Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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General Overview
  • Name: Kida
    The Wild Child
  • The Forever Child
  • Kida Ravos (Former)
  • Kida Malgus (Former)
  • Princess of Atrisia (Former)
  • The Not-So-Metal Metal Lord
  • Kitty
  • Daux

[*]Species: Homanan
[*]Place of Birth: Endor
  • Current Home:
  • Abregado
  • Commenor

[*]Age: Ageless; Looks around 10 standard years
[*]Gender: Female
[*]Build: Malnourished, Scrawny
  • Height: 4'3
  • Eye Colour: White-Green
  • Hair Colour: Black
  • Complexion: Dark Skin
  • Distinguishing Features: Not Applicable
  • Playby: Marina Nery

[*]Force Sensitive?: Very Much So
  • Force Rank: Witch Initiate

Strengths And Weaknesses
  • Strengths:
    Shapeshifter; Though she's only ever been able to shift into one other full form, Kida is able to alter her body from that of a child to a Daux cat. With further training and experimenting it is possible she will be able to further harness these abilities across a broader spectrum
  • Warg; Kida's connection to nature runs deep, so much so that she is capable of peering through the eyes of animals, specifically her two bestial companions. She has never attempted this with a creature she didn't already have a connection with
  • Nature's Babe; Raised in the wild, Kida's survival skills far surpass most humanoids. She knows how to track, to hunt, which plants to avoid... She is more at home within the wild than she is among civilization, and is more protective of the land than she is the people who reside within it

  • Incomprehensive; Even with the tireless efforts of those who have watched over her throughout the years, Kida still struggles with basic comprehension and speech. There have been times throughout her long life that she has picked up words and full sentences, but continued abandonment has always reverted her back to her more feral state, with such civilized traits forgotten
  • Feral; The nuances of civilized life elude her entirely. She is uneasy on two feet, has appalling able manners, and is likely to bolt at the slightest noise. Her mannerisms take after the creatures she has spent most of her life with, and if not for her obvious humanoid appearance it would be easy to mistake her for an animal
  • Eternal Child; For whatever reason, Kida has not aged in decades. Her physical and mental state remain that of a child, which is distressing for her to realize when she happens upon faces from her past, such as friends who are now old enough to have children of their own. For the most part she does not see time in the same way as most humans, it passes by in the blink of an eye especially during her years of solitude
  • Distrusting; There is only so much abandonment one child can take. It is difficult for Kida to trust that her Guardians won't leave her behind again, and as such she has a tough time coming around to new people, remaining somewhat distant and wary

Family And Relationships
  • Family:
    [member='Mythos'], Adoptive Father

  • [member='HK-36'], Funny Silver Friend
  • [member='Jaxton Ravos'], Original Father Figure
  • [member='Thurion Heavenshield'], Childhood Best Friend
  • [member='Thirdas Heavenshield']. Best Friend

[*]Masters And Apprentices:
  • [member='Jaxton Ravos'], Former Master
  • [member='Rapax'], Former Tutor

[*]Pets and Mounts:

[*]Successful Kills:
  • Not Applicable

Pre-Roleplay History
"Daux" was born on Endor, amongst a primitive tribe of humanoids. Her family had lived there for generations, and retained the secret that they were not as they seemed, each of them being of the Homanan species and mostly adept shapeshifters - yet each seemed to retain an affinity for only a handful of "skins", if that. When she was barely two Daux disappeared from the pseudo-village, and remained unfound. Believing her dead the family soon gave up hunting, and carried on with their lives, while the young child was discovered by a female Daux-Cat and her litter.

Rather than devouring the screaming child the Daux-Cat seemed to 'adopt' her into its litter, and raised her to feast on the same meals as her young, to hunt as they did, to act as they did, and by the time "Daux" was four she had found her second skin, that of her adoptive family, wearing and shedding it naturally. Life did not change much, each day merging into one another broken only by the occasional bit of shut-eye. That is, of course, until a hunk of metal appeared in her clearing...

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