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Kiara Alanna Decoix


Name: Kiara Alanna Decoix
Homeworld: Coruscant
Nickname/Alias: Lady
Date of Birth: 42 ABY

Faction: Sith Order
Rank: Sith Lady

Species: Echani/ Epicanthx
Height: 5'7
Weight: 105
Hair Color: Black
Skin Color: Tanned

Now grown Kiara looks much like well toned lady, her body holding little excess fat on it. Her eyes naturally grey only showing red whenever she has to focus on a particularly dangerous dark art. She has light scars over her skin obvious to a droid but barely noticeable unless up close by humans. Despite the way she lives, her skin remains pure and soft. When it comes to her style of dress, her favorite colors are red, purple and black. When out in the city, she would boast a slim black form fitting dress, and in battle or training her normal black silk like robes. Her hair now longer still falling at the end of her back, though it is usually tied down just in case she falls into battle.

She has been known as a beauty even as she's dabbled in some dark arts. It is something of a wonderment how the use of it has not effect her looks. Though it is what she uses in the mix of that as her art of seduction knowing that it is easier when undercover. She also usually has a rather confident smile that can be mistaken for welcoming when that is what she's never been. Though when she is angered all pretenses will be dropped and you will get a peek inside that cold interior. Many men can not even stand her look when she is not in a better mood. Her eyes have been called intense and at other times during her undercover mission full of a sultry feeling.

Kiara is the type of person that is usually outspoken when it comes to her words. Though emotionally she is very reserved to people she does not know or hasn't known for a long a time. Her emotions are usually hard to read, thanks to years of dealing with questionable company. Kiara is very thoughtful about situations, usually she doesn't like to speak or act before judging the situation carefully. This leads most people to wrongly speculate that she doesn't speak at all. Kiara is still known to be slightly volatile at times, which is a habit that she is working on as she knows its not a likeable trait.

Weaknesses and Strengths:
Resourceful: Has managed to survive on Coruscant since she was six. By pickpocketing and steal meals out the diner whenever she could.

Quick on feet: Years of pickpocketing and diner dashing has made sure she is in shape and agile.

Quick wit: She is very intelligent. Her street smarts compensate for her lack of any more than the most basic education.

Pride: She relies on herself for her own survival as she has learned not to trust or want help from anyone. This has put her worse off then she could have been.

Lack of compassion: She only looks out for herself because after the short life she's lived she keeps people at arms length.

Resolve: As of now, she is at the cross-roads of whether she wants to truly submit herself to darkness and the evil within that comes with it. As such, her claim to the dark side and proficiency with it is weaker than it can be.

- Aquata Rebreather
- Repelling rope
- Customed Curved Hilt Saber:
Outfitted with a hurrikane crystal to make her saber blade sharper. Also it is outfitted with a Vexxtal crystal obtained from the dark lord to make it's touch poisonous.
-Double bladed saber detachable

Force Powers
-Telekinesis: 55%
-Force Sense: 60%
-Force Speed: 59%
-Force Jump: 60%
-Force Corrupt: 40%
-Force Destruction: 50
-Force Rage: 80
-Force Rage: 62%
-Force Crush: 50%
-Force Strike: 45%
-Concealment: 60%
-Force Shield: 70%
-Force Lightning: 45%
-Dark Side Tendrils: 40%
-Waves of Darkness: 45%
-Dark Sided Healing: 60%
-Obscure: 50%
-Inertia: 45%

She was born to a drunk gambler of a father and a mother who was really a shell of a women. Having being beaten by her husband for many years if she was gone on a high, she merely sat there. Needless to say, Kiara was destined for a rough life. Whether it was a gift or curse, she was released from this life before her father started beating her at the age of 6. Her father owed a minor drug dealer money and a bounty hunter came to collect. It was apparently a substantial debt as the dealer sent a prominent bounty hunter.

She still remembers the day vividly, her father was on a drunken fury chasing Kiara. When the bounty hunter shoot down the door, his father turned too late with blaster bolts catching him in the side. Within two seconds, her mother was blasted down too. The bounty hunter turned to her and Kiara thought it was over. However, with a swift hit on the head she fell out cold. A couple of hours later, Kiara woke up in a alley in the city. She was left with enough credits for the week, other than that she was left alone. It didn't take long for her to learn about the streets though, she quickly learned to pickpocket for credits. She has spent the last 3 years running and stealing to survive however, it has to change soon she won't be a little girl for much longer.

The Sith:
While making her plan of what she needed to steal for the day, she found herself considering pickpocketing a very dangerous man. However, what she didn't know was that this man was a Sith. Upon catching her in the act, she turned and took off running through her usual routes. Though it the heat of the moment and her lack of focus she managed to run into a dead end. With her only weapon which was a blaster, she managed to fire off several bolts with surprisingly good accuracy. Though as they struck the Sith, he seemed to heal back almost instantly. It wasn't long before the Sith caught her, however he had a surprising offer. To take her from the streets and show her the way to true power. Thinking the alternative might be death, she graciously accepted the Sith as her Sith Master.

