Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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NAME: Kikhveakkaz, Avon
FACTION: Zenithian Imperium
RANK: Commodore
AGE: 33
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 124 cm.
WEIGHT: 33 kg.
EYES: Grapefruit
HAIR: Moodring
SKIN: Burgundy


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
  • [+] Devout: He loves his job and would never betray the people who support that job.
  • [+] Spatially-Aware: He has a Ph.D in astrophysics... not really, just a Masters.
  • (-) Confusing: He's not quite crazy, just... different.
  • (-) Condescending: He's the best of the best! No, really!
  • (-) Third Person: We're still not sure how this is a bad thing, but we'll pretend this has some sort of negative effect in battle.
Burgundy skin, a long body, feathers midnight black; Kikh is certainly not the orthodox Fosh. He wears vintage robe clothing off-duty like life depended on it. His beak is adorned with jewelry and piercings, not to mention the Fosh equivalent of a face mask for protection, though that's also "pimped" out in fine jewels. Oh, and Kikh loves cigars - he usually has one tucked in the side of his beak, living the Corellian Dream.

Kikh grew up on the still-unknown Fosh world in CorpSec space. One day, he left his planet to meddle in someone else's banthapoodoo learn from the other great cultures of the galaxy. He joined the Shadow Empire and later became an officer in the Imperial Shadow Navy. Climbing up the ranks, he became an Captain and eventually earned his own battleship, the Graves of Sanvaiku. Kihk quickly became regarded as one of the strangest naval commanders to roam the stars.
Avon Kikhveakkaz was later honorably discharged by the Shadow Council (in an act of imperial corruption, undoubtedly) and once again came in pursuit of doing what he did best: sailing the celestial seas.

Yavin-Class Starfighter

Armorweave Naval Trench Coat
Durasteel Trooper Armour
MMSW-70 Savan-Class PPDW
(2) EMBU Bodyguards





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