Kian Karr
Kel Dorable
OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATIONIntent: To develop a standardized Jedi Starfight for the Green Jedi Order and for all Jedi of the Jedi Alliance/Jedi Academy Network.
Image Source: Amras-Arfeiniel (Deviantart)
Canon Link: n/a
Primary Source: Jedi-Class Heavy Starfighter
Manufacturer: The Correllian Confederacy
Affiliation: Jedi of the Jedi Alliance/Jedi Academy Network
Model: Jedi-Class Interceptor (JCI)
Production: Minor
Material: Duranium
Classification: Interceptor
Length: 9 meters
Width: 4.5 meters
Height: 2 meters
Armament: High
- 4 x Laser Cannons
- 2 x Ion Cannons
- 2 x MG7-A Proton Torpedo tubes (carrying 4 each for a total of 8 torpedoes)
- 2 x Jedi Shadow Bomb
Squadron Count: Low: 4
Maneuverability Rating: Moderate
Speed Rating: Average
Hyperdrive Class: 1 (w/ hyperdrive ring)
- Standard Ion Engines
- Standard Life Support Systems
- Standard Navigational Systems
- Standard Repulsorlift Engines
- Can Enter Atmosphere and Land
- Capable of entering hyperspace with hyperspace ring
- Warhead Countermeasures Launcher (10 chaff bursts or 7 Flares)
- Encrypted Communications Array
- Dual Shielded (Ray shield & Particle Shield)
- Advanced Targeting system
- Astromech socket
- Heavy armaments
- Heavy shielding
- Maneuverable
- Slower than most interceptors
- Unable to enter hyperspace without hyperspace ring
- Low squadron count
Description: With the fall of the Republic many of the standardized equipment typically used by the Jedi are no longer available. The JCI was designed and developed by the Correllian Confederacy to serve as a standardized interceptor to be used by members of the Green Jedi Order as well as any Jedi associated with the Jedi Alliance/Jedi Academy Network.
The JCI has many of the standard bells and whistles one would expect on a standard interceptor. However, the vessel also comes standard with a large number of armaments. Additionally, whereas other Jedi Interceptors (e.g., J-1 Interceptors) did not have shields to defend from attack, the JCI does. Including these armaments and shielding comes at the cost of only average speed, meaning it will be easily outpaced by many Interceptor models.