The next year for her was one of much confusion and growth for the young girl. She has managed to fend off and kill several insect like beings on Hurrikane for their precious Hurrikane crystal. And within the force and light saber skills she has had much growth, now able to tackle the Sith Knight setting on the training arena. Admittedly the settings are older so they may not be up to current standards, and her master had helped her learn to read and become quite literate. Kiara has now been able to lift two people at once without much strain and manipulate them by tossing them or bringing them to her. However, there are still many mysteries of the dark side she needs to learn. Though the young girl has already set her sights high to the throne

Kiara has had an increasing amount of mentors, alongside her own adventures and self training. She was sent on a mission to track down and kill a future Jedi in the rising. Upon arriving there she was dismayed to find out the man and leaped off a cliff into the water. At first she thought he was dead but upon further senses she realized he was still alive. Still flashes of her days as an orphan and not confident in her ability to swim. She gather the force and leaped into the waters, upon following the young boy through the waters. She began to lose her breath but as she desperately reached out the dark side sustained her. By allowing her to hold on with the minor amounts of air still in her body. Upon later study, she learned this technique was known as breath control. However despite her progress within the force she was unable to catch the Jedi who ran and she was blocked by his guard.

It was only later would she be given a chance to once more prove herself. She was allowed to be there at the start of the Shadow War. Among those with devastating power like her master Chriff, Lord Phage and the Dark lord himself. She received admonishment from Lord Phage but actual words that inspired her from the dark lord. This marked another turning point in Kiara's life, she was sure now that she would one day become Dark Lord. She'd surprise everyone and show the galaxy what she could really do. However first she would have to grow much stronger, see as the Dark Lord was constantly training she expected no less from herself. She takes teachings from any Sith she respects enough to listen too. If a Sith can have a friend however, her's would be another Sith apprentice named Silus. Kiara has grown to respect him more than the others.

Upon going on her first mission without her master, Kiara and her new friend Silus had to track down a Sith traitor. The catch was that he was most likely receiving help from a darker force. Upon landing both Sith learned more and Kiara gained more respect for Silus. However there time for pleasantries was short for the Sith as they soon set off to hunt down the traitors. To Kiara's dismay the dark side graced Silus with a vision of the the duo and the location of the cave. Upon reaching the cave Silus fought Ultrax while Kiara dueled his strong helper. After almost losing the battle Kiara managed to immerse herself in the dark side for a second and defeat the help. When she reported her victory to the dark lord, she was graced with regular training and a Vexxtal crystal as well. Merely days later after another successful mission did she run by one named Marcko and found him to be strong in the dark side and emotions. Upon seducing him to wanting to join the Sith, Kiara gained more of the Dark lord and her hero's favor. After a training session she unintentionally tapped into her newest powers Force Crush and Force Strike.

Upon Vexas Saix's leaving of the Sith, Kiara herself left for the valley of the dark lords. Taking with her several files and training videos so she could still training while surviving out there. Day after day she would be attacked but Korriban's natural predators. At first it was hard and she struggled to stay alive daily but as time wore on she grew stronger and worked harder. Still the attacks and harsh weather helped her hone her saber and force skills. She was determined when she returned to the Sith to be an asset to them. She'd bring them out of the grave they'd fall in without Vexas and Phage. Spending nine years exploring the valley and fighting it's greatest predators until she became the predator herself. She had almost lost herself and sanity multiple times but now she is ready to return to the galaxy and reshape the Sith.

Upon returning to the Sith she started working on Coruscant as well with her former gang members now leading them as their Mistress. Upon doing so she attracted the attention of many noisy members of Coruscant and as such their lives have to be ended. The last assassination caused the attention of a young jedi to follow her around and search for her. Kiara never being one to step away from a challenge faced the young jedi, though the Jedi had admirable defense it seemed her offense was lacking as Kiara rather easily defeated the girl. She took the girl's arm and lightsaber and would have taken her life had she felt like it. However, she would let the girl serve as a warning to anyone who tried to step against her again. It was on her way back that she met Sith Battlemaster Ariana, and she had a brief yet promising training session under the Sith and got the chance to see her truly battle against another Sith.

After receiving sound training and advice from Ariana Kiara took off for the planet of Kashyyk to train in private. She spent several months training in the wastelands of Kashyyk gaining several powers from a old holocron and bolstering the power she had already. It was then that she could feel everything coming together, she could somewhat control the storm of emotions that used to consume her. This experience has only come by through many close life or death situations that she most times only narrowly prevailed through.

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