Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Kicking Things Off!

Darth Vulcanus

Better than other-other space Kaiden
Welcome to the first quarterly update for the Lords of Nal Hutta - and the first day of official faction activity! Future updates will be used to give brief overviews of faction story over a three-month period as well lay down future plans for the faction. These updates may become more frequent or less-frequent based on necessity.

For this update, however, we will be discussing:

  • IC and OOC story, goals and leadership of the faction
  • Upcoming Story Plots & How You Can Help Affect them
  • The "Turf War" meta-mechanic project
  • The "Art of Corruption" Faction Philosophy
  • And wrapping up with a little on our "Free Underworld" ambition and a link to our faction discord.

IC Goals of the Faction

From an IC perspective, the goals are simple. The Lords of Nal Hutta seek to expand Hutt criminal influence throughout the galaxy by creating an expanding network of Criminal Street/Pirate/Smuggler Gangs, Corrupt Public Officials, Hired Guns and Outlaws all under the lordship of Hutt Kajidics and the Lords of Nal Hutta, a reformed neo-Council of Ancients.

Non-hutt gangs, corrupt officials, outlaws and even weaker Hutt Kajidics are rewarded for their service with protection and connections and allowed to expand their enterprises in exchange for kick-ups to the more powerful Hutts above them.

OOC Goals of the Faction

From an OOC perspective, the goals are ambitious but passionate. The Lords of Nal Hutta is a faction that seeks to put as much power in the player base as possible. We are not out for map space that is not story driven, we out to create a world where characters from all factions and walks of life can come to be immersed in the Underworld of Star Wars.

Through the encouragement of creation, we want our players to have the freedom to create their own gangs, locations, and worlds. With the collective thinking and progressive mindset of a dedicated player base, we believe we can create a whole new realm of RP for all players on the site. More of this will be discussed in our "Turf War", "Art of Corruption" and "Free Underworld" sections.

Bottom line is, bring crime back in a big way.

Leadership OOC

Leadership in the faction OOC will be handled on basis of merit and experience. The goal with staff will be and ALWAYS will be to have fair, calm and thoughtful members who will keep toxicity low and spirts high.

Leadership OOC will not always lead to a corresponding IC rank, though this may be the case in some instances. This is because we do not want to promote the idea that you have to be faction staff to get anywhere in the faction - we want anyone to be able to the top of the dog pile if they want to.

This being said, staff will always maintain a non-aggression policy when it comes to OOC interactions and will not hesitate to disbar anyone of IC rank if they fail to behave as a respectful member of society.

Leadership IC

Leadership IC will happen on many levels. There are three main types of leadership ICly that are present in the faction. Any member can theoretically ascend to any of these ranks and can start as either a Kajidic Lorda or a Gang Leader. Lords of Nal Hutta remain a staff bestowed rank to those who have achieved enough IC success.

  • Gang Leaders/Crime Lords: These are non-hutt characters who run criminal syndicates in the name of one of the Hutt Kajidics. They own "turf" which will be spoken about in the "Turf War" section of this article.

  • Kajidic Lorda: The Hutt lords of Hutt Clans are by, general standards, more powerful than your average crimelord - though a lowly Kajidic leader may command as much respect as a gang leader. Kajidic Lorda are only as powerful as the gangs and hired guns under their control.

  • Lorda Nal Hutta/Lords of Nal Hutta: The leaders of which are faction derives its namesake, the Lords of Nal Hutta rule on a small council that makes decisions for the Hutt species and creates By-laws for all criminal activity within the faction.
Years of neglect, war and crackdown have left Nal Hutta - along with much of Hutt space - in disarray. Disorganized crime engulfs the streets of Nar Shadaa, endless and leaderless violence destroys profit and Hutts have lost the power they once wielded.

But the time for action has come.

Shadowy figures have reemerged to take the galaxy for all that is worth. Ruthless crime bosses from across the Hutt Kajidics have risen to the top and reformed the Council of Ancients under a new name. The Lords of Nal Hutta.

With fire and sword, they plan to reclaim Hutt space and take what is theirs. Their message is clear, the choice is simple.

Serve and be rewarded - Defy and disappear.


