a time so unfamiliar left her reeling, lost and angry. The fuel of fanaticism ran dry without the tradition it upheld. Desperation lead her to the Jedi.

    As a Seyugi, Ki's power was drawn from the Dark Side, but the Seyugi tradition she embodied was far from other Dark Siders, like the Sith. Violence was a means to an end, and there was no use for chaos. Power was not their desire, but personal gain. While the Sith taught to fuel their powers through strong emotion, the Seyugi disciplined and concealed their emotions. Since these were not so opposite the Jedi doctrine as the Sith, ti did make it easier to adopt Jedi thinking. The lack of hesitation to do violence when justified and tightly held emotions are still traits Ki possesses.

    Ki can come across as stoic or cold until one knows her. Her 'antiquity' at times still leads to embarrassing faux pas and misunderstandings, but she has learned to laugh at herself. One on one or in a small group, Ki will open up, allow herself to share, laugh and enjoy companionship.


  • Significant Items:
    • Jedi Robes
    • Leather/fiberweave armor
    • Lightsaber (Orange Blade, Recopian hilt)
    • Vibrodagger
    • M.I. Model 6M Blaster Pistol
    • Collection of non-energized melee weapons (which can be imbued by Force Weapon)



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