Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Kik Messenger

So Does anyone on here use Kik messenger or do they all use Skype....I have both but on mobile I prefer Kik.

Either way you can find me on both.

Kik. RyRyTheTerror

Skype. RykerOfDxun

Feel free to message and add me on either
[member="Jerek Zenduu"]

Apparently us Padawans ain't allowed to do much from what I've seen lol. I've gotta wait till I'm full grown and a Master Jedi to use MY OWN lightsabers because apparently a padawan can't build such a brilliantly designed weapon
[member="Ryker Tal'verda"]
If you planned to submit it to the factory, let the factory let you know about that. Unless this saber has some form of mastercraft alchemy or force imbuement added to it, a lightsaber is a lightsaber. There is very little a padawan could not do that a Jedi master could do in assembling one.

Nobody has any right telling you what you can and cannot do unless it is in violation of the rules.
[member="Ryker Tal'verda"]

You're getting fed a lot of bullshit. The saber might be a bit overpowered for a paddie, but that shouldn't stop your character from doing anything towards its development. Same with most any story choices, you're just as free as any other player to do what you want with your character.
[member="Ryker Tal'verda"]
Honestly there's no real reason to use both in a lightsaber hilt, you're rarely ever going to have anyone hit it with a lightsaber or blaster, but you can make a blade guard (I'll put an image below) made of cortosis so that if you need to you can deflect a blow from a saber and simultaneously short it out, and then make the hilt of beskar - beskar being nearly indestructible anyways.

[member="Braith Achlys"]

I use a Doublebladed lightsaber which historically are known for being sliced in half and I was attempting to circumvent that particular design flaw.

Could I make the hilt out of Beskar with a thin Cortosis sleeve around it possibly?

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