There are several plotlines being tossed around but we are focusing on the introductory thread which will be going up over the weekend.

Summoned before the Lords of Nal Hutta, you have been chosen for your potential to expand Kajidic influence across the galaxy. Smugglers, Pirates, Slavers, Crime Lords, Bounty Hunters, Hutts - all walks of life within the underworld have been called to serve and be rewarded.
This thread will introduce the galaxy to the faction and allow all interested parties to make contact with the Lords of Nal Hutta. It will also be the catalyst for future threads that will be both faction and character-specific - heists, raids, drug running and the like will be carried on the back of this social escapade.

But You Have the Power to Create

If criminality expands, so does the power of the faction and we have no desire to see criminals be leashed. There isn't a need to wait on the next grand faction thread, The Lords of Nal Hutta encourage members to go out and be criminals across the galaxy. Set up bases of operation, sell drugs, start slave camps, corrupt a politician.

Start your own dream Faction Thread. These threads will have the support of faction staff (in most cases) and will be advertised and helped plotted and developed. Through this, we hope to build an atmosphere where the story takes precedent.

Turf War is an ambitious meta-mechanic that is being developed with the hope that the faction can stay dynamic, fun and constantly be changing internally. This meta-mechanic seeks to take the map of the site to a new level, in which criminals can take their own wars to the streets.

Currently in an early development, Turf War hopes to give a sense of scale and progress to the member base.

As it stands Turf War will have two layers of influence in which criminal players can roleplay conflicts between syndicates.
The first is the Hutt "Estates", swaths of territory owned by Hutt Kajidics and made-up of the territory collected by them and the gangs who swear loyalty to them. Kajidic Estates can war with each other, bringing several gangs into conflict to control different criminal markets or destroy competition.
The second is "Turf" or the smaller territories within Estates that gangs and other small syndicates own. Gang war and violence is a constant threat at this level.
The hope is that this meta-mechanic will bring depth to the criminal underworld and fuel story. The mechanic is still being developed but suggestions on what you'd like to see are always welcome and if you are a member of the faction and would like to help directly develop Turf War, please
join the faction discord at the link at the bottom of the article and ask a member of staff.
The Art of Corruption is a Faction Expansion and RP policy that carries over from a single idea - Criminal Empires Don't Play like Governmental Ones. Criminal Lords don't march armies in the streets to demonstrate power or make grand speeches to the masses. They are names spoken in whispers, thugs on street corners, the business burning for the insurance money, the dirty cops and the crooked politicians.

This is the theme of our faction.

Corruption is everywhere and is usually right under your nose. Major faction activity will hinge on the story of corruption surrounding the planets we encounter, the people we ally with, the dominions we conduct and the invasions we start (if any).

So How does this affect anything?
Dominions and any official map movements/expansions would be driven by the previous story involving the planets in question. Instead of the story revolving around the desire to expand, the desire to expand will revolve around the story being told.
Have criminals been buying the cops and politicians in previous threads and this is the final push? Has the drug market refused to budge to demands and now a hostile take over is beginning? Or is this the clash of the Lords and another major syndicate that will leave the streets bathed in criminal blood?
Faction Stories will revolve around criminal enterprise and the conflict it inevitably breeds.
The Direction of the Faction will flow based on the IC progress of corruption throughout the galaxy and will drive major decisions.
The ultimate ambition for the faction is to create a "Free Underworld" that is rich in development, story and locations. By encouraging writers to forge their own stories within the confines of the faction, we hope to give the Underworld on Chaos the depth it deserves.

Every planet can be a new gang war, a new city to write in or a new criminal activity to partake in. This world is something we hope will be a sort of second layer to Chaos, where we can have stories of self-righteous factions sending Jedi to stem crime or unsuspecting innocents landing for a good time only to find the criminal chaos we have developed together. All of it thoroughly planned out by cooperative writers, without malice and without petty contempts.

A thriving criminal underworld that everyone can enjoy - regardless of faction and character.

I hope you enjoyed this first Quarterly Update, as long winded as it was. Please Join our discord by clicking the logo above and join our faction!
We will be waiting for you in the underworld!

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