Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Kilanaya "Keely" Jelko


Name: Kilanaya Jelko

Nickname: "Keely"

Faction: None

Rank: N/A

Species: Human

Birthplace: Nar Shaddaa

Age: 19

Sex: Female

Height: 175 cm

Weight: 65 kg

Eyes: Grey

Hair: Blonde

Skin: Pale

Force Sensitive: No
Strengths & Weaknesses:

+ Positive: Has an unfailingly lighthearted way about her.

+ Unarmed Specialist: Has experience fighting armed enemies with just her hands and feet.

+ Excellent Marksman: Makes a living hitting what she aims at.

- Greedy: She prefers to think of herself as fiscally conscious.

- Flair for Violence: A day without a good fight is just so boring.

- Uncultured: Try as she might, she just can't blend in decent society.



Keely was born and raised on the streets of Nar Shaddaa, scraping to get by since the day she could walk. Whether it was stealing, begging, or more unsavory acts, she did anything she could to survive. This mindset was not enough, however. She started earning some credits fighting in basements and alleys, a brutal entertainment for the slightly more well-off populace.

She must have made an impression, or maybe she just beat up the wrong stooge, but shortly after her seventeenth birthday, the door to her small, shared apartment was sliced in the night. Keely and all of her friends were set upon by a group of armed thugs, the teenager managing to take down only one before a stun baton was jabbed into her neck.

She and the others were packed into slave ships by morning, just another batch bound for some spice mine, or worse. In a strange twist of fate, however, the ship Keely was on was attacked by a group of pirates.


"Big Girl", a YZ-1200 Light Freighter with some of the second deck cargo space refitted for prisoner containment.

MP-77 Heavy Blaster Pistol (2x)
CZ-838 Sniper Rifle


Keely wears a set of armor specifically modified over years to fit her various needs. It comes mounted with a wrist-launcher, a jet pack, and lots of extra ammo. She will also occasionally dress down to regular clothing, however.


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