Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Approved Melee Weapon Kiba no Shimai | Roten's Twin Blades

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Manufacturer: Roten
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Semi-Unique
Weight: Average
Melee Type:
  1. Dagger
Size: Large



  • Force imbued thanks to alchemy, making it resistant to lightsabers.
  • O-Ring pommels are included on the ends to let the blades be spun in the fingers of the user.
  • Neutral Force allignment.
  • Only two blades exist.
  • Cortosis Woven: The weave will deactivate lightsbers without built in resistance.
  • Force imbued thanks to alchemy, making it resistant to lightsabers.
  • Pair Strenght: Bound through the Force, those holding one of the blades will have preference over the other, as the kunai are naturally drawn to their sibling. This makes them easily thrown and pulled back with the Force.
  • Void Stone and Ysalamiri may negate or turn off the effects of the weapon.
  • Unruly, difficult for non-Force users to wield.
A pair of blades forged by Roten with the use of the Force training given to him by Lord Kalrath Lord Kalrath . They are a set, siblings bound together by the Force and the favorite weapon of Roten when going into battle. The Kunai were designed with violence in mind, prepared to go toe to toe with a Jedi, but the blades themselves do not carry an allignment in the Force due to the unskilled nature of their craft. Their foundation is the black metal Durite, with a Durasteel core and a blade woven with Cortosis to catch the unprepared Jedi off guard.

Art by Chaos_Cat Chaos_Cat


Out Of Character Info

Intent: To codify the weapons of my sith pirate.
Image Source(s):
Canon Link: N/A
Permissions: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: Roten
Model: N/A
Modular: No
Material: Durite, Cortosis Weave
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